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Nov. 14th, 2010



Who: Mirror + various
Where: Various dorms, then ???
When: Day 192 (from early morning until whenever, to work around timespace shenanigans)
What: Penalties!

[The day after the two Lepus team members departed ... There's a familiar presence moving through Sabra, knocking on your doors and catching you out by the lake, depending on where you are.]

(( OOC: I will start threads for each character! Please indicate your location (in the dorms, out by the lake, wherever) when you first comment to your thread. After you're done, you may use this post to RP fallout/coming back from Mirror if you want. ))




Who: Ophi
Where: OPHI
When: Day 191, evening

[one TIMBRE is dragging one IKKI to Ophi. literally dragging. through the dirt.

also someone drew on his face so he has a monocle, angry pointy eyebrows, a badass scar, goatee, and curly mustache]



Hey, Aeon.


Who: Any
Where: The Arena
When: Day 191, evening

[The Call to the Arena today is loud and distinctive. Some of you may have even heard it before... the air seems to fill with the wild chords of electric guitars, heavy, thrumming bass, and someone really having a great time pounding out a rhythm on the drums. The vocals are missing, but it is unmistakably rock and roll, at that verge of edging onto metal.

Banners of brown and white stretch over a distinctly divided room. To one side, it could easily pass for an austere Victorian dining hall. A lacquered black table stretches out with a few ornamental ceramic pots of steaming water, and a varied selection of tea leaves to strain. Small pastries sit on ornamental plates, and the main dishes seem to be some kind of small marinated bird. To the other, the table becomes far more rough hewn, and the surroundings a bit more like a Medieval hall. Heavy chairs and a few stumps have been pushed up to the table... and the main course seems to be something that smells almost like lamb, and a wide variety of vegetable fare. There are two washbasins, one with water and the other with blood.

In front of both Van and Mikaila's places there are special dessert plates that have not yet been filled. But more importantly, there is a side table dedicated to alcohol.

Outside of the immediate area of the table, there's a small table filled with french fries, onion rings and punch.]

Nov. 13th, 2010




Who: Hey dudes~
Where: Pyxis dorms
When: Day 190, early afternoon
What: Mission times.





Who: :'D
Where: Anywhere
When: Day 191, afternoon-ish
What: shhhhhh. listen~

[There is an Uoboros wondering about~ And seems to be humming cheerfully to himself. And possibly laughing to himself at random intervals. Sometimes, he may even pause and cock his head as if listening to something before continuing on his way, visiting all you wonderful colored blanks, you.]

Nov. 11th, 2010




Who: Uraeus and YOU
Where: By the arena
When: Day 190, early evening

[There's a really loud siren. Loud and annoying. So annoying, in fact, that you kind of want to come by and see who's making that racket and telling them to shut up. The sound leads to towards the arena, where you see some Uraeus busy with setting... SOMETHING up.

Also most of them are wearing safety headphones.]




Who: Weed, anyone
Where: Walking from the Pygnus gardens to the Arena and back
When: Day 190, all day
What: Rock-hauling

*Weed is very slowly carting rocks back from the Arena, rocks that he is specially choosing for their superb ability to make a really great stone wall around the Pygnus gardens. He's also trying to look too busy to be disturbed*

Nov. 10th, 2010



Who: anyone and some pyxis dudes
Where: Near the river
When: Day 190, lateish morning
What: Laundry 8|a

[TWO PYXIS HAVE......thrown a few articles of clothing in the river]

. . .I don't think they're getting clean.

Nov. 6th, 2010




Who: Everyone!
Where: Arena
When: Day 188, evening
What: Game~

[The call to the arena goes out as usual. This time around, Mirror's statue is in the arena, presiding over the proceedings with a soft smile on her face. There's also a circle of glass buildings around the center of the arena, arranged in a familiar, War Rooms pattern...]

Let's begin this experiment, shall we?

(( MINGLE until 8 PM EST
WAR ROOMS until 9:30 EST

Oct. 31st, 2010




Who: People
Where: On top Hydra....
When: Day 187, morning
What: Piano hijack

[some dude is totally on Hydra's roof.

Playing their piano. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM.

...although the song gives a very pleasant feeling. Reminiscent of family and warmth...]

Oct. 30th, 2010



Game 116

Who: All Blanks
Where: The Arena
When: Day 186, late evening
What: Game 116

[You are called to the Arena by the sounds of an impatient tapping. The statue that looks down upon you is stern, the face gaunt, and sardonically amused. The arena has several terminals again, screens lit and displaying nothing but a command prompt.

A paper is in front of each terminal, with several lines of options that seem to get more complex as they go along. The only instructions on them is a simple "Circle one, fill out one sheet per team."

[Battle / Parlay
Logic / Emotion
Self preservation / Public good
Unity / Divide and conquer
To live out your time well / Seek eternal life
The practicality of duty / The wisdom of exploration
The game / The result of the game]

Today should be a fairly straightforward experiment. Heh, I highly anticipate your results... and will be greatly interested in what you discover of yourselves today. I do encourage wholehearted participation.

Fill out the forms in front of you... we will begin as you finish.

Answer sheets!
Post-game Mingling]

((OOC: Straightforward choose your adventure game! Grading will be done at the end on a variety of factors! We will start in an hour to an hour and a half depending on as I finish prep!))

Oct. 29th, 2010




Who: Those who have waited through the day
Where: The arena
When: Day 185, evening
What: A conclusion

[Dim light filters down from the arena’s heights; not so bright as to leave the ruins of buildings more than shadowed silhouettes, not so dark as to keep you from finding your way down, and down, to where a single flickering torch lights a broken courtyard.]

Oct. 27th, 2010




Who: Those who rise early, those who rest late
Where: The main cavern shared by Delpavo, Lacanis, and Bunnycorn
When: Day 185, early, early morning
What: A task

[The torchlight has barely begun to brighten; even now, it’s low enough that all colours seem muted into shades of grey. The odd beebat still flies here and there, visiting gardens the blanks have cultivated close to their homes, their high-pitched calls inaudible to all but the most sensitive ears.

And there is soft, soft knocking upon this door, and that door, and the next; and a presence through the caverns that leaves flickering torches and insistent shadows in its wake.]

Blanks of Sabra La Tau, who will answer my call?

I would ask tribute of you this day.

Oct. 26th, 2010



Who: Pygnus and friends
Where: Pyxis dorms
When: Day 184, evening
What: Memories, danger, INTRIGUE

[A normal evening is happening at Pyxis tonight. The gourmet aroma of dinner simmering is wafting back from the kitchen. Knuckles, though bruised and cut, are not iced like real men where they are. Glass lumps of unrecognizable but AWESOME things are on the table...

It is in fact almost boringly peaceful before Big Sis walks back into the common room, an unnervingly dead... pastel colored squidrat dangling by one tentacle in her hand, and the other has a few berries in it...]

... Someone explain these. The stew keeps spitting them out.

Oct. 20th, 2010



Who: YOU!
Where: Nearrr the Arena
When: Day 182, noon

I promise our prizes are better than last time. . . . oh, and I guess I should say that if you're no good with physical stuff, this might not be the opportunity for you.

(ooc: starting things properly ~8est, you should be able to wander in and out! )

Oct. 17th, 2010




Who: Pygnus
Where: Pyxis
When: Day 181, morning
What: Best part of waking up

Is it breakfast?