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Posts Tagged: '%7Bchaz+villette%7D'

Apr. 23rd, 2011



Who: Monster Hunter, whoever
Where: Orion
When: Day 233, evening
What: memory-taking gets ever more moody and quiet

[It is nighttime, and thus it is indoors-time for many. There's been a new pile of memories on the table since yesterday, but right now Wolfwood is ignoring them in favour of sharpening a piece of bone. Ignoring the hell out of them.]

Apr. 22nd, 2011




Where: Vicinity of Hydracula
When: Day 233, afternoon
What: DROP BEARS. no rly.

[I'm sure you were just minding your own business when you passed by this fine afternoon. But that is most certainly a furry creature WITH CLAWS that just landed on you]

Apr. 4th, 2011



Who: Everyone~
Where: Arena
When: Day 229, afternoonish
What: Ophi minigame!

[What's that noise? It's the Uraeus call to action! Namely banging of pots, pans, and possible headcrabbings. Also burning. Whatever works.]



Who: Orion + visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 229, noon and onwards
What: Game actions wear off, and other things

[228 was a long day. It's possible 229 will be just as long. It hasn't gotten off to a terrific start for some Orions, at least.]

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Game 140

Who: Anyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 229, noonish
What: [On the throne today is a smiling youth, face ringed by black curls. He has a harp-like instrument in his lap and a pen behind his ear. It's been a while since any have seen him, but, perhaps, to the oldest and most keen observers here, he seems perhaps a touch thinner than last time. The Arena is not terribly decorated for his appearance, indeed, if not for the statue sitting there, one would not be sure this was really a call at all.]

Good afternoon, duckies, good afternoon! Who's ready for some wholesome (and platonic!) self-exploration and completely non-fatal fun, hmm? I know I certainly am.  Yes, I'm sure you've all been having just unbearable amounts of fun, but you know, let's just- . . .

[clears his throat]

Ahem. Sorry, I was saying, let's just slow it down.  Maybe, oh, I don't know, talk about our feelings a while.

((Technically, yes, this is a loser game, but anyone can play.))

Mar. 29th, 2011




Who: Orion and anyone out and about
Where: The mushwood forest
When: Day 227, afternoon
What: A lumber-jacking we go!

We should just bring extra this time. We have a place to keep it in the new dorm.

Mar. 22nd, 2011




Who: Albert, anyone
Where: All over
When: Day 226, all morning (but not too early 8Db)
What: Social visits

[Today one member of Hydra is going around to all the dorms! Knocking on doors, saying hello, meeting new people, trading gossip, you name it. He's got a covered woven basket with him, too.]

[...Okay we lied. Maybe not ALL of them. He's probably conspicuously skipping Beardog and Lepus, but that's not to say that he has to ignore aforementioned team members if he meets one of their number on the road, right...?]

Mar. 20th, 2011




Who: Folken, you?
Where: around the rocky cove
When: Day 225, afternoonish

[You may have noticed a tall man in a loose shirt and trousers wandering the area. Though he walks slowly, he strides with purpose, somehow giving off a calm, serious aura. Except for how he keeps craning his head around to stare at everything from rocks to wildlife to grasses like an excited small child.]


Mar. 18th, 2011




Who: YOU
Where: ARENA
When: Day 225, morning
What: ~*Game*~

[TODAY on our throne is none other than our buddy Angel, flanked by her usual enormous maze. There are eight entrances to the maze, each blocked from view by fluttering coloured fabric.]

Hey, hey, is it really scary to lose things? That stuff you're holding onto, would you really be worse off if you didn't have it? And, and, that stuff you want to lose? Is that important too?

[Prep | Mingle (4:30PST - 5:30PST) | MAZE (5:30PST - 8:30PST) | Endgame | Memories]

Mar. 16th, 2011



Who:  Rapunzel, various animals and YOU
Where:  Wherever it is feasible to have all these animals and plants. The fields maybe?? Lets go with the fields.
When: Day 224, afternoonish

[An unmistakable buzzing noise. An unmistakable, oddly tuneful buzzing noise. Add in a chorus of Orvi cawing, some clapping, and... A violin solo somehow? Drums? Who even knows. Should you investigate this abnormality you will find one Disney princess engaging in an elaborate dance number with several of Sabra's beasts as they help her gather food. There is a stack of pederpes rolling onions into a basket with a flick of their tail, beebats actively sharing their honey, fatty lizards helping to carry baskets, at least one dolphinacorn in there somewhere, it goes on and on. This is real. This is a thing that is happening.]

Mar. 14th, 2011




Who: Any
Where: The northeastern tunnels
When: Day 224

[To those who first return to the cavern in the northeast, it may appear that the great green dragon sleeps.

The cavern is dark, its fires burnt out and the dragon rests in its ashes.]




Who: PARROT, whoever
Where: Monster Hunter area
When: Day 224, noon


Hey, you forgot to-- ... he's gone.

[He is decked out in stylish Cetus colored feathers. Including the parrot beak too]

. . . this is worse than the rabbit ears.

((OOC: STILL HILARIOUSLY SLOW due to moontime schedule BUT NET IS FIXED.))

Mar. 13th, 2011



Who: Monster Hunter, visitors
Where: Monster Hunter
When: Day 223, After game
What: Newbie!

[an UNFAMILIAR HEAD just poked itself out of the trapdoor that connects Cetus and Orion] Helloooooooooo? Anybody home?

Mar. 11th, 2011



Who: Anyone
Where: The northeastern tunnels
When: Day 222, evening

[It is sometime as the torches begin truly dimming and even the well lit areas by the cove become a struggle to see. The evening is peaceful as it can be, most of the creatures grazing or hunting anything smaller than itself...

When almost at once, as if obeying some unseen or unheard signal, creatures great and small take on a stance of panic and flee towards the south.

It is merely moments after that when the entire area lights up with a luminance greater than daylight, radiating from the northeast. It darkens slowly, fading to a mere glow in the distance, casting along the great cavern.]

Feb. 28th, 2011




Who: Two foxes and a lizard
Where: Lacerta
When: Day 220, late noon


and a basketful of lizard meat]


Who: Mikazuki, the rest of Sabra
When: Day 220, All day

[Mission start! Just after curfew a figure can be seen slipping out of Pyxis dorms and starting a patrol of the river/lake near the dorm area.

Anyone thinking of fishing, beware!]




Who: Orion, Cetus, interlopers!
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 219, evening

Team meeting, guys! There's a few things I want to talk about.

[Don't mind the rabbit ears and tail o/]

Feb. 26th, 2011




Who? You?
Where? The Arena?
When? Day 219, morning?
What: It's that time again!

[Persona on the throne, people on couches, you know the drill!]

How will things go today?

((Sign-up | Gawk at unconscious people | Mingle - Game start


Endgame - Memories - Vulp Pyxis Lacerta Ursa Corvus))

Feb. 21st, 2011




Who: Monster Hunter, whomever.
Where: at the dorms, near the water
When: Day 217, dinnertime.
What: memories and food

[When life sucks, and you've spent the past few days trying to cope with that, and murdercave just keeps on happen' anyway, there is only one solution. Which is why Chaz is tending to a fire in a large dugout pit, for barbecue. Inside the pit are also the fruit of the labors of Orion: two shrets, butchered and marinating in herbs and a bit of blood, several fish rubbed with a pinch of salt and onions, and more.

They may not be able to stop murdercave, and they'll be gathering for a few days to make up for all the food today, but they can sure as hell have one good meal to make up for the past week or so.]

[ memories. ]

Feb. 20th, 2011




Who: Emil, Mitsuru, whoever is likely to be around Orion
Where: Orion dorms
When: Day 216, a bit post-game

[Someone very cranky is stalking jerkily downstairs with just his vest on, sans shirt- and that done sloppily, as though in a hurry. He has the journal open to a particular page.]

What is this?