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Jan. 31st, 2011




Who: Everyone!
Where: Arena ... again
When: Day 210, evening
What: gosh can't they make up their minds on whether they want us in the arena or not :|

[When you come into the arena today, an alarming combination of Judge statues sits on their thrones: Mirror's familiar, silvery form and Horn's annoying outline are both here.

But more importantly, there is something floating in the air here. Something terrible. The monster offspring of both Judges, the awful, horrible…

cut for sensitive eyes!! )

Let's keep this short and simple tonight. And since dealing with Horn is penalty enough, I suppose I'll be merciful skip the punishments this time.


Jan. 30th, 2011




Who: Pyxis, whoever
Where: Pyxis
When: Day 209, postgame


Hey, who can tell me what's going on?

Jan. 29th, 2011




Who: Claude, Red, other non-grounded lizardkings and wild encounters people
Where: Living areas and general caves!!1 where are YOU today
When: Day 209 morning/daytime
What: Everything is terrible let's find things to feed the Allen 8|a

* today explorin'/food finding is happening *

...blue mushrooms...

(( OOC: Comment with locations in titles! ))

Jan. 18th, 2011




Who: You
Where: The Arena
When: Day 206, late afternoon
What: Game 125

[King sits on the throne today. Before him is a sight most spectacular, with two of the most majestic creatures you've ever seen swimming gloriously through a sea of rainbows and sparkles.]

That is, if you CAN see them... )

Jan. 16th, 2011



Who: Pyxis and visitors!
When: Day 205, post-game
What: Memory-taking and more settling in

[two Pyxis return home triumphant with memory berries!]

Jan. 14th, 2011




Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 205, early afternoon

[Little has changed since you left, other than the light suffusing the Arena is brighter, in time with the day.

As the last of the teams file in, possessions in hand, pushed or pulled behind, the water seeping into the Arena seems to simply be drawn out.

The eastern doors groan, shudder and swing shut with a final, echoing boom. The soft sound of sobbing and water halts just as suddenly. One of the helper ants begins chewing on a wall idly.]

That out of the way! Lets get a little organized, shall we? Please head to the Southern Gate, and line up by partner teams.

Ah, and yes, Cepheus and Lacerta are now partners. Moving on!




Who: Everyone
Where: The Arena
When: Day 205, Early in the morning

[Those who answer the Call today are some level of muddy or wet, having had to slog in through ankle deep mud or knee deep water.

There is very little pomp and circumstance to this particular Call. No unusual setup, no grand sweeping changes as you enter. It is merely bright, full of a dawning, sourceless light and the throne sitting in the middle of the usual ruins and barren spaces you find in the Arena normally.

The King, himself, sits upon the throne.]

Fill in, now. Don’t stand in the doorway. Lets make it snappy.

sayin more stuff to Canis and Orion))

Jan. 12th, 2011




Who: Anyone!
Where: Anywhere there's water
When: Day 204, noon o'clock
What: Reflective surfaces :|a

[Gosh, there sure is a lot of water in the caves now. Places that weren't wet now have wide (but still shallow) puddles, while many of the lower sections are completely flooded. With all that water about and the torches at their zenith ... there is a hell of a lot more reflective surfaces about. Huge swaths of reflective surfaces where there used to be none at all.

Best watch your step. Strange images swim through the murky water, and many of them resemble Blanks. And every now and then, a woman with black hair and no eyes drifts under your feet, watching everything.]

(( OOC: GENERAL MINGLE FOR WATER ANTICS!! and also Mirror is going to do a little touching :3 If you want civil vs. touchings!! (or vice versa), note it and I shall take heed. Otherwise, we'll see where things go. Put your location in the thread title so others can jump you too! ))

Jan. 11th, 2011




Who: Pyxis
Where: Pyxis dorm
When: Day 204, morning
What: building \o/

[There is an assortment of edible construction materials laid out on the Pyxis diningroom table. Sugar cubes, graham crackers and gingerbread, frosting, gumdrops, and coconut make for a very appetizing and taunting display.]

... Do you think they'll let us eat it when we're done?

Jan. 8th, 2011




Who: At least one person from each unit!
Where: Your dorm door
When: Day 203, Noonish
What: Deliveries! . . . is that a puddle?

[Pavo is coming on their FIRST FOREMAN TASK to deliver bags full of delicious building materials to you! To YOUR TEAM!

Which . . . also gives them a bit of an unfortunate chance to take a good look around.]

That's . . . really strange.

((If you comment, put your team name in the subject line! Otherwise we will start a thread with your name, feel free to hop in.

Inside the bags are:
- Sugar cubes, a whole lot of them.
- Graham crackers and ginger bread wrapped in kerchiefs of your colours.
- Frosting in a small tin.
- Gumdrops
- Green coloured coconut shavings.
- A small note inviting one or two of your team to Delphinus for talking and possibly learning about potato pancakes.))

Jan. 7th, 2011




Who: ANYONE but mostly Vulpecula, Monoceros, Pyxis, Cygnus, Orion, Pavo, Corvus.
Where: The arena
When: Day 202, right after the last person is de-ponied.
What: A (looser) game!

Oh, cool! Little dudes! Chillax a little bit, I've got something for you!

[wait when the hell did a judge get onto the throne? you'd think you'd notice one appearing.]

[ mingle | part one | intermission | part two | endgame ]

[[You read the text above correctly! In the second half, anyone may participate, although the looser teams are the only ones who will win memories. This also applies to Ophi, so.]]

Dec. 27th, 2010




Who: Miranda, others
Where: Pygnus commons
When: Day 200, afternoon
What: life goes on

[Well, she had been pulling down some laundry from drying and folding it to carry inside, but she's slowed to a stop now, staring off into the distance without seeing anything. Remembering or trying to remember something as elusive as a dream.]

((oh yeah... work orz))

Dec. 11th, 2010



Drunk Sailors

Who: ANYONE coming or going
Where: The Delphinian capitol of Dulfim
When: King’s Year 199, springtime (before the flash in the sky)
What: End of the world's a'comin' time for a BAR POST \o\ /o/

[Many people from the richer landlocked nations like Cygnus and Pavo, or neighboring nations without their own ships, like to make their way to Delphinus to seek passage to the northern countries without having to pass through the deserts of Canis or the treacherous swamps and forests to the west. It is generally a more comfortable and speedier journey, more suitable to people who either travel a lot or others who are less used to a wanderers life.

Usually at Dulfim (the capital) there are a lot of comings and goings through the canal and port. However recently, due to the unpredictable tides, more ships have been coming in than going out, and many of Delphinus's larger and more famous seagoing ships have been put to harbor. Walking around the city you notice that there are rumors about how more than several ships met their unlucky ends on the rocks when an unexpected current carried them and smashed them into the islands and reefs that line the mouth of the Delphinian gulf.

AS FOR THESE BEACHED SAILORS... well, what else is there to do but find a tavern until they're reassigned to a smaller ship? It might be somewhere you'll want to head too, as the inn's are filling up quickly with travelers dealing with unexpected delays.]

Dec. 8th, 2010




Who: Albert and YOU
Where: Hydra? ... Probably.
When: Whenever you want, up to Year 197
What: LOVE!!

[Who ever you are, where ever you are (in Hydra), however recently or long ago you want this to be, Albert wants to talk about LOVE!! Maybe he's asking for your advice on girls. Or maybe he's asking about your own love life. Whatever happens, if you comment to this post THERE WILL BE LOVE TALKS :B.]

[... You can specify where/when this is taking place too if you want or I may just make something up on my own, your choice 8D.]

Dec. 5th, 2010




Who: Traders, entertainers, clansmen and visitors willing to brave the wastes
Where: The Canis badlands, an oasis near the Pyxis border
When: Fall, King's Year 198
What: Trade fair!

*Each spring and each fall, on the week of the equinox, the clans of Canis gather to a certain oasis at the edge of the Lacertan mountains, there to exchange tidings, trade and mingle among themselves. They bring with them the finest of glassware, rare spices, liquors distilled from (mostly) cactus, gemstones, certain drugs, and stories from across the world. By tradition, even the worst of enemies greet each other politely while on the trading grounds, and foreigners are made welcome -- especially if they bring goods or stories to trade.*

Dec. 6th, 2010




Who: Any and all carnivores
Where: Where the party is
When: King's Year 198, last summer, the final day of the Meat Festival
What: Meat Day

[Today , the open plains have transformed into a bustling little city of tents and smokehouses. Everywhere, people are cooking, eating, dancing, and partying down. Heroes of the raptor hunt (easily recognizable wearing the cleaned skulls of their kills as fashionable hats) are telling their tales. Somebody has already broken out the booze.]

[It probably goes without saying, but the whole world smells fantastic.]

Dec. 2nd, 2010




Who: People
Where: Outside Cepheus
When: Day 198, morning
What: BEING MADAGASCAR. Hanging out. Being SO SANE

. . .I wish I was a raptor.

Nov. 25th, 2010



doopdoop slowpost

Who: Link, whoever's still at the lake
Where: Lake
When: Day 195, evening
What: nothin' much

[Link woke up from his post-Pillarmongling nap just as the second dog watch would start, disgruntled that he missed his watch, until he remembered (again) he's not on a ship. Then he was just sort of disgruntled and anxious in general.

Now he is at the lake, doing a thing no one in Sabra has ever seen him do, which is go swimming. He's deep enough in that he can just lie on his back in the water and not touch the ground.

...He may also be scouting badgercroc habitats but y'know... right now mostly trying to relax.]

((ooc: will be having family tiems from 4:00 CST to who knows when, so, SLOW POST thing. There's already a post at the lake anyway...))

Nov. 23rd, 2010




Who: Zero and others!
Where: Pavo, Lacerta, Cepheus, PYXIS? (don't shank me) etc.
When: Day 195, after the bath shenanigans
What: Visiting the new crazies in Sabra.

[Blue dolphin at the door, knock knock knocking.]

Nov. 17th, 2010




Who: People
Where: the southern end of the Pygnus-Lyvus cavern
When: Day 193, afternoon
What: invocation

[Once things have calmed down a little after the earthquake, those sensitive enough might notice the time anomaly slowly approaching the Pygnus-Lyvus caverns from the direction of the southern caves. Even those who are not sensitive will probably notice the distinct rumbling groan of rocks shifting against one another. At the site of one of the collapsed cave entrances, the rocks very slowly shift. Like a reverse earthquake, they lift back into place until it is just as pristine as it's pre-quake state.

A few moments later, an exhausted looking Pyxides steps from the cave mouth, blinking in the glare of torchlight. She's shaking from head to toe as sweat drips down her face as she tries to orient herself.]

... back...?