October 2013




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Sep. 18th, 2013


have a berry good day

Characters: Rusty
Setting: block b

So, when he saw the thing on the computers, he headed out to do it, because if they could get this done, maybe he could talk to Mazie, and maybe he could help smooth things over. This whole broken up musketeers thing was making his stomach hurt. He looked around the farm for his inspiration, and eventually landed on berries. Grabbing a bowl from the kitchen, he picked raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.

He headed to Jim's door, only to see that there was a sparkplug already sitting there. Well, crap. He paused, then glanced to his old room. In the end he smiled, and set the bowl down in front of Alice's door. She could use some berries, right? Sure. Then he glanced around, totally self conscious, and practically ran away.

Aug. 13th, 2013


look at all this floor space

Characters: Sam and Rusty
Setting: Block B, Theater Room

So many activities )

Aug. 9th, 2013


oh the awkward

Characters: Alice and Rusty
Setting: Alice's room (Rusty's old room)

eek! onoz! eek! wait, nevermind. )

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Block B Jamboree

Characters: Block B people
Setting: 7am

Rusty was out of his room, flailing in his wrinkled Green Lantern t-shirt and boxers. He was looking around wildly, not sure what was happening, and then he blinked, as he saw the door to his room shut. Rushing back over, he tried to get in, but it was locked. Had he locked himself out? What the hell was happening?! "Why are you loooocked!!!" he called, only realizing a second later that people were coming out of their rooms too and maybe he shouldn't do that.

Jun. 16th, 2013


the masquerade

Characters: Everyone at the Masquerade
Setting: The courtyard, evening-night

The decorations had been set up with the help of a ton of people, music was getting played, and there were costumes for everyone. The night was going to be great, hopefully, just what everyone needed. Autumn looked around from the second floor balcony, and smiled, thinking this couldn't be better. It was exactly what she'd wanted it to be.

Jun. 2nd, 2013


To the rescue

Who: Jim and Rusty, then Mazie
When: Late morning/early afternoon
Where: courtyard, kitchen

The Three Muskateers )

May. 18th, 2013


act casual!

Characters: Rusty and open
Setting: morning, Block A courtyard

EPIC FAIL at behaving normally what-so-ever! )

Apr. 27th, 2013


Hitting the fan

Who: Mazie, Glitch, and Rusty
When: Late late late
Where: Rusty's room

We're screwed. )
Tags: , ,

Apr. 7th, 2013


Hackers Unite!

Who: Rusty and Mazie
When: Early
Where: Rusty's room

Caffeine overload. )

Mar. 16th, 2013


eye trauma phobia

Characters: Rusty and Rosa
Setting: the courtyard morning

fleeeeeeeeeeee! )

Feb. 19th, 2013


You and Me + P.V.Z.

Who: Rusty and Mazie
When: Afternoon
Where: Rusty's room

It's all fun and games until someone brings up the mission. )

Jan. 19th, 2013


zomg! so awesome!

characters: jim and rusty
setting: jim's room

sototallyawesomesweetwoot! )

Jan. 18th, 2013



Characters: Rusty and Marie
Setting: the activity room, mid afternoon

rusty is a twitchy bitch )

Dec. 9th, 2012


sure! let's do that!

Who: Rusty and Mazie
When: After sunset
Where: Hallway near the activity room

also let there be light )

Nov. 19th, 2012


are you high?

Characters: Adam and Rusty
Setting: early afternoon, library

aaaaaawkward )

Nov. 9th, 2012


Characters: Carmel and Rusty
Setting: Late morning, kitchen

Carmel cleaned up the kitchen after Evan left. She realized belatedly she’d never really gotten his name, but she would recognize him in the future, so that was a good thing. She had trouble with keeping up with everyone at this point.

Pan cleaned and ready for another comer, she started taking a few things out to prep for potato salad (she’d done only a small batch the other day, and that reminded her, she had to PM Reece soon) and cole slaw, she thought. Maybe some veggie kabobs.

She set the stuff out and went back to the stove to fry up a few slices of bacon real crispy. She’d eat a few, and then she’d use the rest for on top of salads and such. Real bacon bits. Keeping busy helped to level her. She’d keep it up for awhile and then go exercise, probably, before finishing dinner things.

Oct. 27th, 2012


*shifty eyes*

Characters: Rusty and open
Setting: the courtyard, afternoon

After he'd read the part about Caroline being dead, (who he only vaguely knew as 'one of the people in the stocks yesterday') Rusty was in a somber mood. This place was already proving to be kind of messed up, to put it mildly, and he wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. Or, like, much else. He dinked around on his computer for most of the morning, and eventually decided that he should probably not become a hermit. It probably wouldn't work out well in the end for him.

So he went for a walk. Eventually, that brought him to block A, and he saw the stocks in the courtyard. After glancing around to be certain no one was really looking in his direction(something he wouldn't really have been able to tell either way) he went to the tool shed. There, he grabbed an armload of tools, and went to sit at the stocks. He started unscrewing the hardware of the mechanism, figuring maybe just dismantling them was the way to go. He wasn't Mr. Handy or anything, but he could work a screwdriver with the best of them.

Oct. 11th, 2012


the skittish

Characters: Hannah and Rusty
Setting: leaving the courtyard, block b

who's worse? )

Oct. 9th, 2012


Clear The Area

Characters: everyone in the courtyard
Setting: the courtyard

Wren returned from Caroline's room, and walked back up to the stocks, looking around at the divided group. "Caroline has agreed to come down, however she requests that everyone leave. She does not want to have anyone out here when she does so. She's quite afraid for her safety and I believe this will be the only way she feels safe. Let us all respect her wishes. I recommend sheets to put over her and Ryan to protect them from the sun, and we can deal with more issues should they arise. But for right this moment, please, return to your rooms, or find someplace else to be, so she can feel safe."

Oct. 8th, 2012


Vote with Your Feet, People!

Characters: Charlie and open to all!!
Setting: The Courtyard, following directly on from this scene

Charlie decided that, if they were ever going to reach a conclusion about this bullshit, someone was going to have to take charge. Proper charge. And that, he decided, may as well be him.

He jumped up onto one of the stocks and balanced himself, raised up above the milling people and standing on what was the focus of their conversations, if not their direct attention. "Okay, people. Look - I get it. We've been put in a shitty situation. Apparently, two people here have fucked up. Nobody's bothered to tell us how, or give us any information, other than the fact that we're meant to put them into these things here." He banged his foot hard several times against the wood. "So, we can stand here and argue about 'human rights' and 'cruel and unusual punishment' and what the fuck they will do to us if we don't bow to their every command. But, really, it comes down to a simple choice: are we doing this or not?" He let that question linger for a moment or two, then continued. "So, what I suggest is a really simple check. Everyone who thinks that we should go ahead with the punishment as mandated, go stand over by the tool shed. Those that think we should look up at the cameras and say 'fuck you' to the people watching? You go stand by the gym. Let's see what we all think. Vote with your feet people!" he announced, before jumping down, and heading right over to stand by the gym. He leaned against the building, waiting to see what everyone else would do.

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