October 2013




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Jul. 28th, 2013


Making Spaces Personal

Characters: Kyle and Zach
Setting: Their rooms, mid morning

and personal spaces )

Jun. 16th, 2013


Costume Ideas

Characters: Zach and Kyle
Setting: Cafeteria, afternoon

Zach had found himself talked into going to this ball, deciding it would be informative, at least to watch and maybe he could get closer to Ru. Or someone else. Either way, it was something to do and if the crowd got to be too much, he could always leave. He’d headed to the cafeteria to investigate the costumes. He’d found one that fit him, something suit-like, but old fashioned, like something out of one of his Dickens novels but on his way to find a hat to go with it, he’d been stopped by something else: a set of black wings, menacing, but well made. For some reason it appealed to him, fingers grazing over the feathers.
light and dark )

Apr. 12th, 2013


Not Quite Lining Up

Characters: Kyle and Zach
Setting: The Courtyard, morning

Kyle knew he was twitching. How could he not be? Adam was down in the court room getting who knew what punishment for hitting a guy who, by all rights, deserved far more than what he got. If you believed Adam - which Kyle did, without a shadow of a doubt.

Sure, the artist knew he could have turned up for the hearing, but he had concluded that would be a bad idea. He had barely been able to keep his temper in check last night. He doubted his presence there would do Adam any favours at all. So, he'd stayed away - and twitched. After he'd returned to his room, he had sorted all his works, tidied his room some. He had taken a shower and changed. He'd actually laid down to sleep at one point (sitting the best part of the night on the floor, leaning against bars, was not a great inducement for quality sleep...), but he hadn't been able to get his mind to settle. In the end, he'd left and gone for a walk. He hoped some air would clear his head and maybe he'd find something to distract himself with.

Zach was still growing accustomed to things, but being out in the open was a new thing he was learning to enjoy. He had his book, reading in the courtyard, intent on putting distance between himself and his room.

Unusual )

Feb. 17th, 2013


What Do You See?

Characters: Zach and Kyle
Setting: midday, Kyle's room

a balance )