October 2013




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Nov. 16th, 2012


Nightmare in room 28

Characters: Various
Setting: Various, Mid afternoon

Reality not included. )

Nov. 12th, 2012


Explanation of Misunderstandings

Characters: Jeremy and Kasper
Setting: Kasper’s room, after lunch

the real story )

Nov. 11th, 2012


eat your words

Characters: Kasper and Charlie
Setting: Kitchen, Around noon

food for thought )

Nov. 7th, 2012


Burning the nest down

Characters: Kasper
Setting: Her room, late morning

Completely aware of just how many cigarettes she had smoked in the last couple hours, Kasper lit up one more for the road after leaving Reggie's room. Her step was quick, racing back to her room to take care of a few things before she went off for her little lunch date with Charlie. Whoever he was.

She had made a point of addressing the little invitation she gave Jeremy earlier on in stopping by, scratching her head to work through why she bothered to make the effort at all. It wasn't really like her. Or maybe with all the chaos evaporating, it was. She wasn't about to go picking it apart though and instead stood up from the chair at her computer, ashes falling on to the desk.

Watching where they landed, Kasper stared down momentarily, glancing along the desk and coming to the realization that she hadn't taken very good care of the place at all. She reached for the ashtray on the far corner and swept up all the ashes with her pinky finger, moving off in to the ashtray. At least it was in use now. She took the little effort to flick the cigarette over it before turning around to the debris of her life upon the floor.

Clothes were everywhere. What was once a mountain of clothes was now a hill, different articles of clothing scattered about it. In a rush, she piled them all together, quickly folding them half-assed before shoving them in to the drawers. It had been a long time since she bothered to take care of herself and her surroundings. Not that she didn't know how but life was always from one place to the next, what was the point of ever settling in? Even she did things like the pile of bedsheets and blankets turned itself in to a nest. There was a space in the middle of it all next to her bed where she had curled up among the pillows and warmth at odd times of the night.

She had a solid six year stretch of taking care of herself. All in all she had done a pretty swell job. Deciding not to dwell on those years, she made her bed with much more care than she had given to her clothing.

Jumping on it to sit back, she stuck one arm behind her head and simply stared at the ceiling. Who really gives a shit? she told herself, nearly jumping off the bed to tear apart her room again. With a funny face, she sat back from her jerked up position and ignored the thought. There was a long wander of her mind that just went wild with memories of the last couple days; the people she met, the things she had done. All of it just seemed so chaotic on its own. None of this needed her to set it off, but it was definitely the place to set her off. But then there was Jeremy. The prick already made her clean up her room. That guy.

She gave herself a little chuckle before finally jumping off her bed. The clouds may have been parting but she made sure to grab the black hoodie still hanging from her doorknob as she left the room.

Nov. 2nd, 2012


Just Want the Night to End

Who: Kasper and Reggie
Setting: His Room, Late Evening

Read more... )

Oct. 27th, 2012


bandaid covers the bullet hole

Characters: Kasper and OPEN
Setting: Workshop, Early morning

There was something about seeing the dead that always made Kasper withdraw into herself. It wasn't the first time she had seen the lifeless eyes of the freshly expired - New York's street life was not kind to those who strode alone. It was still something of a dark hole for a brief amount of time and with all the drama that had been going on, she just was not in to standing around with people gawking at the corpse of the foolish.

She had taken some time after the commotion to pick through the activity room, finding a few cans of spray paint in the crafting section. At first she thought the largest canvas there would be enough to keep her busy for a good while but when she left all she had in hand were six cans of paint. Juggling them the whole way though the facility while trying to smoke with her wrapped up hand, Kasper managed to arrive at the workshop with an empty space in the back and some quiet time to boot.

Using the weight of her body, Kasper pushed the wood and metal shelf with her shoulder, making a rattling noise as it revealed a large white space of wall. There was her canvas. Not that she was any kind of artist, but there was one form of art she was good at and that was graffiti. Even if it had always been an outlet for her itch for vandalizing. Now was her time to just get lost in nothing and figure out what her next steps were.

She placed the cans down on the ground by her feet and backing up to get a good look at the wall, she pulled out another cigarette from her pack and lit it. Deciding she had no idea where to start, Kasper picked up the first can she felt as she bent down then stretched her arm out to grab one of the mouth masks. She shook the can with her good hand then began spraying, starting with a long red line across the middle of her space.

At least no one would mind where she splattered her work.

Oct. 20th, 2012


broken pieces

Characters: Kasper
Setting: Her Room, Afternoon

band-aid fixes )

Oct. 16th, 2012


fix what's broken

Characters: Kasper, Cal, Reece, Brady
Setting: Medical

break what's not )

Oct. 14th, 2012


you tell me no

Characters: Jason, Reece, Wren, Leandro, Brady, Kasper
Setting: Courtyard, early afternoon

There was a twinkle in Kasper’s eye. A small hint of life outside her anger that roared awake as she left her spot perched above the coop of chickens, all running around like their heads were cut off. She had taken the time to finally retreat back into her room quickly, take the most lightning fast shower she could and change out of the old clothes from the day before. The blood washed away from her hands, but the bruises on her neck and knuckles remained.

Having thrown on a pair of torn jean shorts and black tshirt with some long since broken up band logo on it, Kasper locked her door and made her way to the farm end of the facility. The black fabric of her large shirt hung over the bones of her hips like sheets in the wind and by the time she had wandered back from the farm, she had tied one bottom corner to the side in a knot, showing part of her skeleton figure below it.

She took a slow, satisfying walk towards the stocks in the courtyard of block A after returning to complete the satisfying scratch to her itch. With a wide grin and prowling wander horizontally across the grass to get a better look at those ahead, Kasper unclasped her hands from her back, a single, fat tomato firmly grasped in one hand. She tossed it gently in her hand. “Now, which one of you gets the prize,” she whispered to herself, beginning to approach closer.

Wren had been sort of hovering around the edges (out of Caroline's view) just to be sure nothing happened. Like, for instance, what was about to happen when she spotted a woman she'd not really seen much of previously. But that didn't stop her, as she immediately rushed to get into her path before she reached her clear destination. "No." Wren said firmly. "You are not going to be throwing that at the helpless."

i ask you why you did it )

Oct. 6th, 2012


Unpredictability wins again.

Characters: Brady and Kasper
Setting: The Farm, midday

Or maybe it's loses? )

Sep. 24th, 2012


exit with a bang, enter with a scream

Characters: Kasper and OPEN (Mostly to Jae and Pippa)
Setting: Room 28, Early Morning

Her back was sore. All around her blankets had been thrown about on the ground. Kasper was not one for comfortable beds these days. Something about the ground gave her the feeling that when she closed her eyes, she was right back on the streets of New York, curling up on some grass or on the beach. It was strange how much she missed being out there. It was more likely the people that were always there with her that she missed so much.

After having awoke from a pretty decent sleep, the dark haired woman jumped up from her place on the floor and stretched out. She had slept entirely in the nude after yesterday's escapade that left her wildly satisfied in every way. Her hands, she thought, could almost touch the ceiling if she tried hard enough... well, probably not.

Off to the bathroom she went and after catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, jumped right in to the shower. Turning it on, the water was immediately cold, causing her to yelp and then laugh as it slowly turned warmer. Again, she was wet from head to toe, and without giving it a moments thought she began to sing... really, really absurdly loud. It wasn't that she thought she was a great singer, but the lyrics of an old favorite local band she knew didn't exactly require a great singing voice.

Sep. 22nd, 2012



Who: Kasper
Where: Ont he way to her room, outside Pippa's door
When: Late afternoon

She could have gone completely buck nude after her little escapade in the pool. Screw any of those bastards who might have caught a glimpse of them, Kasper thought as she tugged at the black knit sweater hanging just past her hips now that it was soaking wet. A rather obvious hole widened slightly at the tug, revealing a sneak peek of the tattoo on her lower stomach, close to the bone of her hip. Her feet slapped gently on the steps as she jogged up the stairwell, getting closer to the second floor where she belonged.

Taking a breath as she emerged from the doorway leading out, Kasper fled down the first pathway ahead, watching the numbers rise steadily on each room’s door from twenty-three. With a devious grin, she turned and crammed her left hand in to the bag with her belongings. She laughed gently to herself while digging through the clothing. Slowing her pace, she focused heavily on finding her secret weapon.

With an internal ah-ha! and wider grin she pulled out the black sharpie and eyed her neighbor’s door and placed her boots on the ground. Without hesitation she leaned in and popped off the cap, placing one hand gently on it as she began to draw. It only took her a moment to successfully create her piece of art, leaving behind the outline of an erect penis on the door of room 27. Right in the middle of the top half; it wasn’t too big, nor was it too small. Not her finest work but it was just right, she decided.

Feeling accomplished, Kasper moved on, placing the marker back in her bag where she had put her own room key and got herself safely in to her hideout.

Sep. 20th, 2012


deep blue sea

Characters: Kasper and OPEN!!
Setting: Cafeteria, Pool, around 4pm
Warning: NSFW

The elevator doors opened with a small pause. One stomp forward, and then another, and out came Kasper, clad in pvc leggings and a old, tattered knit sweater that hung off one shoulder. It had seen many years come and go, and so had she. The holes gave it character, and each one seemed to have its own story to tell. Burn marks were of its essence. The dark locks of hair hung in front of half of her face and beneath it all a scowling look upon her eyes. Everything was so… bright, she thought.

Without waiting around, she stormed through the cafeteria like a lightning bolt, practically running. As soon as she exited, she took a quick look in both directions, and then chose her path, turning right and wandering at a slower pace. Looking down in the palm of her hand after a few moments, she checked the number on her key. “Twenty-eight,” she said to herself, coming to a stop in front of room eight and taking a glance at it. “Man,” she half whined following with an audible, “tch!”

Before dwelling, she noticed an intriguing sight ahead and moving forward carefully and slowly, she came to the communal pool room. Her mouth gaped slightly, and with a grin, she tossed her bag and key aside at the door way, walking forward. Stopping a few meters from the water, Kasper used her right foot to take off the left combat boot, which had not been tied up, and followed with the other. No socks. Who needed socks anyway? She had not seen water in a very long time, and in all honesty never been in an actual pool before. Living on the streets of New York meant you got you baths in the ocean.

Without hesitation she sprinted forward, jumping in backwards with a loud splash.

She took her time under the water, opening her eyes. Looking around her, she felt the world move in slow motion. Small bubbles slowly came out of her nose from the breath she held as she peered down in to the dark blue ahead. It was as if she could see Terry there looking back at her, his long greasy hair floating around him. It seemed like another life and she wondered where he was now.

After about a minute, she pressed her feet against the bottom of the shallow end of the pool and thrust herself up hard and fast. Emerging with splashing water, she howled loudly with an “AOUUUW!” her voice echoing throughout the pool room before breathing heavily, a gigantic smile upon her face as she laughed to herself.