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Aug. 28th, 2012


I heard there would be food

Characters: Meg and Carmel
Setting: The kitchen, morning

Meg could never be described as a creature of habit but it was a rare occasion that saw her awake early without outside interference and unable to fall asleep again and that was the state she found herself in that morning, much to her annoyance. Not having the heart to wake Dom when he looked so peaceful, she'd taken off to her own room for a shower then checked the journals, eyes quickly drawn to the offer of biscuits and gravy in the kitchen. Conflicted as she may have been about much of her cultural heritage, a term she used incredibly loosely, she still haboured a love for a lot of the food she'd grown up with and having gone six months with what prison had to offer, her stomach growled at the prospect of getting to eat a meal she genuinely enjoyed.

Slipping back into Dom's room to leave him a message on his monitor and, as was her custom, steal a shirt of his to pull on over her own, she then headed towards the kitchen, the smell reaching her before she'd even stepped inside and setting her stomach growling again.

"God damn that smells good," she said, stepping into the kitchen, a look somewhere between amazement and genuine happiness on her face that teamed with her still damp hair and the over sized shirt she had on, made her look even younger than usual.