October 2013




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Jan. 27th, 2013


suggestions and offers

Characters: Reece and Carmel
Setting: Kitchen, morning

and not so subtle flirtations )

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Eating and Musing

Characters: Carmel and OPEN
Setting: Cafeteria, around 6:30 p.m.

Carmel had set out dinner, the chicken well roasted, a big, big bowl of mashed potatoes, and a huge mess of green beans. She'd check back later this evening to see if there was enough chicken leftover to tear up for chicken salad or sandwiches or something tomorrow; she wasn't sure how many people would eat. She served herself up a healthy plate as well as a bit of salad from the veggies that had been sent and went ahead to the cafeteria. No one seemed to stand on much ceremony here, which was just as well, she supposed.

As she dug in--mmm, butter on her potatoes, yum--she wondered if she'd see Dominic and Meg here later. It was still odd that she'd clicked with the man so quickly, but she found she was worried about him. She hoped he knew he could come to her and she'd not say anything. Then there was the thought that she needed to put up something on the fridge or counter or something, start a roster. She hadn't gotten a lot of response on her journal yet, though a couple was a start, she thought. If it was even going to be possible to put organization on this place.

She sighed, eating her food slowly to savor it. She was keeping herself busy, she knew. It made the time fast, and kept her from worrying about things too much. She really should make more of an effort to meet everyone...