October 2013




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Jun. 2nd, 2013


Sharing Information

Characters: Zach and Ru
Setting: The bar, late evening
and devising a new way of getting more )

Apr. 27th, 2013


An Experiment

Characters: Ru and Zach
Setting: The bar, morning

trying something different )

Apr. 4th, 2013



characters: zach and ru
setting: the library

getting to know you )

Jan. 20th, 2013


the first stop

Characters: Ru and Open
Setting: the pool, morning

After she woke up to the bizarre voting platform on the computer, she glanced through other things, the welcome post, some of the journals, and then decided there was too much to read. If she went through everything, she'd be there all day. So, she looked at the map instead, and saw there was a pool. An actual pool.

Looking though her things, it appeared that she'd been provided a swimsuit. It was a black one piece suit, with electric blue accents. She pulled it on, grabbed a towel, and headed for the room, not difficult to find what with being not far from her room. She'd explore more fully later. For now? She wanted to swim.

Walking into the room, she set her towel down on one of the lounge chairs in the room, then after she stretched, burn scars on her back pulling a little, she walked to the edge of the water to stare down into it. It was still, reflecting her back. Slowly, she dipped a toe in, to watch the rings spread out on the surface.