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Jun. 7th, 2013


I Have No Clue What I'm Doing

Characters: Jason and OPEN
Setting: Cafeteria, around noon

Jason wasn't entirely sure about this whole masquerade ball thing, but it had sounded like it could be fun and, most importantly, Reggie had seemed interested in it. So he had headed out to the cafeteria, because apparently, costumes were mandatory.

The problem was, he had no clue what he was doing. He stared at the racks of costumes, not really sure where to start. He had only ever really dressed up for anything a grand total of... six times. Maybe. Only one of those times had he been concerned about what someone else would think about him. And none of them had involved... masks and all. He sighed, rolling his eyes at his own hesitance. This really shouldn't be that difficult; he was making this harder than it needed to be. Knowing that didn't make it any easier though. Crossing his arms across his chest, he began to wander down the rows of costumes, hoping something would catch his eye.

Sep. 17th, 2012


welcome to the bar?

Characters: Jae and Jason
Setting: the cafeteria, late afternoon

After the little 'ding' sounded, which was way too normal in her ears for the trippy feeling this whole ordeal induced, Jae took a few tentative steps out into the main room. She kept close to the elevator, her back to the solid wall next to it, and glanced around. There were tables...and a bar?

"Seriously?" she asked no one, giving an incredulous little 'huh' as she stared. She knew this place was going to be weird? But that was levels of weird she hadn't expected. Or that she thought was a great idea, really. Still, she cautiously left the elevator doors to look around, wondering what the hell kind of situation she'd landed herself into now.