October 2013




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Mar. 21st, 2013


Awkward talks

Characters: Carmel and Wu
Setting: Carmel’s room, early morning

Good-awkward, but still. Awkward. )

Feb. 10th, 2013


Physical Contact

Characters: Carmel and Wu
Setting: The gym, then Carmel's room, night
Other: NSFW

Ferocity )

Dec. 30th, 2012



Characters: Carmel and Wu
Setting: Block A walkways, late evening

Surprise me )

Oct. 21st, 2012



Characters: Carmel and Wu
Setting: Night, Farmland (Block B) and in transit back to Wu’s room (23)

Carmel cupped her hands around her mug of hot chocolate, careful to keep it from jostling as the elevator came to a stop on the other, newer part of the facility. She was beyond tired at this point, and Cal's pills waited for her on her night stand, but she still felt the need to unwind.

minds, bodies, and souls )

Sep. 25th, 2012


I pray the Lord, my soul to keep...

Characters: Carmel, OPEN
Setting: Spiritual Room, around 8:30am

Carmel sighed quietly as she sat down in one of the chairs in the spiritual room. It wasn’t as early as the other day, but she’d only fallen into her second restless doze around six, and she was very tired. Five days now of not sleeping well, though when did she ever really anymore? It’d been worse than usual, though, and it was slowly but surely wearing on her, though she put on a pretty good face in public.

It was Sunday, though, and in her hands she held a Bible from the library. She wondered if she requested her Bible, from before prison, if she would get it. It had been her grandmother’s, and she would like to have it with her, if she could. She wasn’t the best of Catholics, this she knew, but she did hold the basic beliefs in her heart, and she did still pray.

She missed mass. She missed taking communion. She even missed confession, though she didn’t have that much to confess, really. But still. She missed it.

Sighing, Carmel unclasped the chain that held her cross around her neck, fingers wrapping around it as she ducked her head in prayer. She didn’t really know what to pray for, other than peace in this place, and good things for those she was already growing to care about. Peace and a resolution for his inner struggle, for Dominic. A solution for Becka’s problems. No trouble for the people here, or from the people here.

Maybe some sleep for herself. Uninterrupted, with no nightmares. Heh. Who was she kidding. Last time she’d had that was probably with Franklin, and that was so very long ago…

She sighed again, wishing once more for the soothing ritual of Mass. This room was comforting, but not in the same way. Her kitchen was at least as soothing, and she really should go cook something. Maybe a BLT for breakfast. Those were good even cold, usually.

But in a few minutes. It was early yet. She flipped open the Bible and started reading quietly. Too bad no one in here seemed remotely interested in a Bible study…

Aug. 28th, 2012


Ugly Truths

Characters: Carmel and Wu
Setting: The Gym, Afternoon

Wu had woken to a strange feeling, albeit a familiar one. It was a low creep in his gut, an ache in the bullet scars along his side, a constant presence of weight draping over him. It was depression, something he'd grown used to in his two years of captivity, but never welcomed when it came.

It wasn't bad yet, not like he knew it could be, but still severe enough that he'd lurked in his room for most of the day. There was water, there were walls to stare at, and best of all? There were no others, who would doubtless be on edge around him now that the truth was out there. He hadn't expected anything else, either, but Wu felt like it would be worse to deal with their condemning stares than it would to simply be alone.

Restlessness had claimed him in time, though; he couldn't sulk in here all day if he knew the option to be elsewhere existed, and so Wu had left his room behind. He'd found the bar, briefly debating drinking his day away in the activity room, but his muscles whispered their own demands to be worked and maintained, pushing him through the courtyard and into the gym.

He'd have to request new clothes eventually, given that most of his current attire was professional and crisp. For now, though? Wu didn't need a shirt, and he'd left it hanging on a weight bench as he pushed himself through a set of closed-fist push-ups, scars and tattoos both showing starkly under a sheen of sweat.

Aug. 14th, 2012


A kitchen, a kitchen, my kingdom for a kitchen

Characters: Carmel, OPEN
Setting: Kitchen, mid-morning (9-ish?)

Normally, Carmel would start exploring upon arriving somewhere new, at least warily, but she had to admit to herself if no one else that the transport had shaken her deeply. Though part of her was exhausted, a hidden spot in the deep of her belly still quivered with anxiety and she could feel the nightmares she would have tonight, even though it was early in the day. She hoped to God that she wouldn't wake everyone up screaming in terror tonight.

Because yes, that would be the way to start things out with a strange group of fellow criminals. Maybe she would just stay up all night.

So after looking over the map and making a quick post, trying to focus on the positive--there was a kitchen, by God, and she was going to use it!--she headed to said kitchen. Certainly there had to be coffee, and she was dying for cookies that didn't come premade. Her fingers itched for the feel of dough. Prison kitchens had nothing on real kitchens. Though she supposed this was still a prison kitchen, technically.

So, coffee and cookies. Once her hands stopped shaking from being bound and blindfolded--don't think about it, don't think about it--she would think about exploring this place more thoroughly.

Methodically she opened cabinet doors and started pulling out supplies from memory, starting a pot of coffee so she'd have some while she baked.