October 2013




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Sep. 1st, 2012


She was a tease, he swore she was

Characters: Ryan
Setting: his room, late morning
Warnings: NSFW

Ryan walked away from the kitchen only with great difficulty )
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Aug. 26th, 2012


Tripping and Meeting

Characters: Becka and Mazie
Setting: The Courtyard, about 1:30pm

After getting all the racing thoughts out in her journal, she'd grabbed a spare blanket from her wardrobe, wandered down to the library to find a book. It really was a well stocked library, and rather than get distracted trying to go through all the books to find a new one, she grabbed an old favorite in the classics section and went on out to the courtyard. She spread the blanket out and laid down on her stomach on it. Propping herself up on her elbows, she opened the book and began to read, toeing her sandals off within minutes.

I'm short, not invisible! )


The Devil, Reversed

Characters: Wren and Wu
Setting: courtyard/level 2, late afternoon
15 )

Aug. 25th, 2012


Characters: Carmel and Leandro
Setting: The kitchen, very late night after the games have finished.

So the first moments in this new place had been something of a bust. Leandro had gained and then lost an ally in the span of a short time, and ended up finding his way back to his room alone. It wasn't a long walk, and he was nominally grateful that his room was on the first floor, but every step alone in the hallway was uneasy. He could not help but remember walking alone in California State. The hoots and catcalls, thrown objects, promises and threats for later, and the real danger of running into a knot of unfriendly people around any particular corner. He should have been used to it by now, but it continually surprised him when he met people who didn't feel the need to always look over their shoulders. Their lives were as alien to him as if he had actually grown up on Mars and not a children's home.

He'd made it to room 2 and quickly began a look around. Bed, couch, bathroom. Dresser for the clothes, none of which he felt a particular love or hate for. They were fine. A strange computer and a strange message. It was this that sent his blood running cold. The very idea of what this meant... It was an experiment. A secret experiment. Psychiatric officials? Law enforcement? He read it once, and then read it again, and then could stomach no more. He got up from the chair, wrung his hands, turned the monitor off, turned it to face the wall, looked around the room again. No one knew they were here. They were at the mercy of this group. Anything could happen. A panic attack set in and his heart pounded, crackling lungs aching. Leandro stripped the bed and searched all through it. He checked the threads in the clothes for anything unusual – GPS sensors in the seams as big as grains of rice. He'd heard of it before. Under the bed, in the dresser, in the bathroom, around the corners of the mirror, in the cushions of the couch. He could not help himself; he was terrified.

It was around two hours before he ran out of energy and his own silence became deafening in his ears. He re-dressed the bed, sat on his couch for a while, and then drank with cupped hands from the sink. It tasted normal. Afterward he wondered if he should have, but he knew his body would mutiny on him if he didn't take more care than he had in the past. He needed his strength.

Dressing in a black hoodie he found amongst the clothes and plain black jeans, he slung the bag his clothes had been in over his shoulder and left his room under the cover of the night. The sounds of people in the common areas had come to a stop. He needed to search for things. He needed to prepare to weather the rest of the night. Leandro was good at skulking alone, moving quickly through shadows towards the places the map on the computer had pointed out. He briefly whisked through the library near his room and found a roll of tape in a desk. The tool shed outside looked promising, but the dark prevented him from really getting inside. Instead he detoured in the other direction and ended up in the kitchen.

There seemed to be food left out: some chicken, potatoes, and green beans, none of which Leandro particularly wanted to touch. He was hungry, but he wouldn't eat strange food. His long strides took him right past the center counter in which the food was placed, his narrow eyes scanning the drawers as he neared them. First one he opened seem to be various metal utensils. He closed it briskly, but without making a clink. Next one, some silverware... ah, a short paring knife. Not long, but strong for digging through the flesh of fruit. Leandro grabbed it from the drawer, holding it close to him, and then looked around again, left and right. A cloth rag... that was good. It went in the bag. Ah, a paper napkin. He wrapped the blade in the napkin and stuck the whole thing down his boot, safe and sound. Having the knife near him made him feel a little bolder.

Taking his bag and slinging it on his elbow, Leandro began to search through the pantry. He reached up high, slender fingers sliding past the labels of various items. What he wanted were cans. The first he took was a can of carrots, bringing it down to examine it. The label seemed pretty standard. Neither top nor bottom lid looked damaged. Still, Leandro scraped his fingernails into the edge of the label and pulled it up, letting it hang in a ribbon off the can. He busily examined the can's surface for any hint of a mar or dent. Nothing. Satisfied, it went in the bag.


Cats and bags

Characters: Mojo and OPEN!
Setting: Outside the cafeteria, evening

"...yeah, you heard me!" Mojo was snapping at whoever it was that had pushed her into the elevator, reaching for her blindfold the moment her wrists were unshackled. "An entire bag of dicks, you grabby fuck! I don't care how, I'll make 'em fit!" She tore the partition from her eyes, blinking at the fluorescent wash pouring in as it gave Mojo only the barest glimpse of a guard before the doors shut. Then? She flattened, pressing back against the wall as it dawned on her just how unfamiliar this place was.

Sure, she hadn't thought that blindfolds, handcuffs, and transport were standard for offenders at her level of incarceration, but who knew? This seemed more Guantanamo-ish to her, and that was not cool. Neither was the sensation of movement under her, or the sudden stop or even the light bag resting near her feet. All in all, this was the worst day in a while for Mojo.

Stooping low to grab her bag and realize that it was clothing, Mojo's panic faded to a dull confusion as the elevator stopped fully, doors chiming with their opening. She peered out slowly, one fist balled up to swing as Mojo looked out into the cafeteria and saw nobody. "Hello?" she called warily, probably too softly to even matter as Mojo took her first steps out, jumping slightly when the doors shut behind her.

It took her longer than it should've to even leave the cafeteria, getting caught up in long moments of silent anticipation when she swore she'd heard something, but nothing ever showed. Eventually, though, Mojo found her nerves and pushed out the door with one fist still white-knuckled and ready. "...the fuck?" she muttered as she saw the facility before her, losing her nerve and paranoia in a stunned moment.


Hide And Seek

Characters: Autumn and Everyone Playing Games
Setting: after dark, starting at the courtyard

Autumn had gotten a sheet of poster board from the activity room, and she had drawn up a big sign. It said 'HIDE AND SEEK' and beneath it were a list of rules. Sure, there weren't many, but she figured it was best to have them down and all. What she'd written down was:
* All hiding must take place in public areas!
* Once you're found you have to return to this tree!
* Aiding and abetting IS allowed!
* Have fun!

She thought it was a decent list. She'd also left room for new rules as they went. She was disappointed that she couldn't find enough flashlights to get them playing flashlight tag, but maybe she'd request them later.


Characters: Chance, Leandro, and eventually Autumn
Setting: The Elevator
Rating: PG

You can't leave me with him. )




July 5th - late afternoon


Leandro and Chance are both put into the elevator together (their blindfolds and shackles are removed once they are in the elevator and they are not given any opportunity of talking with any guards etc). Each is given a bag containing their clothes and a room key stamped with the correct room number. The elevator goes up and the doors open onto the cafeteria. They are left to find their own way to their rooms.

Some time later, Mojo is given the same treatment.

New residents receive this welcome message on their computer. The message blinks until it is read.

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Second Impressions

Characters: Dominic and Susanna
Setting: the gym, afternoon
Warning: Language

Dominic had decided to follow Carmel's suggestion, and head to the gym after he'd been up properly for a while. He wasn't quite sure how to go about dealing with things, and he guessed he'd just do it like he did everything else with Meg--wing it. So far, that worked pretty well. Maybe he was overthinking things to begin with. Who knew. He wanted to just be over it, and not have to deal with it at all, but that wasn't proving to be the case.

He didn't work out often, but he wasn't exactly a stranger to a routine. So, he went in at around eleven, and had started slow, building up as time went on. He was on the cooling down stage after noon had come and gone, opting to get finished up with the bike in there.

Could it get any worse? )


Eating and Musing

Characters: Carmel and OPEN
Setting: Cafeteria, around 6:30 p.m.

Carmel had set out dinner, the chicken well roasted, a big, big bowl of mashed potatoes, and a huge mess of green beans. She'd check back later this evening to see if there was enough chicken leftover to tear up for chicken salad or sandwiches or something tomorrow; she wasn't sure how many people would eat. She served herself up a healthy plate as well as a bit of salad from the veggies that had been sent and went ahead to the cafeteria. No one seemed to stand on much ceremony here, which was just as well, she supposed.

As she dug in--mmm, butter on her potatoes, yum--she wondered if she'd see Dominic and Meg here later. It was still odd that she'd clicked with the man so quickly, but she found she was worried about him. She hoped he knew he could come to her and she'd not say anything. Then there was the thought that she needed to put up something on the fridge or counter or something, start a roster. She hadn't gotten a lot of response on her journal yet, though a couple was a start, she thought. If it was even going to be possible to put organization on this place.

She sighed, eating her food slowly to savor it. She was keeping herself busy, she knew. It made the time fast, and kept her from worrying about things too much. She really should make more of an effort to meet everyone...


Pancake Time!

Characters: Meg and OPEN!
Setting: The kitchen, sometime around 11

It was probably telling that even after a night sharing a single bed, only a few hours of which were spent actually sleeping, Meg woke up feeling more rested than she had in months, a smile creeping onto her face as she looked down at the reason why, the still sleeping Dominic. The whole situation still didn't feel entirely real, that they were there together with him no longer on death row, and she couldn't shake the feeling that things weren't entirely right between them, regardless of how happy they were to be reunited. Unsure as she was, it didn't rob her of her smile or her desire for pancakes, the latter of which had her slipping out of bed and into her clothes, forgoing her tanktop in favour of the shirt Dom had been wearing which hung down past the bottom of her shorts making it appear to be all she had on. Not that that bothered her in the slightest.

Loathe as she was to disturb Dom, she knew how she would feel if she woke up and found him gone so she roused him enough to tell him she was going to the kitchen then padded out of the room. She made a brief detour to her own room where she brushed her teeth and quickly filled out the survey blinking on her computer, then headed to the kitchen where she started to gather pancake fixings. She came slightly unstuck however when it came to the actual making of them, the cast on her right hand making it ridiculously difficult for her to manage. Before too long there was flour everywhere including her hair, buttermilk spilled on the counter top and at least three broken eggs, none of which made it into the mixing bowl. "God fucking dammit!" she exclaimed as another egg shattered, this time making it into the bowl however it unfortunately took most of the shell with it.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


The start of everything again...

Characters: Ryan and Wren
Location: hallway on Level 2
Warning: With Ryan, there's possibly going to be language at times, if only in his thoughts, just sayin'.

Ryan had caught up on his sleep when he'd be turned loose here. He didn't know what was in store for him, but he was generally unconcerned. Certainly he didn't like the fact that wherever he was, he was going to have to start all over again from scratch. It was inconvenient and bothersome and would take a lot of effort, but he'd done it before and he would do it again.

He got up, stretching languidly, and explored his closet, pleased to find a selection of clothes much to his liking, and even better, a cowboy hat in the top of the closet. His lips curved into a smirk as he set it on the bed and started shedding his prison jumpsuit, leaving it on the floor and padding naked into his private bathroom for a long, hot shower. It was, perhaps, not the same sort of fun without others there, but privacy had a joy all its own.

More under here )

Aug. 21st, 2012


Characters: Carmel and Matt
Setting: Library, around 2 p.m.

Carmel hadn't been avoiding exploring, exactly, but she was finally more in the mood for it. She'd gone ahead and peeked in the gym earlier, glad to see a bag she could practice her kick boxing on. She wasn't in the mood for that right now, though she might hit it up later tonight in an effort to be so tired she'd sleep better--and not fall into nightmares again.

She went to the library next, thinking she could use some reading material. She sighed softly when she came across some of the Nora Roberts' novels, fingering the spine of one. She hadn't been able to read a romance novel since she was raped; she hadn't been able to see it the same way. She missed her guilty pleasure reading, and she honestly missed romance. She missed having someone she loved with her, of having someone to love.

She sighed again and moved on, fingers skimming over the spines of the books as she searched for something to occupy her attention.


The reunion

Characters: Dominic and Meg
Setting: His room, very early morning

Are we dreaming? )

Aug. 20th, 2012


R & R

Characters: Adam and Rebekah
Setting: The activity room, late morning

AKA testing out the video games. )


tired tired tired

Characters: Adam
Setting: The activity room, late morning

Another a night with no sleep, which shouldn't be a normal occurrence, but sadly it was something Adam was used to. If he was going to take care of the part where he looked like a victim the safe bet was to probably not wake up his neighbors screaming from some awful nightmare he barely remembered. It didn't help that what Dominic had said was sitting poorly with him, that almost accusation of being too weak, which Adam hated. He knew he had a target on his back, prison had put it there. He'd gone from no friends, to having friends and when he found himself alone again in the cage he realized quickly that going back to where he started what a hell of a lot harder.

Read more... )
Tags: ,

Aug. 19th, 2012


clouds of smoke

Characters: Reece and Susanna
Setting: Courtyard, around 10:30 am

Reece had gotten up after the blinking computer screen made him downright batty, and went about filling out the survey thing as best he could, though if someone was going to ask about art he was going to give the answer he gave. He wasn't a complete moron, but hed grown up in a world where he was more cultured than others because his church had stained glass windows. After that it was a quick shower, mostly because he could, alone, and a new shirt with the same jeans from the day before. Why waste the seven pairs of pants he had?

The best part was probably the boots, just like the ones he'd had before, though not worn in, but they were at least comfortable like work boots usually were. He headed down towards the cafeteria, feeling more like himself than ever and hell bent on a cup of coffee. The boxes laying out wouldn't have caught his eye if it weren't for the fact that one had his name on it and that was reason for pausing enough. Picking it up he turned it over a few times then ripped at the tape until he got it open, grinning at the contents. So some wishes were granted. Forgoing the coffee he took the box back to his room, studying the contents until he had good somewhat hiding place for the stash. With a fresh pack, lighter, and ashtray in hand he started for the courtyard. Overcast or not, it was an unassigned time he could spend outside and he was going to take advantage of it.

He wandered back towards the table he'd been on the day before, lighting up a cigarette as he studied the nearby grill. Seemed like something that could work well enough and grilled steaks or burgers would be a nice treat. Going back to sit, Reece found himself content with blowing smoke towards the sky, a sky that seemed closer than it had just two days before.


Yay Supplies!

Characters: Carmel and Becka
Setting: The kitchen and cafeteria, early-ish morning (7:45-ish?)

Well, at least she’d managed not to wake anyone up with a screaming fit their first night in this place, Carmel thought wearily. Of course, the trade off had been that she’d slept restlessly, waking up frequently. She never had slept very well in a new place, though the lock on her door was rather reassuring to have.

She finally pulled herself out of bed and took another shower, relishing in the privacy and hot water. Her nose wrinkled faintly at the feeling of the general soap on her skin; she wondered if it would be too soon to ask for a nicely scented body wash. A cup of coffee sounded really good right about now, so she finally headed out, though the time was still early. She wandered through the cafeteria to make sure everything got cleaned up after last night.

Her eyes immediately caught on the boxes near the elevator. Her eyes narrowed as she padded closer, but then she smiled as she saw boxes labeled Kitchen. “So they do listen!” she murmured, moving to pick up a couple of the boxes and cart them off to the kitchen. She was very curious about how they’d delivered them, and what would have happened if someone had waited around to see. Like a freaking demented Santa Claus, she thought with a snort. Probalby wouldn’t have come at all.

“Let’s see what you brought us,” she said, deciding she’d go back for the last few small boxes in a minute, and grabbing a knife from the drawer to cut the first box open.




July 5th

Despite being cloudy and overcast, the day remains warm and slightly humid. There is not much breeze.

Three new residents enter the facility - Albert in room 3, James in room 4 and Ryan in room 16.

Left in the cafeteria by the elevator are several large boxes. Each are labelled - ‘kitchen’, ‘Reece’ and ‘Autumn’. The boxes are sealed with tape, but there is nothing that will actually stop anyone else opening them. The contents are as follows:-

Rather than a single box, this is a stack of boxes. They contain an improved supply of goods for the kitchen. One box contains perishables - fresh fruit and vegetables of a wider variety than had been had before. There is also a large box of baking supplies, which includes supplies and equipment for decorating. One box contains a variety of cookbooks at all levels from the very basic to advanced level, and for a different types of food as well. A smaller box is filled with jars of herbs and spices.

This box contains 1,000 cigarettes of Reece’s usual brand, together with a half dozen ashtrays and three disposable lighters.

This box contains a dozen bottles of various types of bubble bath, bath salts etc.

New residents receive this welcome message on their computer.

Furthermore, all residents receive the following message:-

We hope that you are all settling in well enough. To help you get to know each other, we should be grateful if you would complete the following questionnaire and post it to your journal. Please do not do this as a private entry. That would defeat the object of the exercise. It goes without saying that you are expected to be honest.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Tell us an interesting fact about yourself
  3. What time did you get up this morning?
  4. What is essential to starting your day?
  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
  6. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
  7. What is your favourite cuisine?
  8. What foods do you dislike?
  9. What are your top 3 favorite foods?
  10. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
  11. Favourite time of day?
  12. Do you consider yourself attractive?
  13. What did you want to be when you were little?
  14. What is your best childhood memory?
  15. Are you a cat or dog person?
  16. How many tattoos do you have?
  17. What was the last lie you told?
  18. What are your favorite 3 sports (to watch or participate in)?
  19. What are your top 3 favorite “good causes” or charities?
  20. What was the last thing you did for someone else?
  21. Name 3 places you have never been that you want to visit.
  22. What was the last musical or theatrical event that you attended?
  23. Describe or name the last piece of art you looked at.
  24. Describe or name the last serious injury or illness you had?
  25. What was the last thing that someone said to you that you will remember forever?
  26. What instruments, if any, do you play?
  27. What do you notice when you first meet someone?
  28. Describe a bad habit of yours.
  29. What was your favorite toy at age 3?

The monitor blinks until the messages are read.