October 2013




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Sep. 15th, 2013


Picnic Time!

Characters: Wren and Kyle
Setting: The Courtyard, Lunchtime

Kyle was definitely feeling more positive today, and it showed in everything about him. In the fact he had dressed with more care. In the fact that he had actually gotten a full night’s sleep and didn’t look half-exhausted. In the fact that he was smiling as he knocked on Wren’s door at around midday, practically bouncing as he waited for her to answer.

Past, Present and Future )

Jul. 2nd, 2013



Characters: Wren and Kyle
Setting: his room

and non-truths )

Apr. 28th, 2013



Characters: Kyle and Wren
Setting: Wren's room

It took Kyle a little while to get to Wren’s. There had been throwing up in the middle somewhere there. And then having to put himself back together again as best he could. It was far from perfect.

He almost didn’t make it, matter of fact. It wasn’t until he’d left his room again that Kyle suddenly realised that Wren now lived in Block B. Which meant passing the infirmary again. Where there was a dead body. And all of that blood. Too much blood. She was dead. He’d never seen a dead body before.

It meant that when he finally knocked on Wren’s door, he was crying again. He just wanted it all to go away.

The Simple Choice )

Mar. 9th, 2013


unresolved confusion

Characters: Wren and Kyle
Setting: wren's room

and a few more needles )

Feb. 17th, 2013


Could Have Gone Worse

Characters: Wren and Kyle
Setting: Kyle's Room, morning

Kyle had been up for most of the night, working. Sleep never came easily to him when he felt the need to rebalance factors in his life. When he felt the need to atone for some wrong doing, some failing on his part. He couldn’t sleep until he figured out what he should do, and until he put that into action.

The artist had finally secumbed to sleep as dawn broke, his eyes finally giving up as drifting closed, slumped over his desk where he had been working, the piece all but finished.

Approaching issues )

Nov. 19th, 2012


let's see what the cards say

Characters: Kyle and Wren
Setting: her room, afternoon

and what they don't say )

Sep. 20th, 2012


what do you see?

Characters: Wren and Kyle
Setting: courtyard

sorry about the rest of your day )