October 2013




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Oct. 1st, 2013


The Doctor is In

Characters: Wes and OPEN TO ALL
Setting: Clinic, afternoon and evening

Wes could hardly contain himself as he slid the code on his wrist bracelet over the reader on the clinic door. Other people may have been heading straight for the bar, or the laundry room. He had only one destination in mind.

He wasn't disappointed. He made short work of his investigations of the clinic, getting his bearings. It was a damn shame this place wasn't open all the time. Still, he had to work with what he had. So, he started by putting together two bags of emergency supplies, one for each block. That would keep him busy until he got some patients. Or even someone who wanted to call in for a chat.

Sep. 18th, 2013



Characters: Wes
Setting: Block A, morning

Wes was more excited about the fact that they were actually going to give him access to the infirmary he'd heard about, then the fact they were opening the bar. He didn't exactly know a whole lot of people. Yet - he could run a clinic. That, he decided, was what he was going to do when they got downstairs.

As a result, he was quick off the mark to complete his side of things. Heading into the kitchen, he plucked up a knife - one of the first things he found. Walking back, he left it outside room 2.

Today was going to be a good day.

Aug. 24th, 2013



Characters: Naomi and Wes
Setting: courtyard

meeting new people )

Aug. 10th, 2013


Over Coffee

Characters: Jason and Wes
Setting: Block A kitchen, midday

After getting his things back from Edan, Jason went back to his new room. No one had claimed the few things that were in there yet, so he carefully collected them, setting them all in one place. He'd hang on to them for a few days, see if anyone claimed them, and if not, he was sure there were some people here who could use them. After that, he put his own things away. Once he finished, he got changed into some real clothes and ventured out. Time to see what was really going on.

Investigations )