October 2013




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Sep. 24th, 2012


exit with a bang, enter with a scream

Characters: Kasper and OPEN (Mostly to Jae and Pippa)
Setting: Room 28, Early Morning

Her back was sore. All around her blankets had been thrown about on the ground. Kasper was not one for comfortable beds these days. Something about the ground gave her the feeling that when she closed her eyes, she was right back on the streets of New York, curling up on some grass or on the beach. It was strange how much she missed being out there. It was more likely the people that were always there with her that she missed so much.

After having awoke from a pretty decent sleep, the dark haired woman jumped up from her place on the floor and stretched out. She had slept entirely in the nude after yesterday's escapade that left her wildly satisfied in every way. Her hands, she thought, could almost touch the ceiling if she tried hard enough... well, probably not.

Off to the bathroom she went and after catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, jumped right in to the shower. Turning it on, the water was immediately cold, causing her to yelp and then laugh as it slowly turned warmer. Again, she was wet from head to toe, and without giving it a moments thought she began to sing... really, really absurdly loud. It wasn't that she thought she was a great singer, but the lyrics of an old favorite local band she knew didn't exactly require a great singing voice.


It's a guide

Characters: Becka and Wren
Setting: Spiritual room, early morning

not an answer sheet )


Feels Like Christmas

Who: Reggie, Open to anyone, especially Mazie when she's ready
Where: Workshop, Block B
When: Around noonish

Reggie felt like a little kid waking up on Christmas morning when he found that the people who ran this place had actually listened to his request and put in a car and a workshop for him to play around in. He had to admit that he half expected for them to turn down his request, but he was happily surprised when they didn't.

It took him a while to get fully awake, although a shower helped a lot with that. After stopping by the kitchen for some coffee (no alcohol, as he was feeling up to being clear headed today), he made his way down to the basement and took the ride over to block B where the workshop was. When he saw it, he thought that he had died and gone to heaven. Only some of the biggest shops that he had worked for had anything like this.

"Good god, you people sure know how to spoil a boy," Reggie remarked with a low whistle as he looked around, taking a sip of the coffee that he had brought with him. The car they brought in was a clunker, but that's what he asked for. He figured that the first thing he could do was look at the car and see just what needed work on it.

He popped the hood, bending down and looking in. Oh yeah, there was a lot of work to be done on this. He was pretty sure there was a plant growing in the back of it! Immediately he was engrossed in everything that would need to be done. He dug a pen and a pad of paper he had found out of his pocket, starting to write down everything that he would need to do. He couldn't depend on his own rubbish memory anymore, and someone or another had suggested that he make lists. Now was as good a time as any to start.


Oppa says...

Who: Mazie and Jun-he
When: 9 am
Where: Library

Teach me something. )

Sep. 23rd, 2012


Following Advice

Characters: Charlie and OPEN
Setting: Morning, under the trees in the courtyard

Charlie's head was swimming Of course, that had a whole lot to do with the fact that he'd drunk half a bottle of whiskey for breakfast in a very short amount of time. But he'd successfully found his room. He'd left some less-than-legible comments on the journals, and then he'd headed out. The day was a nice one and he'd settled himself down where he'd told Autumn he would: under the trees in the courtyard, one hand under his head, his eyes half closed as he waited to see if the world would stop spinning.

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Different Origins

Characters: Edan and Jason
Setting: Kitchen, late morning

the firefighter and the firebug )



Characters: Charlie, Jae, Adam and OPEN
Setting: Cafeteria, first thing in the morning.

This wasn't what he expected when the 'guilty' plea had come through. Sure, his bail had been posted by his parents pretty early, and he hadn't spent a whole lot of time in jail before his trial. Maybe he had just seen far too many movies and TV shows, but being led into an elevator and given a key and a bag - really not what he had expected. Especially not when he was then left alone, and when the elevator doors opened again, there was... A bar.


He stepped out, looking around cautiously. "Hello?" he called out. Okay, so maybe he should have listened more carefully when they had been talking at him about some kind of facility and asking him to sign some forms, but he'd still been in shock. Fourteen years. His life was more over than it had been already. It wasn't fair. He hadn't been doing anything bad. He'd been trying to help, and they fucking sent him down for it.

"Fuck it," he growled, dropping his bag down on the chair and headed for the bar, pouring himself a large whiskey and downing half of it. He didn't care what time it was - he had no idea where he was, and it wasn't like he had anything else to fucking do. He was gonna get wasted.




July 8th

The sun shines brightly all day. Not a cloud in the sky, the temperatures are in the high 70s.


Once again, the map for the facility has been changed. There is now a second block accessible. This is reached from block A via the basement level, where access has been opened up to another elevator at the other end.

Block B is identical in design to Block A. There are, however, clear differences between the two. Whereas Block A’s central courtyard is landscaped and has the feel of a park, the central area of Block B is set out more like a smallholding. There are a variety of plots set out, growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. The plots are as follows:-

  • Herbs: this area grows quantities of most common herbs, all clearly labelled.
  • Roots: this area is growing crops such as potatoes, carrots, onions, pumpkins, squashes etc.
  • Orchard: there is a small orchard which has apple trees, plum trees and a couple of orange trees.
  • Fruits: this area has raspberry and blueberry bushes and other soft fruit plants such as strawberries.
  • Salad stuffs: tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beetroot etc.

Everything that is being grown is at it’s proper stage for the time of year. There is also a tool shed that is filled with tools required for small scale farming (including supplies of seeds etc needed for future crops) and a greenhouse (around 6ft by 10ft) for cultivation.

There are two communal areas accessible in Block B. One is set up as a workshop, including an old car which can be worked on. Everything that is needed for that is available - and the room is well ventilated. The other communal room is a music room, with a variety of instruments available, including several guitars and a piano. There is also a karaoke machine set up in one corner on a low stage. There are a number of bean bags scattered around the room for people to sit on.

Whilst it is clear that there are two storys to Block B, currently only level 1 is currently accessible.

Charlie is put into the elevator (his blindfold and shackles are removed once he is in the elevator and he is not given any opportunity of talking with any guards etc). He is given a bag containing his clothes and a room key stamped with the correct room number. The elevator goes up and the doors open onto the cafeteria. He is left to find his own way to his room.

Everyone receives the same message today:

Dear Community Members,

Today, we have two important things to discuss with you. One is positive, one is negative.

Here's the bad news first. Unfortunately, even in an environment set up to be free of the normal stresses of prison and allowed freedom to spread out and explore yourselves, some of you have done wrong. Three of you have transgressed against your fellow community members.

One of you has already publicly confessed, which we thank him for, and commend him for his bravery and interest in the community's well being. Because of that, Mr. Somers' punishment is reduced. He is expected to cut the grass, and do other general maintenance/clean up as needed today in the courtyard. This task shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.

The two remaining offenders are encouraged to confess to the community. You have twenty four hours to step up and do the right thing. Failure to comply to this will be disappointing for everyone, and yield less than positive results.

Now, for the good news. We have today moved onto the second phase of this project, with the opening of Block B of the facility. We are pleased with the progress of this program - despite today’s unfortunate setback. We hope that such punishments are not required on a regular basis. That is, of course, entirely up to you.

As a result of the knowledge of wrongdoing presented today, we ask you all to complete a private journal entry detailing your thoughts and feelings on the matter. This is not an optional exercise. We anticipate that you will take this seriously. It is due by midnight tonight.

Feel free to explore the second Block - which is accessible through the basement level. You will soon be joined by more neighbors. If any of you wish to request a move to a room in Block B, please let us know and this can be arranged.

The Administration

New residents receive this welcome message on their computer. The message blinks until it is read.

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