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July 2021



Posts Tagged: 'question:+layouts'

Jan. 3rd, 2013



HELP! ? I've hit a little snag in tweaking this layout...

Okay, so I've got a Question... it's about This Layout: I'm using it over at [info]crusnik_01 where I've changed the colors up a little bit, turned the module-photo display on to yes, and used a different background which I've fixed in place and repeated horizontally-only; However, I'm wondering if it's possible to make it look a lot more like THIS -- so the background color of everything around the journal entries( but not of the journal entries themselves) is partially see-through?..Without the default userpic/module-photo, entry dates, and all the text/links on the left losing their opacity as well? ??
I only did so with a photo editing program, but I have no idea if or how it would or could be possible in coding or not!... Any help with this - even if it's only to let me know that it can't actually be done - will be greatly appreciated! !!! Thanks~^_^

Dec. 21st, 2012


[No Subject]

does anyone have a code for something similar to this or or this or would anyone be willing to walk me through how to do it? whenever I try and mess with the coding on something I screw it up terribly.

Dec. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

forgive me if this has already been asked, but is there a certain gif or code to use to get the falling snow on a journal layout? i've seen a couple of journals with this effect but i can't find a gif of it for the life of me. i found a code on tumblr but it doesn't seem to work with ij as every time i put it in, it doesn't do anything for me. thank you in advance!

Nov. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

I'm looking for a table that I can use to organize professional quidditch teams for a Harry Potter game. I want something that I can list a small icons for ten players (7 starters and 3 reserves), their name/position, and the standings for the team, with the least amount of coding, because everything else I've tried far surpasses the post limit.

I've seen the code that ~nimbuschick posted a long time ago, but it doesn't really fit my needs. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be wonderful.

Oct. 23rd, 2012



S1 Generator; User Icons on F-Page

This is, perhaps, a silly question but since I don't know the ins and outs of styling S1 layouts I feel the need to ask. Is it possible to hide the user icons on the friends page or is this a no go? If it is possible, where would I put it and what code would I use?

Oct. 9th, 2012


[No Subject]

The answer is probably so incredibly simple that I almost hate to ask but I just can't figure it out on my own. How do you change the original links ( friends link, calendar link, entries link, user profile, etc ) found at the top of a journal into a phrase of your choosing or in some instances small bullets, hearts, whatever? Is it something as easy as a few codes? 


So I got this great layout from [info]coding that I modified but for the life of me I can't figure out how to change the LJ user font or the basic entry fonts as seen here. Help?

Sep. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

I apologize ahead of time if this has already been asked and I just did not find it. Searched Everything_LJ as well and not finding an answer there, either so thank you ahead of time.

I'm using an S1 layout, which I have not done in a loooooong time, so I don't remember all the little tricks and details, but isn't there a way to get tables to show up correctly in a post, despite the S1 overrides? I am trying to use a navigation table in a post that will get forward-dated so it stays on top of all the other posts but for the life of me I can't recall if it's even possible. After editing, from the actual post screen, the table looks fine. Viewing from the journal itself, the table has defaulted to the colors and text styles of the overrides.

Is there a trick... or is it not possible? What do people do instead?


Aug. 23rd, 2012



a little help here?

Okay. So. Here's the deal.

I'm putting together this GPSL revolving around a secret government agency type thing, right? And all is fine and dandy, until I come to the journal layout for the mod journal/comms. I sit here, thinking to myself "it would be really cool to have a layout that kinda looks like the Style Contest layout "Top Secret" only a little less lame. My thoughts immediately sprang to [info]lobelia's lovely diary layout, only replace the diary with an open file folder (journal entries scrolling on the right side, nav on the left)

Only ... I am terrible when it comes to journal layouts, and just the thought of trying to piece this together myself made my brain throw a temper tantrum.

So, that being said. Does anyone know of a similar-like layout anywhere? Or would anyone be willing to whip something up?

Aug. 19th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hi all, so awhile ago I posted this layout which has, when you check your friends page [info]journal in [info]community on the one line. What I'm asking is if there's a way to get them on two lines on the friends page such as


Does that make sense?

Aug. 4th, 2012


[No Subject]

I clicked a link on my fpage. Therefore I am here asking HOW DO I DO THIS.

[info]townsquare has an awesome layout, it uses CSS I get how the layout and everything is made BUT my question is - there's no Insanejournal code anywhere in the source code.

SO YES. How do I get a layout like that to work? #foreverinlove

Jul. 27th, 2012


[No Subject]

How would I add a picture (just a regular jpeg or possibly a gif) to my top bar -- sorry if this is vague, I have no idea what to call it. But I've attached examples!

Here, here, here.

Jul. 20th, 2012


[No Subject]

Need some layout help please! This is a flexible squares layout, that I've been using for ages now.

Anyways, I want to edit it so my main image up at the top (see layout: [info]nikkis) changes with each refresh. By using the coding FROM HERE. Does anyone have any idea how I can mesh the two together? RIGHT HERE you can find the original layout code of what I'm currently using.

Jun. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

So, question.

I'm coding a new s2 Bloggish layout and I'm wondering if there's a way to make the container have rounded corners? I have the entries rounded but I want the entire table to have them too? I've tired adding the moz-border code etc to the container, page body, alpha and beta things but none of that has worked.

Am I missing something obvious?

May. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hit a snag, not sure if there's a way to do what I want, but thought I'd bring it to the masters before I dismissed it.

I'm trying to do a layout in Generator to sort of emulate the typesetting of sections of Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves-- which is basically ergodic literature. What do I mean? Like this.

It's not so much the layout that's puzzling me (though ideas/suggestions are welcome) as much as... throughout the book, the word "house" appears in chromakey blue. I'm trying to find a way to have the coding replace all instances of a single word with... the same text in blue, as that was the only way I could think of to do it... and it's not working. It'd be nice to have, as in the book, you run into a blued "house" at least every chapter, so it's a pretty core thing.

Thanks in advance to anybody, even if it's just to say "not possible" so I can stop fiddling.

May. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

does anyone happen to know how it is that you can hide the calender and user info links like they did here?

Mar. 31st, 2012


[No Subject]

I might just be an idiot, but I have looked all over the intrawebz for the very simple generator layouts like a lot of the city games have currently: here and here. If anyone could share the code or point me in the direction of it, I would be ever so grateful!

Mar. 28th, 2012



Layout Help!

Hi! I play Harley Quinn over at Doors and I wanted her journal to have a black/red/white/Harlequin feel to it, but I'm absolutely useless when it comes to layouts and coding.  Is there anyone that would be willing to help me out?  Thanks so much!

Mar. 27th, 2012


[No Subject]

So, I've been having this issue with my journal for the past few weeks now hoping it would fix itself. Obviously it didn't or I wouldn't be here, hah! Anyway, back in December I renamed my journal here: [info]nikkis. And now since then, I've been having issues where while in the game I'm in/friends page I can't seem to see previous entries. It keeps showing 'most recent entries' at the bottom navigation, it will not allow me to click nor will it show a 'previous entries'/'go earlier' button/link thingy. But I can see it all fine on my recents page. I haven't messed with any coding since I've renamed, the only thing that seems I messed with was the layout image in which I have always messed with and things were fine. It's an s2 Flexible Squares layout, if that helps. Hope someone can help! :]

Mar. 6th, 2012




I'm pretty sure I read something here that certain kinds of coding just doesn't work in the userinfo regardless if you're using LiveJournal or InsaneJournal. Apparently I forgot that because I learned the hard way that this does not look like this as it should. If it's possible, I'd like to keep as much of the original coding as intact as I can, but if I can't, I can't. Below is the code for anyone to look at and, if possible, make suggestions on how I can fix it.

Read more... )

P.S. I didn't know how to tag this. Sorry. :c