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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+emmeline+vance'

Dec. 22nd, 2020



Owl to James Potter

Owl to James Potter )



Owl to the Marauders, Friends, and Family

Owl to the Marauders, Friends, and Family )

Dec. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

So apparently as I am a single (and ready to mingle) bachelor that means that I drew the short straw when it came to being on duty Christmas Day.

Molls, even invoking your sprogs didn't seem to sway them. I'll be around for Boxing Day and will make sure Father Christmas is well-stocked for the morning.

Dec. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

So it has been brought my attention that we haven't made a formal public announcement.

(If you all hear the howler from my mother today in my complex - I am SO sorry.)

Anyway, in this time of absolute chaos - when you find your person - you just KNOW and so we just went ahead and decided no time like the present - or the past now I guess? I don't know...and my person is sitting here laughing at me.

Or rather my husband is laughing at me. Yes, I am announcing that I have married Sirius Black. So I am now - Emmeline Black. Wow, I haven't written that out before like this. We eloped to an inn on the Irish coast and just... It was absolutely perfect.

We will be having a party at some point (so everyone heal up and stay safe because PARTY) and I am just absolutely ecstatic.

I am attaching pictures that were taken by our amazing inn keeper and the minister's wife.

(ooc: the following bit is an abbreviated wedding album. SO it is image heavy.)

The Elopement of Sirius and Emmeline Black )



Note and Gifts for Sebastian Halpern

(ooc: Contained in this owl are items of an adult nature - because Emmeline and Sirius really shouldn't be allowed to shop for gag gifts together - especially for strangers who really cannot know what is coming or what to expect. Their friends know better... but yes WARNING - NSFW IMAGERY - ADULT CONTENT INSIDE....)

Note and Get Well Gifts for Sebastian Halpern )

Dec. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

Is this a hospital or a bloody torture chamber?

Dec. 7th, 2020



Journal to Marauders, SOs + Harry

8:00pm tonight, Diagon flat. Don't be late.

[Marauders Only]

PS: I invited Big Harry.

Nov. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Sometimes chaos leads to some of the best and yet completely unexpected things.

Absolutely mad in all of the most delightful ways.

Also - I need taste testers this week because I am trying out some holiday-themed cocktails - namely some that I am hoping to pull off gingerbread notes of flavor because I am not about the sickly sweet cocktails.

Warded to Sirius Black )

Nov. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

So, little known fact - puppies do not care that you were just in absolute chaos. They are still needy, adorableness. So I might be healing from the chaos slower than normal due to the not resting bit of things not happening as much as it should be.

So that's a thing.

Everyone else involved in the chaos doing alright - anyone need anything?

Warded to James Potter )

Oct. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

So tonight at work we are doing some samples of fall cocktails at The Cellar.

You all should definitely swing over this way and taste what we are concocting here. There is also voting - the top three cocktails will be our specials for the next little bit. I have some favorites - but they are all very, very good.

Warded to the Order )

Oct. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Emmeline Vance and Sirius Black
What: Someone is trying to get out of the doghouse.
When: Sunday, October 4th, 1980
Where: Emmeline's Flat
Rating/Warnings: Adult Language and anything else TBD
Status: Completed

Just when she was about to change the locks...again... )

Oct. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

When you get up in the morning to find that your kitchen has been invaded by none other than Sirius Black. Also, that said intruder made the last of your coffee and didn't leave you more than half a cup. Also, that said intruder helped himself to my leftover takeaway in the fridge.


Working late shifts on the full moon requires more than half of a cup of coffee and porridge afterward. You owe me Black.

Off to the store I go, I suppose so that I can recharge properly. It was on the to-do list anyway. Does anyone else need anything? I don't mind running it over your way if you do.

Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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