Rewrite Journal Community

December 2020




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Dec. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

I apologise for any comments I made last night. It seems that the combination of the pain potion I took for the headache and the alcohol I had drunk earlier did not agree. I am truly delight for Mr and Mrs Malfoy. I have always looked up to them in society and I'm overjoyed by their news. I have truly learned my lesson.

Are you okay?

Cassius Lestrange + Hector Avery
Good morning,

I admit I am probably the last person you wish to hear from at this time but I just have a quick question for you. Well a couple of quick questions.

Have you told anyone else about us being time travellers?

Is there anyone who would be willing to teach me and perhaps my friends, more Dark Arts?

Can you do me a favour?

Cassius Lestrange + Hector Avery
Good morning,

I admit I am probably the last person you wish to hear from at this time but I just have a quick question for you. Well a couple of quick questions.

Have you told anyone else about us being time travellers?

Is there anyone who would be willing to teach me and perhaps my friends, more Dark Arts?

Dec. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

It's such a shame that manners and courtesy seem to be a dying art.

[Lucius and Bella]

Is it wrong that I want that girl to suffer?

[No Subject]

    Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
    Where are you?

Dec. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

I hope everyone had a glorious holiday season. I have to admit - it's been a while since I had the absolute joy of making this type of announcement...and there will be something official going out soon. But as I told Narcissa - I don't think I can wait.

The joy our son Draco has brought into our lives is beyond compare and as an only child myself - I never wanted that for my son. I wanted him to have a sibling - a bond like my wife has enjoyed with her family.

It's with the most ecstatic joy that we can announce that we will be having a baby - we will be adding to our family around the end of August according to our private healer.

Words cannot express the joy we are feeling...Draco is excited by the excitement.

My wife is making me wait to share the rest until we can send out a formal announcement - but this is truly the very best Christmas present we could have received as a family. We truly believe that it is very little in this world more important than family.

My wife is pregnant, Draco will have a sibling and we couldn't be happier. I don't think there is a better way to head into the New Year.

Heavily Warded to Bellatrix )



[No Subject]

When your husband spoils you over the holidays with a new workspace...

To have a supportive spouse is truly the best thing in the world. I hope everyone finds that level of commitment from their partners.

Also - it's no longer IN the house - I think he might have also tired of scorch marks on the walls when experiments went awry.

Warded to Evan Rosier )

Dec. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Is anyone surprised Father decided to work through Christmas instead of spending time with us? I'm not. Mother was therefore moaning all day about it. I couldn't get away from her fast enough. Winky at least put on a good spread as usual.

Father is also on at me to get a job but honestly I do not know what I want to do. I'm enjoying this freedom to do what I want and go where I want.

Evan + Margaux
Let's do something fun. I need to have a distraction or I might kill father. Not that would be a shame but I really don't want the attention on me.

Dec. 26th, 2020



dec. 25th.

cate and edgar bones. )

gideon and fabian prewett. )

literally anyone the weasleys know tbqh )



dec. 25th.

gifts for the da )

mandy brocklehurst. gotten to her... somehow. )



[No Subject]

So Moody is dead and Black is married. Neither of those are supposed to happen from what I know. So What now?

Dec. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]




[No Subject]


(backdated to christmas eve.)

Happy Holidays, people! 🎵 May your days be merry and bright, and may all purists take a break from being terrible human beings tonight. 🎵

To spread some cheer, I thought we could play little game of this or that.
Eggnog OR Hot Cocoa
Peppermint OR Salted Caramel
Gingerbread House OR Sugar Cookies
Real Tree OR Artificial Tree
White Lights OR Colored Lights
Ugly Sweaters OR Matching Pajamas
White Elephant OR Secret Santa




Happy Christmas to the Group )

Dec. 24th, 2020



owls sent early dec. 24th.

matilda dukelow. )
amelia bones. )
edgar and cate bones. )
alice and frank longbottom. )
molly and arthur weasley. )



Delivery for Margaux

Delivered to Margaux via Freya )



[No Subject]


Dec. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Lucius has made arrangements for us to spend Christmas with he and Cissa.



[No Subject]

It's my son's first Christmas. He's not even five months old and won't remember ANY of it, but that's not stopping me from going out and purchasing a new camera to take lots of photos. Neither of my parents were very fond of the practice, but I find myself wishing I had more photographs to remember them by. I guess it's never too early to start.

Dec. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

Happy Christmas to me, I've been discharged from hospital.



Owl to James Potter

Owl to James Potter )