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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+luna+lovegood'

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: DA]
    Lads we have a problem

    Well I have a problem

    I'm stuck as me and they don't know how to fix it

Nov. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Da]
    I know how this is going to sound in the grand scheme of things but does anyone know anything about baking because Sturgis got hurt and isn't coming in today and apparently I'm useless in the kitchen.

Nov. 9th, 2020


[No Subject]

Going into winter is the hardest time for plants. Anyone who needs to winter-proof their garden please let me know. The shop I work at allows for house calls.

Hey! I reckon you could use a day off. Do you want to go somewhere with me?
I'm... going to try something with Malfoy. I talked to him a little bit, and I don't think his heart is in supporting the Death Eaters completely. I'm going to try to get him to turn on them.
No, you can't talk me out of it.

Oct. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

Now I know why Aurors drink a lot of coffee in the morning.

| Bones |
Did I do something horrible to you that you've paired me with Moody? I can't tell if he's trying to train me or contemplating ways to murder me.

| DA |
In what world exactly was an Avery a bloody hero and not the scum of the earth? And since when is Hitwizard Rivers not part of the Order? Did we go back to the correct time?

Hermione, I don't remember any of this in our reading. These people can't actually be so confused as to think a bloody Avery is part of the Order can they?

Someone needs to keep an eye on him before he ends up in the Order and able to murder everyone. Or gets close to Wormtail. We don't need him switching sides earlier than he already does.

Oct. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Death is fascinating. Even when insignificant it creates a ripple effect. The way it impacts those around it, who are touched by it even in briefly by extension. Deaths effects can be fleeting but a moment in someone's mind as they move on. Or it can be devastating and gut-wrenching. Watching the emotions wash over someone as they battle through the stages of acceptance. Death can bring with it scrutiny in many ways. It can be timely, it can be a surprise, it can be inconvenient. Watching the wave of impact. A tsunami to some or just rolling in of the tides to another. Fascinating.

Oct. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

The first few days as an Auror trainee have been brilliant. Thanks, Bones, I can't wait to see what the next shift brings us.

| DA |
Who still needs ideas as to how to approach their Order Member? We've got to figure things out soon or we're going to miss our chance to really get 'in' with them before everything starts to go south.

We also need to figure out how we're going to communicate with one another. Yes, the journals work for now but did anyone bring their DA coin with them? If so, I have mine and I'll bet Hermione has hers. We can use them if we're in a pinch.

| Hermione & Ron |
We need to figure out when the first events start. We knew it was this year but never quite when. Hermione, did you bring any books about the first war with you? Please tell me you did.

Oct. 6th, 2020


[No Subject]

I've always liked visiting England. London is one of my favorite places.

[Dumbledore's Army]
So we should get in contact with the Order sooner rather than later, right? Does anyone have a plan for what they're going to say or do to try and make friends?



[No Subject]

[Warded to Dumbledore's Army]

I was thinking of going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to see if Magical Menagerie or Quality Quidditch Supplies was hiring, since a job would mean both money coming in and a chance to possibly gather some intelligence. Did anyone want to come with?

Oct. 5th, 2020


[No Subject]

    ↬ Money, wizard & muggle (5)
    ↬ Food & storage (3)
    ↬ Water & storage (2)
    ↬ First aid kits, 1 per every 2 people? (2)
    ↬ Potions & cauldrons for brewing (1)
    ↬ Ingredients & storage
    ↬ Bedding (1)
    ↬ Clothes (4)
    ↬ Deluminators
    ↬ Spare wands
    ↬ Broomsticks (2)

    Let me know what you've packed and what else we might want to stockpile on.

Oct. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private to the DA]
Please reply here with the following information for your alternate identity. If you need help coming up with anything, let us know and we’ll help you out.

cut )

Oct. 1st, 2020



[private to members of dumbledore's army]

[private to members of dumbledore's army]

After doing some searching, Hermione and I think we found a few places that could work for a safehouse. All the places are near Godric's Hollow, but they're muggle villages just to be on the safer side. I'll make a list, and we can discuss everything.

Old dairy farm, Falmouth (Cornwall) - lots of acreage, neighbors are far away
Abandoned train station, Dartmoor (Devon) - kind of a ghost town, really
School house, Liskeard (Cornwall) - quaint, nice area, lots of little shops
Fixer-upper, Chagford (Devon) - neighborhood is a bit sketchy, but not terrible


Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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