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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'player:+jen'

Dec. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

It feels exceptionally hard to get into the Holiday spirit this year.

Reminder following the Ministry orders announced on Saturday is for everyone safety. We hope not to see anymore unnecessarily loss.

I know you won't respond to this. Yet, for some reason, I am writing to you anyway. The office doesn't feel the same without you. And for some reason, it just feels like there is a lot less light at the end of the tunnel in this damn war. I know that isn't fair to put that on you but that is how it feels. I just felt like you were always going to be there fighting the good fight and now you are gone. It just seems hard to process. I know we all will continue on. We have to. But I guess I just miss your grumpy ass. So I suppose my writing this is my way of getting to say goodbye since I didn't get a chance to or something.

Dec. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

Owl to Cissa. )



[No Subject]

My husband tells me that our son won't remember his first Christmas - being, as he is, under a year old. But still. After the ups and downs of this year, I felt the need for a little cheer.

So, this afternoon, I finally finished decorating our home for Christmas. I'm rather proud of how it's all turned out.

Spellotaped in (picture heavy post, sorry not sorry) )

Dec. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Owls sent to senior DEs (incl. Voldemort, Lestranges, etc) )

Dec. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

Did you know you can get so bored that you start counting things in your room?

Hi. Thank you. How are you doing?
Now I am coherent. I wanted to ask how you are? Did you get hurt during all that?
I just wanted to check in on you.

Dec. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Ugh potions are seriously strong.

My last post? I'm sorry for being so... blunt? I want to be your friend more than anything so ignore if you want. I don't want to lose our friendship.

Please whack me on the head.

Dora + Friends
You ok?

Nov. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

Moody was the first bloke who ever arrested me. S'wierd, thinking that'll never happen again.

Not that I've done anything to warrant an arrest, obviously, just...makes you think, dunnit?

All we are is dust in the wind, and all that.


You broadcasting again tonight?

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

...Well, at least they didn't get my face.


I'll be back at my desk on Monday. Anyone fancy bringing me the puce folder from my left desk drawer in the meantime?


Roll call - how's everyone doing?


Sucking chest wounds - 0/10 would not recommend. Reckon I'll get some manly scars out of it, but I don't think I'll be topless at the beach any time soon.

Stuck on my back for the rest of the day - shut up Gideon - while the wounds finish knitting back together. Anyone that wants to stop by St Mungo's and keep me from staring at the ceiling would be very much welcome.

Let me know how you're all doing, at the very least.

[Molly and Gideon]

Everyone ok? Mols, how's Arthur?



[No Subject]


Would you be available today to look after Draco for an hour or two?


I'm going out. I've asked Rose to look after Draco - if she's not available, the house elves will suffice.

[Edited to add] Rose was injured near to where she's letting a room, apparently. Perhaps you can continue your background checks into her from your bed?


Are you safe? Unhurt?


Are you well?


I hate this. Lucius keeps getting hurt - I can't lose him. Not even for a society where Draco can grow up proud of who he is, who his family are. Where our way of life isn't under constant attack, our heritage chipped away piece by piece.

I'm not sure it's worth it, anymore.

Nov. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

So apparently it's not healthy for me to never be away from my son. Despite the state of our society right now.

As a result, I'm in need of a babysitter for Friday night. With the potential of a part-time nanny position to follow. Qualified candidates can send their CV via owl to Malfoy Manor.


Happy? I do hope you have a spectacular evening planned, my love.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

The times that we live in are absolutely ludicrous.

To My Son Draco )

Narcissa )

Private )

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

{Rodolphus and Rabastan.}

Do. Nothing. Is that understood?

Oh little Auror's you are looking in the wrong place and barking up the wrong tree. Surely you knew that when you set out on this farce of a raid.

Nov. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Draco has a new favourite toy, and it's absolutely darling.

[Spellotaped in]

Of course, it did prove slightly problematic last night when we couldn't find it at bedtime...thank Salazar for finding charms.

[ooc: it's a stock photo, I'm not being a creeper with someone's baby photos...]

Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Aurors, excluding Amelia and Jeffrey]
    Death Eaters came for Gareth Bones. Edgar is with Cate at St. Mungo's but Gareth and Persephone are dead. We need a team out here.



[No Subject]

[Hexed to Moody]

Do people have to be in the Order to come to your fighting classes or whatever?

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Did you get one of those summons Walburga is blathering on about?



[No Subject]

I know I am about to jinx us here, but it is too fucking quiet since Halloween.

Now with Blacks message. Something is bound to happen right. What are they planning?



[No Subject]

Are we running low on any potions in particular?
I know we've had a lot going on, so I just wanted to make sure you all saw Moody's note about the extra training. I told him I'd have you all there.



[No Subject]

To counter what Mrs. Black has said, do not ignore an official summons from the Ministry. It is important to know both your own rights and the reach of the government.

[Dad -- Amelia can see]
What the hell do you and Crouch think you're doing?
[Order Aurors]
I have some names of potential suspects. Look into these, but be discreet. Black said Crouch and my dad are using Veritaserum to coerce confessions out of people and if it seems like we're hot on their trail too they may get desperate.

Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Xavier Selwyn
Alastair Selwyn
Rabastan Lestrange
[James, Remus]
I need a favor from the two of you. Don't tell anybody about this.



[No Subject]

It is a sad indeed to see just how far the Ministry has fallen and the lengths they will go to prosecute innocent people in lieu of getting what they want and of achieving their own means and goals. I received a request this morning asking me to come into the Ministry. Being the upstanding member of society that I am I obliged, only to be tormented for hours with ceaseless questions all meant to get an answer out of me that I did not have and that I told them repeatedly that I did not have.

They badger, needle, poke and prod all in hopes of getting an answer that they already have but clearly did not like and most certainly did not accept. They do not care who they harm in their supposed march for good. They do not care about the mental anguish they bestow upon people and do not care about the answers they get that do not satisfy their needs and desires. Instead they continue trying to coerce an answer out of you all the while knowing that a coerced answer cannot come forth. You will be hearing from the Black family barristers very shortly after this debacle and horrendous display put forth by those who are suppose to protect us and uphold the laws and rules of our society.

If you receive a summons from the Ministry, ignore it. Do not think to be a good law abiding citizen and do the right thing because in the end it will lead you to hours of anguish and torment all in the name of good.