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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+eros+wilkes'

Dec. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

Are the holidays over yet?

We are really going to need to do something because the next time I am ordered to show up at one of these stupid attacks I am pretty sure I am going to die. I'm sure you don't fucking care I'm not a shit dueler. I am actively not engaging. Anything I do send towards someone is poorly aimed. Because I can't look completely obvious that I am not actively involved. I narrowly avoided capture

This was never the life I wanted but it was the life my father expected so here we are.
Sorry I could not help you and Hector the other day. I was in no shape. I couldn't go to St. Mungo's and had to instruct Brendan what to do.

I don't know if I can fight them anymore. I feel like I am just going to land back being tortured by him again for my apparent incompetence. I am exhausted it is probably that getting me this way.
I don't like any of this. I don't feel in control of my own life.

Dec. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Hector |
When you're no longer injured, mon couer we should discuss a few things. Like, I no longer fit into the dress Alastair and I purchased.

| Eros |
Will you come look over Hector. You know how awful I am at healing charms.

| Amara |
Don't hate me. I'd have rather been there with you, you know it.

| Alastair |
Are you done giving me the cold shoulder or are we going to continue not speaking forever? You know I don't like chasing after people.



[No Subject]

Usually, by now I've decorated the house inside and out. I'd have baked cookies with Kyal for hours and probably made enough that we would have had to give them away in preparation for the holidays.

This year doesn't feel like 'usually'.

| Edgar |
I'm tired.

Now that you're not off playing hero for a few hours can you watch the children? I can bring Charlotte and Noah with me to nap if you'd like. Then it's just you and Raleigh for a bit.

| Kyal |
I miss Christmas cookie normalcy.

| Eros |
Not off playing hero Healer I hope? I'd hate to hear you were hurt as well.

| Alice |
Since this may very well be our last Christmas on this earth, you and Frank should bring Neville over at some point so he and our children can bond a bit.

Dec. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

I heard the reports about the dementors. I am not in a position to speak on the politics of that. However, I thought I would offer advice when it comes to Dementors being around. They can make you feel a bit low. Recommend keeping some chocolate or sweets of your choice on your person. Chocolate is your best option but any sort of sweet will perk you up.

Hopefully, this measure will not be permanent.

Nov. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

So Moody is really dead? Does that change things?

Also, I tried to find out more about Alec but can't really find out. I just know he is not in the best shape.
Minster of Magic huh. Guess we really need to work on that quick and quiet wedding then.

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

I am certain that there are other patients who require your attention more then I do. I am fine. Stop hovering and go do what you're meant to.

Is the fact that I have not yet seen you in one of these beds at Mungo's a good thing?

Nov. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Heavily Warded to Brendan]
So your brother had a chat with me.

Nov. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Eros |
(heavily warded for only Eros. If anyone else looks even in Eros's journal, they'll see ads for knitting)

I think it's time you and I talked about your issue, don't you?

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

When work advises you to wear the dragon hide gloves - wear the gloves.

This is my daily public service announcement.

Warded For the IS )

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

There comes a time when we need to denounce people we care about. If my father is truly a Death Eater, then he is receiving exactly what he deserves. I will trust in the process, as we all should.

I understand you might be concerned. Say the word and your father dies in his cell.



[No Subject]

Where are you?



[No Subject]

[Cassius Lestrange]
After careful observation I have made my selection of who to approach from that group of friends. I have made a connection with Pettigrew. I'll continue making friends with him and see if I cannot acquire information or better yet get him to join us.
Just so you don't worry. Monday night after work I am going for drinks with someone. It relates to Death Eater business and nothing else.



[No Subject]

The coming of winter has always been a welcome sight. I do prefer the beauty of the snow-covered city to the rainy, mud-covered streets. Let's hope the end of this year is far better than it has been thus far.

| Alastair & Jacen |
I'm running out of time to make it look legitimate but I can't marry in December. Amara will kill me and I doubt Hector will overshadow her wedding with ours even if it's private. What do I do?

I am having dinner prepared tonight at the estate. I expect you there and do be sure to bring Benjamin and Ella. If they are to be part of my wedding, Hector will need to meet them. Whether he likes it or not.

| Pettigrew |
I'm told you're the person to go to for flowers. I have a request and the topic is quite delicate. If you have time to meet with me, I have a request and I am willing to pay quite well for your discretion.

| Eros |
Do you and Brendan have plans this afternoon? I could use your company.

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Another day closer. Time is a funny thing.

How are you fairing after your father?
I hope you are keeping well Sir.
How are you? How are you fairing with everything? How is Hector? Do you need a drink?
Hello Pettigrew.

I hear through the grapevine you are at fault for some of the stunning floral arrangements I see at the hospital.

Nov. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Hector |
We need to talk.


| Alastair & Eros |
I need a favor and you can't ask any questions.

Nov. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

You weren't home when I got home. Are you okay?
[Eris] Sent a little later
Brendan has not come home. I am a little worried. Maybe he got caught up in things. I think something happened near Diagon again. Maybe he got caught up in it leaving work? Mainly just hoping you can tell me calm down and not worry.
You didn't hear about anything happening to Brendan?

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

What's a guy gotta do to get an amateur Quidditch league going around here?

[draco, graham]
I think we're wasting our time following the DA. They're making headway but they're still hapless. We could be killing two birds with one stone here. We need to get in with the Death Eaters in this time. Parkinson had the right idea. If we win the war now our lives are breezy from the start.
Hey, kitty cat. I need you to do something for me.

Nov. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

What a world we live in.

| Hector |
I need a drink. Immediately.

| Amara |
Lunch tomorrow?

Nov. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

So I wanted to tell you something. I'm moving in with Brendan.
So. Figured I would let you know. I'm moving in with Brendan. I am not letting everyone know. Just figured it was good for someone within our ranks to know where I might be if I were to get hurt or whatever.
Hey how are you and baby doing?

Nov. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

(closer to midnight 11/1 into 11/2 and written via dictation charm)

Where am I?
How the hell did I get here?

Why can't I move
Fuck my insides feel like they're
I'm going to fucking kill Edgar Bones and his whole

(ink stains the rest of the page)