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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+stubby+boardman'

Dec. 21st, 2020



Public Entry

Today marks one of my favorite days of the year. It also happens to be the shortest.

For many cultures around the world, the Winter Solstice is a very spiritual day full of sacred rituals that celebrate a powerful transition point between seasons. Since ancient times, civilizations, indigenous cultures, and various religions, all have their own rituals for taking advantage of this unique energy.

The Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness, regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. It is believed by those who follow the old gods, that on this day, the moon gave birth to the sun.

I don't know about you, but in the all the chaos leading up to Christmas, I look forward to this day annually. For my family, it is a time to celebrate with friends, feasting and drinking, singing, reading poems, appreciating nature, all while gathering around the hearth-fire. With the recent attacks throughout our communities and the Ministry's curfews curtailing gatherings this year, my mother and I plan to spend today in solitary reflection. The solstice is already tied to a personal awakening, so I plan to light a candle, embrace the darkness, and consider deeply: about myself, my past, and my hopes and offerings for our devastated communities.

Before I put down this journal, however, and retreat into meditation, I wish to gift to you the following song. This collaboration with my mother and several close friends more like family members, captures the essence of what I believe we owe to our fellow persons. And it is our gift at the holidays, to you.

Even in the darkness, there is light. For one cannot exist without the other.


Stubby Boardman

Dec. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Mandatory first aid refresher cert test seems both well- and inconveniently-timed. May just have to hope that I remember it all, since there are approximately -7 hours left in the day for handbook revision. Maybe I'll stick the relevant pages onto the bathroom wall.

[The Order]
Still trying to digest this whole thing. It all feels very... ghosts of Christmas future. While I can absolutely see the possibilities of such a significant advantage, I might also start having nightmares about a paradox that collapses the world into a black hole, or something.

I meant to check in with you the other night but the whole time-travel discussion rather distracted me. How're you doing? Talk about a shit time. Anything I can do?

They gave me half your cases. I'm loathe to ask you to explain your filing system, but it's not easy to act mournful about my poor fallen comrade here while under a pile of unfinished arrest reports.

Nov. 29th, 2020



Journal Entry - Warning for Drug Use

Private to Dung )

Nov. 15th, 2020



Owl to Amelia Bones

Owl to Amelia Bones )

Nov. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

In light of the horrific acts that took place on Halloween, the management at Quality Quidditch Supplies has decided to do their part to help with funding some of the rebuilding efforts by putting some of their signed and limited edition items up for auction. I was able to get some of my new friends from the Falcons to sign a pennant and a few other souvenirs, and we've reached out to other teams as well. Personally, I've got my eyes on a Silver Arrow signed by the current and former chasers from the Harpies.

If anyone would like to either bid or donate items, come by the shop and we'll set you up!

Nov. 5th, 2020



Public Announcement

In the wake of the recent attacks across the United Kingdom, and as our communities heal and rebuild from wounds unrestricted to fragile and fleeting corporeals, I wish you all a safe and blessed bonfire night.

It is at times like these we must reflect inward, while critically observing outward. What can we, as individuals, offer to the world? How can we uplift our fellow beings? Not only our peers, but those in non-magical communities as well. How do our daily actions support the rights, equality and liberation of all? From goblins, trolls, and house elves to dragons, ghosts, vampires, and werewolves, owls, rats and frogs - the list is endless and all encompassing.

On this 5th of November, we are called to remember that we cannot, and must not, rely on others to correct the injustice knocking at our doors. It is not up to our governments, nor societal leaders, to make decisions for the people. They are here to serve the people. But in order to do so, we must all speak out as individuals. We must all arrive and be held accountable.

So as you enjoy your whizzbangs and poppers tonight, as we burn our effigies and reflect, I encourage you all to make the choice to step up.

I am stepping up. I invite you to join me.

Blessings be.

- Stubby Boardman

Nov. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

I think I've spent more time at St Mungo's in the past month than I have at home.

Friends + Family
Is everyone ok?

Hey, I'm sorry I had to bail on the party. It was fun though.

Oct. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

I want everyone on their best behaviour during Halloween. I know many of us have plans, including a lot of us Aurors and Hit Wizards, please do not ruin our night.

I know I'm going to a much anticipated Halloween party that I really do not want to miss before spending time with my family.

Late notice but anyone want to do lunch on Saturday given I'm busy Saturday night?

Oct. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, so after seeing all that talk of dogs I definitely did a thing. It also didn't hurt that while party planning with Trevor all night last night we were talking about dogs and rats and things.


Oct. 23rd, 2020



Public Announcement

Today, Matt, Mael, Mortimer and I head to the Cotswolds for a week-long writer's retreat. I know there's been some scuttlebutt suggesting a new album is around the bend, and I'd like to be the first to confirm:

SORRY. No. There is NO new album round the bend.

There is, however, a regional tour!

England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and North Ireland - get ready to jump! The Hobgoblins are coming to a venue near you, 31 October thorough 31 December!

That's RIGHT! Halloween through Yule of this year, you'll have the opportunity to see The Hobgoblins live. Tickets are extremely limited, so get ready to book your reservations! Tickets are scheduled to go on sale this Sunday at 10:00am, wherever gig tickets are sold.

See you in the world.

- Stubby Boardman.

Oct. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

Waiting is the worst part. I don't trust the Ministry to let Edgar off even though he should be.

I need alcohol. I need to whack Edgar over the head for being an idiot even if I do agree with what he said and I just need this all to be over.

Who is coming over to keep me company?

What happened? They wouldn't let me in to the hearing.

Edgar? Are you okay?

Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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