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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+nymphadora+tonks'

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: DA]
    Lads we have a problem

    Well I have a problem

    I'm stuck as me and they don't know how to fix it

Nov. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

I spoke to him. Harry. At least over the journals. Impressions?

[DA Members - Excluding Harry Potter]
Right. So you lot. I don't know who you actually are, but you must know Harry well enough. to travel back in time Godric knows my mates know more about me than my parents ever did. Or even more than I knew myself.

Tell me about him?

[Edgar Bones]
I spoke with Dudley Porter. Also known as Harry Potter. He has a death wish.

Nov. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Felt weird to be back on the job after several weeks off. I guess what's what I get for fighting the my injuries. Pretty sure my wand arm will never be the same.

I guess this means we're back to the 'no wand in your back pocket because you're assless' doesn't it?

| DA |
We need to divide our forces like Hermione and Susan have said but we also need to involve the Order. I think it's our best option to have Bones bring us to them and tell them the truth - all of it. Otherwise, this is all for nothing. Especially since some of them are better trained to handle the darker magic than we are for breaking into things like Gringotts vaults.

I don't want to tell my parents either but what choice do we have anymore? We're out of time to do it on our own.

[No Subject]

It's almost Nutcracker season!


    Ginny, please be extra careful at the Ministry. Look out for Hector Avery. He came snooping around for me on the day I dropped out of the ATP after Parkinson told him who I was. So he's probably suspicious of any newcomers.

    Since when are we becoming au pairs to the purists? Did Mrs. Malfoy ever get back to you, Hermione?

    I need an invigoration draught for this splitting headache I woke up with. If anyone has some they can spare.

Nov. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

The Ministry and the public as a whole have lost an amazing asset. The tragedy is one that generations to come will feel and suffer for. My heart goes out to the whole Bones family. None of them deserved this loss.

| DA |
It's time we told the Order who we are and why we're here. We're out of options. They'll fall like dominos now if we don't.

| Ginny |
I need you with me in this, Gin. I can't do it without you.

| Sirius |
I know you don't know me, not like this but I

need to
you always gave me adv
how do I
my dad thinks I'm

I think you and your mates have me all wrong. I'm not a threat to the Potters. I'm here to protect them and you.

Nov. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Da]
    I know how this is going to sound in the grand scheme of things but does anyone know anything about baking because Sturgis got hurt and isn't coming in today and apparently I'm useless in the kitchen.

Nov. 9th, 2020


[No Subject]

Going into winter is the hardest time for plants. Anyone who needs to winter-proof their garden please let me know. The shop I work at allows for house calls.

Hey! I reckon you could use a day off. Do you want to go somewhere with me?
I'm... going to try something with Malfoy. I talked to him a little bit, and I don't think his heart is in supporting the Death Eaters completely. I'm going to try to get him to turn on them.
No, you can't talk me out of it.

Nov. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

We can all hope for a better, safer month. We in the Auror department continue to work to protect all of you. Every day we are a step closer, even if it may seem bleak. Keep your heads up.

All right, kids. I need Death Eater names. I have some suspicions obviously, but the more names I can get the better.
Hey, beautiful.
Do you want to get lunch sometime? I know you probably don't remember me because I died when you were too young, so I'd like to get the chance to know you now. If you'd like.
Added Later:

Hey. We need to talk about something.



[No Subject]

| DA |
I take it the fight didn't go well for any of us?

| Bones |
I didn't forget work. I just woke up in Mungo's. I don't even know what day it is.

Oct. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Harry Potter]
    Hey so. Like. What's the plan with Pettigrew? I'm not saying getting rid of him now is my favorite plan, but. It might be the most effective?

Oct. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private to the DA]
Please reply here with the following information for your alternate identity. If you need help coming up with anything, let us know and we’ll help you out.

cut )

Oct. 1st, 2020



[private to members of dumbledore's army]

[private to members of dumbledore's army]

After doing some searching, Hermione and I think we found a few places that could work for a safehouse. All the places are near Godric's Hollow, but they're muggle villages just to be on the safer side. I'll make a list, and we can discuss everything.

Old dairy farm, Falmouth (Cornwall) - lots of acreage, neighbors are far away
Abandoned train station, Dartmoor (Devon) - kind of a ghost town, really
School house, Liskeard (Cornwall) - quaint, nice area, lots of little shops
Fixer-upper, Chagford (Devon) - neighborhood is a bit sketchy, but not terrible


Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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