Rewrite Journal Community

December 2020



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December 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Death Eaters
I want to go have some fun in a Muggle village. I want to hear people scream, to see them choke on their own blood.

Anyone wish to join me?

You didn't respond to my last journal, Peter.



[No Subject]

With the state of things - it's unclear if we will be having the open house at the Manor this year for the holidays - which is a shame because Narcissa has outdone herself this year. She has created a festive wonderland in our home that is truly breathtaking.

With it being our son's first Christmas - I am sure it will truly be one to remember.

Warded to Severus )

Warded to Narcissa )

Private )



[No Subject]

It feels exceptionally hard to get into the Holiday spirit this year.

Reminder following the Ministry orders announced on Saturday is for everyone safety. We hope not to see anymore unnecessarily loss.

I know you won't respond to this. Yet, for some reason, I am writing to you anyway. The office doesn't feel the same without you. And for some reason, it just feels like there is a lot less light at the end of the tunnel in this damn war. I know that isn't fair to put that on you but that is how it feels. I just felt like you were always going to be there fighting the good fight and now you are gone. It just seems hard to process. I know we all will continue on. We have to. But I guess I just miss your grumpy ass. So I suppose my writing this is my way of getting to say goodbye since I didn't get a chance to or something.



Journal to Marauders, SOs + Harry

8:00pm tonight, Diagon flat. Don't be late.

[Marauders Only]

PS: I invited Big Harry.



[No Subject]

{Heavily Warded to Lestrange's, Avery's and Eris.}
Given the current state of affairs, Rabastan and I feel it prudent to make changes to our wedding. We will be moving from a public venue to a private one to ensure that all of you are protected and not at risk or in danger by attending and we will be moving the wedding out of country to a location that is neutral and outside the reach of England currently. As of now the scheduled date has moved from New Year' Eve to this coming Saturday, 12 December. Portkey's will arrive for everyone the night before and will activate at seven am that morning and then again later that evening to return you home should you wish to leave that evening. If you do not, there will be plenty of room for everyone to remain for several days if one so wishes. Think of this not only as a wedding celebration but a much needed holiday break for everyone.