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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+georgia+rosier'

Dec. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

When your husband spoils you over the holidays with a new workspace...

To have a supportive spouse is truly the best thing in the world. I hope everyone finds that level of commitment from their partners.

Also - it's no longer IN the house - I think he might have also tired of scorch marks on the walls when experiments went awry.

Warded to Evan Rosier )

Dec. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

I think - other than the invitations we have already accepted - we will be staying close to home this holiday season.

I did finally get some family portraits by the tree in the main living room. If someone can please tell me a more suitable bribe to get one's husband and brother in law to not grumble when it's for the Christmas cards...

Honestly - you would think I was asking for the moon.

Warded to Evan )

Dec. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Did I hear that they are sending Dementors into Hogsmeade?

That is most definitely a unique and forward-thinking response. Perhaps this will help route out the source of some of this chaos. The status quo certainly hasn't sorted things out. Good on our acting Minister for being bold enough to try something new.

While I am sure it's not the most soothing or comfortable thing - something must be done to restore calm and confidence in the populace.

Having been inspired by Narcissa - I am also deep diving into getting the main house ready for the holidays. I realized I had my work areas decorated and not the rest of the house. I am really behind schedule this year.

(Evan) )

Nov. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

The madness of the times we live in is absolutely beyond imagining. My heart and thoughts are with everyone who is still dealing with this aftermath.

If you need potions but aren't serious enough to need Mungo's - please let me know. I will open my stored options so that the staff there is not more overwhelmed than I am sure they are already.

Warded to Narcissa Malfoy )

Private )

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Can someone please explain to me - a reasonable and intelligent witch - how exactly the Prophet can post articles and allow their authors to hide behind the title 'Anonymous'. If you are going to write or say something - own it with your own name for the love of all things!

What the Prophet is doing is inciting fear and allowing names to be smeared without cause. Because people are brought in for questioning does not mean they are guilty. But the wording of this article is going to paint them this way - and cause their family's, their reputations, and they themselves undo amounts of harm while the author can go on about their lives without a care because they are allowed to hide behind the 'Anonymous' moniker.

The deaths of the Bones' is horrible and we need answers - obviously. But in covering an ONGOING investigation in this sort of way? I hardly see how this is helping anyone.

Daily Prophet you must do better - the Anonymous moniker is inexcusable when the coverage is in this type of manner. Someone needs to own their words.

Nov. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

It is that time of year again - the Holiday Auction is coming up.

Please do let me know what is being donated so that we can make the necessary room. Also - and I cannot believe I have to say this - anything that BITES or SPEWS anything needs to be restrained and/or contained. Let's not have another Stinging Bulgarian Peonies incident like two years ago hmmm? Rare ingredients are always welcome - but safety is preferred.

This year's charity is for the Children's Wing at St. Mungo's - with a focus on the Curious Maladies ward. This is a change from the charity we had been considering.

Ward to Madeline Browning )

Ward to Narciss Malfoy )

Oct. 29th, 2020



Owl to Walberga Black

Owl to Walberga Black )

Oct. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

This has been a very...interesting time. Interesting indeed.

Knowing the families involved - I can only hope for a quick resolution where the people responsible are brought to justice. I cannot fathom how this occurred but I would hope that security measures are being looked at to keep innocent people safe.

And also - I find it very curious that when Prophet isn't calling people 'cowards' or inciting people - they don't mind putting an author's name with the article. If you aren't willing to own your words - I wouldn't think you would be allowed to submit them to print. But I am just a wife and philanthropist. Take my words as you will.

The Death Eaters Wives and Significant Others Tea Society )

Oct. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

You spend time working on a project to come out and find there has been a 'fracas'.

With such descriptive and detailed reporting, you would think the author would want to sign their name so they could be congratulated rather than hiding behind 'Anonymous'.

It is truly unfortunate that this has occurred and I hope all injured parties heal in a speedy fashion.

Also - when your spouse is sharing his thoughts on current events and is talking with his hands - you appreciate taking the time to make sure that your potion bottles are charmed against shattering. Honestly - you would think he would be more careful.

Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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