Rewrite Journal Community

December 2020



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December 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

Usually, by now I've decorated the house inside and out. I'd have baked cookies with Kyal for hours and probably made enough that we would have had to give them away in preparation for the holidays.

This year doesn't feel like 'usually'.

| Edgar |
I'm tired.

Now that you're not off playing hero for a few hours can you watch the children? I can bring Charlotte and Noah with me to nap if you'd like. Then it's just you and Raleigh for a bit.

| Kyal |
I miss Christmas cookie normalcy.

| Eros |
Not off playing hero Healer I hope? I'd hate to hear you were hurt as well.

| Alice |
Since this may very well be our last Christmas on this earth, you and Frank should bring Neville over at some point so he and our children can bond a bit.



[No Subject]

| Hector |
When you're no longer injured, mon couer we should discuss a few things. Like, I no longer fit into the dress Alastair and I purchased.

| Eros |
Will you come look over Hector. You know how awful I am at healing charms.

| Amara |
Don't hate me. I'd have rather been there with you, you know it.

| Alastair |
Are you done giving me the cold shoulder or are we going to continue not speaking forever? You know I don't like chasing after people.



[No Subject]

This whole thing is why I want to live away from Wizarding society somewhere. Maybe a nice unplottable cottage. I don't remember the last time Death Eaters and Aurors clashed on an unplottable location.

| IS |
Who was injured?

We need to come up with a better plan. If we don't, we'll all be dead before someone can stop those Potter idiots from whatever they're doing.

| Terence |
I went for more potions for pain. We're obviously, as a house, going to need them.

How are you feeling?



[No Subject]

I don't know about everyone else, but I will not let these terror attempts ruin what is meant to be the best holiday I've ever had. If the pub decides not to host the party, I'll find somewhere else to do it. We're having a holiday event one way or another. We all need the cheer right now and something to look forward to.

| Trevor |
You're still in this with me, aren't you?

| Peter |
How are you feeling? Can I bring you anything from the grocer?