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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+kyal+savage'

Dec. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

Usually, by now I've decorated the house inside and out. I'd have baked cookies with Kyal for hours and probably made enough that we would have had to give them away in preparation for the holidays.

This year doesn't feel like 'usually'.

| Edgar |
I'm tired.

Now that you're not off playing hero for a few hours can you watch the children? I can bring Charlotte and Noah with me to nap if you'd like. Then it's just you and Raleigh for a bit.

| Kyal |
I miss Christmas cookie normalcy.

| Eros |
Not off playing hero Healer I hope? I'd hate to hear you were hurt as well.

| Alice |
Since this may very well be our last Christmas on this earth, you and Frank should bring Neville over at some point so he and our children can bond a bit.

Dec. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

It feels exceptionally hard to get into the Holiday spirit this year.

Reminder following the Ministry orders announced on Saturday is for everyone safety. We hope not to see anymore unnecessarily loss.

I know you won't respond to this. Yet, for some reason, I am writing to you anyway. The office doesn't feel the same without you. And for some reason, it just feels like there is a lot less light at the end of the tunnel in this damn war. I know that isn't fair to put that on you but that is how it feels. I just felt like you were always going to be there fighting the good fight and now you are gone. It just seems hard to process. I know we all will continue on. We have to. But I guess I just miss your grumpy ass. So I suppose my writing this is my way of getting to say goodbye since I didn't get a chance to or something.

Dec. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Work doesn't feel the same in more ways than one. Going into the office proves more difficult than I care to admit.
How are you?

I figured I would not bother you as I am sure you are exceptionally busy with work, Alec and the kids.

Nov. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

{Urgent ward to Kyal, charmed to whistle shrilly until he answers.}

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

As I've said before. The Lestrange family is cowardly and weakminded.

| Alastor |
Do not move a muscle. I am going for more potions to heal you. If I come back and you've moved, I'll charm you to the bed.

| Edgar |
I know you won't listen because you put everything on yourself but you really should rest. You were injured.

| Kyal |
Are you injured?

| Alice |
How are you and Frank? Do you need anything?

Nov. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Cate]
    Can I bring you and the kids dinner tonight? And don't say no, I want to help and I'm sure food has not been a priority for you.
[Private: Alec]
    Is it safe to bring my favourite Aurors some food or are you causing more Death Eater riots?
[Private: Auror boyfriends (and Kyla)]
    Blueberry or banana nut? I'm bringing snacks by later.

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Please remember that when you are walking home at night, being armed with your wand is your best defense. Just don't point it at yourself. That's hard to explain the healers.

| Kyal |
Moody and I have business tonight, I need you to stay in tonight, no shopping and no extra visits out after dark. Understand me?

| Brendan |
You and I need to have a talk.

| Moody |
Are you ready for this raid?