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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+lucius+malfoy'

Dec. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

I hope everyone had a glorious holiday season. I have to admit - it's been a while since I had the absolute joy of making this type of announcement...and there will be something official going out soon. But as I told Narcissa - I don't think I can wait.

The joy our son Draco has brought into our lives is beyond compare and as an only child myself - I never wanted that for my son. I wanted him to have a sibling - a bond like my wife has enjoyed with her family.

It's with the most ecstatic joy that we can announce that we will be having a baby - we will be adding to our family around the end of August according to our private healer.

Words cannot express the joy we are feeling...Draco is excited by the excitement.

My wife is making me wait to share the rest until we can send out a formal announcement - but this is truly the very best Christmas present we could have received as a family. We truly believe that it is very little in this world more important than family.

My wife is pregnant, Draco will have a sibling and we couldn't be happier. I don't think there is a better way to head into the New Year.

Heavily Warded to Bellatrix )

Dec. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

The closer it gets to my birthday tomorrow the more it causes me to reflect on certain things.

Namely - my wife wraps both my birthday and Christmas gifts in the same paper so that if I find them while searching for something in my home, (As one does because wives and elves move things.) I am never sure which it is. But they are all charmed to sound an alert if tampered with.

Which, yes, is loud and will alert your wife's entire tea group when they are over.

Warded to Bellatrix - heavily warded and unbreakable, unreadable by any other )

Warded to Narcissa )

Warded to the Head of St. Mungo's )

Warded Private )

Dec. 8th, 2020



Secured Encrypted Owl to Hector Avery

Secure Encrypted Owl to Hectory Avery )

Dec. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

With the state of things - it's unclear if we will be having the open house at the Manor this year for the holidays - which is a shame because Narcissa has outdone herself this year. She has created a festive wonderland in our home that is truly breathtaking.

With it being our son's first Christmas - I am sure it will truly be one to remember.

Warded to Severus )

Warded to Narcissa )

Private )

Nov. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

In the aftermath of chaos, instead of clarity - there can at times be even more chaos.

Warded to Severus )

Warded to Draco )

Warded Private )

Nov. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

So apparently it's not healthy for me to never be away from my son. Despite the state of our society right now.

As a result, I'm in need of a babysitter for Friday night. With the potential of a part-time nanny position to follow. Qualified candidates can send their CV via owl to Malfoy Manor.


Happy? I do hope you have a spectacular evening planned, my love.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

The times that we live in are absolutely ludicrous.

To My Son Draco )

Narcissa )

Private )

Nov. 9th, 2020



owls delivered 8am, november 9, 1980

Ministry notices sent to: Walburga Black, Sirius Black, Andromeda Black-Tonks, Edward Tonks, Narcissa Black-Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Cygnus Black, Druella Rosier-Black, Rabastan Lestrange, Cassius Lestrange, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow )

Oct. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

I am wondering if I can convince my wife to postpone the holiday decor until a bit more in to November.

I have a feeling I am going to wake up tomorrow to garland everywhere.

However, it's our son's first holiday - so I am going to assume that my chances are slim and none.

Warded to Death Eaters )

Oct. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

Today is one of those days - when your wife sets your infant son in bed with you and your wake up summons is his hands in your hair. Very strong grip - I need to remember to braid my hair at night. If he remembers the words I said this morning at a later date - Narcissa will maim me.

Upon reading the Prophet this morning - I am shocked and horrified by the chaos. To think something like that could happen - it's devastating. After having a very long discussion with my wife, we have decided to start a fund to help with the rebuilding and healing efforts. Chaos should not rule the day. We invite any who are able to join us in this so we can reach out and help those affected by this. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected.

Warded to Narcissa )

Warded Private )

Oct. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Today was a day that occurred.

I remember in my Hogwarts days thinking there would never be so much paperwork as when I had to have multiple papers due at the same time. Now I look at the paperwork I need to do as an adult and I wonder just where the top of my desk is located on some days.

Today is one of those days.

Warded to Narcissa )

Warded Private )

Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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