Rewrite Journal Community

December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+amelia+bones'

Dec. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Alastor Moody was an amazing friend and auror. His death will be mourned by all that knew him.

Do not let his death be in vain. He would not want that.

You owe me a drink

Nov. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

The Death Eaters and the Lestranges are an affront to all the traditions I have learned growing up in some of the most conservative countries in Europe. For shame.

[Bones Family]
Have any of you heard from Jeffrey?

I am coming home with the children.

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

As I've said before. The Lestrange family is cowardly and weakminded.

| Alastor |
Do not move a muscle. I am going for more potions to heal you. If I come back and you've moved, I'll charm you to the bed.

| Edgar |
I know you won't listen because you put everything on yourself but you really should rest. You were injured.

| Kyal |
Are you injured?

| Alice |
How are you and Frank? Do you need anything?

Nov. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

A man illegally obtains people by force with no grounds for said arrest, attempts to illegally drug them with truth serum but we should be sad that he's passed? Sounds to me like a power-hungry, foolish idiot was relieved of the life he was wasting.

| Amara |
I was released but didn't have my journal to notify you. As you can imagine my family wanted to talk.

| Rodolphus |
Is your wife keeping you busy by bothering you or are you available for a drink?

Nov. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

It seems every day the world gets less and less safe.

I'm so, so sorry love. If you need anything, don't hesitate. How are you feeling?

I'm not suggesting you get yourselves in danger, but I'd really appreciate it if you or your auror friends could just, get this nonsense over with and make everything all safe and whatnot.

Nov. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm with Ella and the children.

Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I need to know. Was it you or Crouch who asked for truth serum to be used.

Nov. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

We can all hope for a better, safer month. We in the Auror department continue to work to protect all of you. Every day we are a step closer, even if it may seem bleak. Keep your heads up.

All right, kids. I need Death Eater names. I have some suspicions obviously, but the more names I can get the better.
Hey, beautiful.
Do you want to get lunch sometime? I know you probably don't remember me because I died when you were too young, so I'd like to get the chance to know you now. If you'd like.
Added Later:

Hey. We need to talk about something.

Nov. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Edgar, Amelia]
    Have the Aurors and the DMLE had any success coming up with more identities of these Death Eaters than just Bellatrix Lestrange?



[No Subject]

Nice of the Muggles to set off fireworks to celebrate me going home from St Mungo's...

(Yes, I know. Bonfire night, blah blah. It's more fun if they're for me.)

They're still going off tonight, so I'm going to take the last bit of parkin that I liberated from the snack trolley and go and sit on the roof to watch them with a thermos of hot chocolate.

Nov. 5th, 2020



Public Announcement

In the wake of the recent attacks across the United Kingdom, and as our communities heal and rebuild from wounds unrestricted to fragile and fleeting corporeals, I wish you all a safe and blessed bonfire night.

It is at times like these we must reflect inward, while critically observing outward. What can we, as individuals, offer to the world? How can we uplift our fellow beings? Not only our peers, but those in non-magical communities as well. How do our daily actions support the rights, equality and liberation of all? From goblins, trolls, and house elves to dragons, ghosts, vampires, and werewolves, owls, rats and frogs - the list is endless and all encompassing.

On this 5th of November, we are called to remember that we cannot, and must not, rely on others to correct the injustice knocking at our doors. It is not up to our governments, nor societal leaders, to make decisions for the people. They are here to serve the people. But in order to do so, we must all speak out as individuals. We must all arrive and be held accountable.

So as you enjoy your whizzbangs and poppers tonight, as we burn our effigies and reflect, I encourage you all to make the choice to step up.

I am stepping up. I invite you to join me.

Blessings be.

- Stubby Boardman

Nov. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

I think I've spent more time at St Mungo's in the past month than I have at home.

Friends + Family
Is everyone ok?

Hey, I'm sorry I had to bail on the party. It was fun though.

Nov. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

| DMLE Members |
I know we're all tired and likely injured but check-in. That way we can keep track of one another. What is your status and how injured are you?

| Jacen |
Si vous essayez de quitter ce lit, vous serez profondément déçu.

| Alastair |
Jacen is in hospital. He is your friend so I thought I should tell you.

Oct. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

I want everyone on their best behaviour during Halloween. I know many of us have plans, including a lot of us Aurors and Hit Wizards, please do not ruin our night.

I know I'm going to a much anticipated Halloween party that I really do not want to miss before spending time with my family.

Late notice but anyone want to do lunch on Saturday given I'm busy Saturday night?

Oct. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]


[Initial on the pumpkin is N, of course.]

I dare you to hate Halloween now! Come on. This little face makes it impossible.

Oct. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

I have heard they are opening up training facilities for the hit wizards to get some proper practice and sparring with our wandless magic in. I'm looking forward to this change. I think it will make a world of difference in some of the newer trainees.

| Jacen |
Vous êtes seul ce soir. Je ne me sens pas.

| Aurors & Hit Wizards |
In the spirit of us working together, perhaps we should start training together. Bring our strengths to the common ground so we can help improve each other.

Oct. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

In the interest of promoting unity, I'm brining everyone breakfast tomorrow morning. Put in your food and drink orders now or live with what I get you.



[No Subject]

Waiting is the worst part. I don't trust the Ministry to let Edgar off even though he should be.

I need alcohol. I need to whack Edgar over the head for being an idiot even if I do agree with what he said and I just need this all to be over.

Who is coming over to keep me company?

What happened? They wouldn't let me in to the hearing.

Edgar? Are you okay?

Oct. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

I really don't like hospital food.

Just got my journal back. Al told me a bit of what's happened since I got in, but. Catch me up?

Cor, what a weekend. Is this what hangovers feel like?

Oct. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Ministry Officials & DMLE Members |
I have written to the French Ministry. They will be sending aid to help with going through the villages for possible survivors and to help contain as much of the damage as possible. I have been assured as well that they will be sending more Aurors to help if only briefly with protection wards since it will likely become a sweeping need for people.

| Jacen |
Vous n'êtes pas censé respirer de la fumée. Tu n'es pas un dragon.