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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+catherine+bones'

Dec. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

Usually, by now I've decorated the house inside and out. I'd have baked cookies with Kyal for hours and probably made enough that we would have had to give them away in preparation for the holidays.

This year doesn't feel like 'usually'.

| Edgar |
I'm tired.

Now that you're not off playing hero for a few hours can you watch the children? I can bring Charlotte and Noah with me to nap if you'd like. Then it's just you and Raleigh for a bit.

| Kyal |
I miss Christmas cookie normalcy.

| Eros |
Not off playing hero Healer I hope? I'd hate to hear you were hurt as well.

| Alice |
Since this may very well be our last Christmas on this earth, you and Frank should bring Neville over at some point so he and our children can bond a bit.

Dec. 11th, 2020



backdated to dec 10

[Private: Cate]
    I need a personal favor.
[Private: Pip]
    We need to talk about the cats.

Dec. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

{Bones, Cate, and Moody.}



[No Subject]

| Alastor |
Are you feeling well enough on the lower doses of potions or do I need to up them again?

Providing, of course, the 'kinky ropes' aren't required if I do. Edgar might get jealous.

| Edgar |
When can we go home? I appreciate all Alastor has done for us, for me and the children, but this isn't our home.

| Kyal |
Don't over work yourself.

| Maggie |
How are you holding up?

Nov. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

As I've said before. The Lestrange family is cowardly and weakminded.

| Alastor |
Do not move a muscle. I am going for more potions to heal you. If I come back and you've moved, I'll charm you to the bed.

| Edgar |
I know you won't listen because you put everything on yourself but you really should rest. You were injured.

| Kyal |
Are you injured?

| Alice |
How are you and Frank? Do you need anything?

Nov. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Cate]
    Can I bring you and the kids dinner tonight? And don't say no, I want to help and I'm sure food has not been a priority for you.
[Private: Alec]
    Is it safe to bring my favourite Aurors some food or are you causing more Death Eater riots?
[Private: Auror boyfriends (and Kyla)]
    Blueberry or banana nut? I'm bringing snacks by later.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Are you home? Can we talk?
Would you and Maggie mind watching the kids tonight if Cate is willing to talk to me?

Nov. 21st, 2020



21 November - 8pm -ish

My parents were good people. They lived their lives, raised their children, and contributed to our community with good intentions and loving hearts. They always aimed to make the lives of everyone better. Even if it didn't seem that way sometimes. Read more... )

Thank you to all who have sent their condolences and assisted my family through this time. My parents' deaths will not be in vain and we will always remember the words shared with the family long after the pain of their absence becomes the new normal.

- Jeffrey Bones.

Ward to Edgar & Amelia )

Ward to Cate )

Nov. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

Thank you to everyone that came to honor Gareth. He was like a second father to me and was always such a loving man to my children. I'll miss him.

| Benjy & Kyla |
Thank you both for agreeing to come with me. I'm sorry if you felt any sort of anger between uncomfortable at all. I know funerals are an awful thing to sit through. Your support is invaluable to me though.

Thank you.

Benjy, you should probably check on Edgar. I would but we're not speaki

| Alice |
Thank you for watching my children.

Nov. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Today felt incredibly empty. I was unable to attend the memorial services I heard the Ministry decided to have for Mr. Bones. I understand it was beautiful and that they declared today and tomorrow days of mourning in honor of him and the lives that have been lost so far. I'm sure he would have been pleased to know that his efforts at least brought some light to the victims that deserved better than what they were given.

| Edgar |
I don't care what your excuse is. I'm furious with you.

You are also coming to get me tomorrow and signing me out of St. Mungos so I can at least attend his funeral. If you argue with me, I will make Eros bring me instead.

| Amelia |
Is there anything I can do for you?

Nov. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]


Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I have to admit as much as I love being a healer, there is something to be said about being home with my children all day every day. I'm going to be incredibly sad when I go back to work and have to send them back to gran for a good bit of the day.

| Edgar |
With everything going on right now and with you working late tonight, I think we might spend the night with your parents. I know Ella and Susan are going to be there as well. When you get off work, why don't you meet us here? We can make Sunday brunch for your parents as a thank you.

| Amelia |
Be careful while you're working. You've gotten yourself hurt quite a bit. I would hate for anything to happen to you. I know that would devastate your brothers and parents.

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'd almost forgotten what the newborn stage was like. Though Raleigh seems smitten with the idea of being a big brother. I've never been so proud as when I found him holding her to calm her down when she was crying. I think he's going to grow into an amazing man just like his father.

Speaking of, Edgar, I have someone coming to winterize the gardens at the clinic. Be nice You've met him before so it's safe. Your mum's already agreed to watch the children for the morning for me.



[No Subject]

Going into winter is the hardest time for plants. Anyone who needs to winter-proof their garden please let me know. The shop I work at allows for house calls.

Hey! I reckon you could use a day off. Do you want to go somewhere with me?
I'm... going to try something with Malfoy. I talked to him a little bit, and I don't think his heart is in supporting the Death Eaters completely. I'm going to try to get him to turn on them.
No, you can't talk me out of it.

Nov. 7th, 2020



nov 7; 4:03pm

[Private: Alastair]
    What are you doing right now?
[Private: Edgar, Cate]
    My brother and I decided we're keeping my parents' house so I guess I'm moving out of my flat next weekend.
[Private: Pip]
    Do you need help packing and moving?



[No Subject]

So I wanted to tell you something. I'm moving in with Brendan.
So. Figured I would let you know. I'm moving in with Brendan. I am not letting everyone know. Just figured it was good for someone within our ranks to know where I might be if I were to get hurt or whatever.
Hey how are you and baby doing?

Oct. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]


Happy Halloween from the Bones kids. Everyone stay safe tonight.

Oct. 29th, 2020


[No Subject]

I miss my dog. I hope he hasn’t forgotten me by the time I see him again.

    Should we try to make a nice dinner together tomorrow night? What’s everyone’s favorite dish? Or dessert?

Oct. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

I have bought myself a tub of chocolate ice cream from Fortescue's. It is incredibly tempting to eat it all in one sitting but I really should be careful of my image.

I've managed to make contact with Hector Avery. I will let you know how I go as our conversation progresses.

Oct. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

I am incredibly grateful to the staff at St. Mungo's. The care Charlotte has been given and the patience I have received has been incredible. I must admit though I am anxious to bring her home on Friday to finally meet her brothers and grandparents.

| Edgar |
You know we have an uneven number now.