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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+kyla+savage'

Dec. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm sure everyone knows by now that rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. It takes more than some half-rate Lestrange to take me down. We took down four Death Eaters, and there will be more.

Sorry. Didn't mean to make you all sentimental. I appreciated the message, though.

Dec. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Mandatory first aid refresher cert test seems both well- and inconveniently-timed. May just have to hope that I remember it all, since there are approximately -7 hours left in the day for handbook revision. Maybe I'll stick the relevant pages onto the bathroom wall.

[The Order]
Still trying to digest this whole thing. It all feels very... ghosts of Christmas future. While I can absolutely see the possibilities of such a significant advantage, I might also start having nightmares about a paradox that collapses the world into a black hole, or something.

I meant to check in with you the other night but the whole time-travel discussion rather distracted me. How're you doing? Talk about a shit time. Anything I can do?

They gave me half your cases. I'm loathe to ask you to explain your filing system, but it's not easy to act mournful about my poor fallen comrade here while under a pile of unfinished arrest reports.

Dec. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

It feels exceptionally hard to get into the Holiday spirit this year.

Reminder following the Ministry orders announced on Saturday is for everyone safety. We hope not to see anymore unnecessarily loss.

I know you won't respond to this. Yet, for some reason, I am writing to you anyway. The office doesn't feel the same without you. And for some reason, it just feels like there is a lot less light at the end of the tunnel in this damn war. I know that isn't fair to put that on you but that is how it feels. I just felt like you were always going to be there fighting the good fight and now you are gone. It just seems hard to process. I know we all will continue on. We have to. But I guess I just miss your grumpy ass. So I suppose my writing this is my way of getting to say goodbye since I didn't get a chance to or something.

Dec. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Work doesn't feel the same in more ways than one. Going into the office proves more difficult than I care to admit.
How are you?

I figured I would not bother you as I am sure you are exceptionally busy with work, Alec and the kids.

Nov. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

written with a dictation quill

hastily private to the Ministry employees
We need more Aurors down here in the holding cells. Hit wizards get off your ass too. The fucking Lestrange's are here and they've freed one of the prisoners.

Nov. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Cate]
    Can I bring you and the kids dinner tonight? And don't say no, I want to help and I'm sure food has not been a priority for you.
[Private: Alec]
    Is it safe to bring my favourite Aurors some food or are you causing more Death Eater riots?
[Private: Auror boyfriends (and Kyla)]
    Blueberry or banana nut? I'm bringing snacks by later.

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

If you lot have any complaints you're welcome to take it up with me.

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

It has been a tough week full of emotions. I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe.

Sorry I have not checked in sooner. I am sorry for your loss. I know I have been around and saying it but I felt the need to say it to you directly.

Nov. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

Thank you to everyone who came today to give my father a dignified sendoff. Whether you agreed with him or not, he lived his life in the pursuit of justice and an attempt, however misguided it may have been, to protect the people from this ongoing threat.

I need a drink. Do you want to get a drink with me?
How do we get a basilisk fang or the sword of Gryffindor to start chipping away at the Dark Lord's soul?

Nov. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Today felt incredibly empty. I was unable to attend the memorial services I heard the Ministry decided to have for Mr. Bones. I understand it was beautiful and that they declared today and tomorrow days of mourning in honor of him and the lives that have been lost so far. I'm sure he would have been pleased to know that his efforts at least brought some light to the victims that deserved better than what they were given.

| Edgar |
I don't care what your excuse is. I'm furious with you.

You are also coming to get me tomorrow and signing me out of St. Mungos so I can at least attend his funeral. If you argue with me, I will make Eros bring me instead.

| Amelia |
Is there anything I can do for you?

Nov. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

What the public needs right now is trust. In the Ministry and in the fact that we are doing everything in our power to right the wrongs that were done and also to ensure their safety. We need to find common ground right now, not reasons to continue dividing from one another.

People are dead. Everything other than that, that is a tragedy is irrelevant. People are dying at an alarming rate on both sides of this supposed war. Rather than continuing the cycle of hatred and 'justice', we should be working toward a solution instead of furthering the cause.

| Moody |
We're definitely getting too old for this shit.

| Brendan |
I swear to Merlin if I find out you are one of those little bastards running around in mummy's dress robes and a fancy dress mask, I'll hex the thought out of you before you can breathe.

| Bones Family |
If I can be of any assistance let me know.

Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Private: Aurors, excluding Amelia and Jeffrey]
    Death Eaters came for Gareth Bones. Edgar is with Cate at St. Mungo's but Gareth and Persephone are dead. We need a team out here.

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

I know I am about to jinx us here, but it is too fucking quiet since Halloween.

Now with Blacks message. Something is bound to happen right. What are they planning?

Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


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