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December 2020




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Posts Tagged: 'character:+hector+avery'

Dec. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Hector |
When you're no longer injured, mon couer we should discuss a few things. Like, I no longer fit into the dress Alastair and I purchased.

| Eros |
Will you come look over Hector. You know how awful I am at healing charms.

| Amara |
Don't hate me. I'd have rather been there with you, you know it.

| Alastair |
Are you done giving me the cold shoulder or are we going to continue not speaking forever? You know I don't like chasing after people.

Dec. 8th, 2020



Secured Encrypted Owl to Hector Avery

Secure Encrypted Owl to Hectory Avery )

Dec. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

{Heavily Warded to Lestrange's, Avery's and Eris.}
Given the current state of affairs, Rabastan and I feel it prudent to make changes to our wedding. We will be moving from a public venue to a private one to ensure that all of you are protected and not at risk or in danger by attending and we will be moving the wedding out of country to a location that is neutral and outside the reach of England currently. As of now the scheduled date has moved from New Year' Eve to this coming Saturday, 12 December. Portkey's will arrive for everyone the night before and will activate at seven am that morning and then again later that evening to return you home should you wish to leave that evening. If you do not, there will be plenty of room for everyone to remain for several days if one so wishes. Think of this not only as a wedding celebration but a much needed holiday break for everyone.

Dec. 2nd, 2020



owl to hector avery

[included is the latest issue of the daily prophet, "You're welcome" written on it (in ink, he's not that weird)]

Nov. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

There comes a time when we need to denounce people we care about. If my father is truly a Death Eater, then he is receiving exactly what he deserves. I will trust in the process, as we all should.

I understand you might be concerned. Say the word and your father dies in his cell.



[No Subject]

Where are you? Please tell me you weren't with your father.

Don't do anything stupid.

Don't let him do anything stupid, please.

Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Rodolphus, Bella]
The Aurors have Rabastan. I think it's time we send that message we've been planning.
What are your plans today, mi cielo?



[No Subject]

You did not tell me there was anything planned this weekend so there is no reason for you to have arrived home by now. Where are you?

Is Rabastan with you?

Two things. One - you are an ass and I am very angry with you. Two - is Rabastan with you?

Nov. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Hector |
We need to talk.


| Alastair & Eros |
I need a favor and you can't ask any questions.

Nov. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

You weren't home when I got home. Are you okay?
[Eris] Sent a little later
Brendan has not come home. I am a little worried. Maybe he got caught up in things. I think something happened near Diagon again. Maybe he got caught up in it leaving work? Mainly just hoping you can tell me calm down and not worry.
You didn't hear about anything happening to Brendan?

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

The Ministry of Magic is doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our citizens. The Death Eaters are a threat to all of us. The Wizengamot will do what the Aurors could not by any means necessary.

[Death Eaters]
As some of you might have seen, Walburga Black has decried the Ministry for their methods of trying to learn our identities. She is not lying. The Wizengamot has approved the use Veritaserum on those who received a summons. They are starting with those believed to be close to Bellatrix and Rodolphus, but I have reasons to believe they have far more names than that. This has gone beyond the Auror department, but was brought forth by Gareth Bones.

I think we need to show him what happens when you play with fire.

Nov. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

What a world we live in.

| Hector |
I need a drink. Immediately.

| Amara |
Lunch tomorrow?

Nov. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

Are you alright? Do you need anything?



[No Subject]

Eris, Brendan + Hector
Do you believe me now?

Oct. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

| Alastair & Jacen |
I definitely need that drink now.

| Hector |
I'm sor
I didn't
I know I ran fr

I had an early meeting. I'm sure you understand.



[No Subject]

There are times in our lives when we need to come to terms with things. The first is that day shift is not for people who are happily awake all night. The second is, whoever put decaf in the healer's lounge deserves a severe case of dragon pox.

| Death Eaters |
What do you actually make of these warnings various members of us are getting?

| Hector |
As if living with Bellatrix wasn't unbearable before. Now she's being hailed as the most faithful like some sort of bloody hero.

Oct. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Pansy + Eris]
You wanted to speak to a marked Death Eater. Say what you wanted to say and you had better not be wasting my time.

Oct. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

What a fucking day. I'm almost glad I'm not with the aurors or hitwizards, patrol is enough for me. You lot have fun with all that shit.

You know what, good on Lestrange. I'll say it, if no one else wants to.

Yeah, sure, we wear masks and shit for a reason, but why should the most powerful among us have to hide? Maybe it's about time we show folks whose boss around here. Show them what happens when they fuck around with mudbloods and the like.

We could have the whole Ministry in a day, if we gave it a go.



[No Subject]

Today was a day that occurred.

I remember in my Hogwarts days thinking there would never be so much paperwork as when I had to have multiple papers due at the same time. Now I look at the paperwork I need to do as an adult and I wonder just where the top of my desk is located on some days.

Today is one of those days.

Warded to Narcissa )

Warded Private )



[No Subject]

| Bellatrix |
You were caught? Do you have any idea what you've done?

| Hector |
Can we be tied to her?