Rewrite Journal Community

December 2020




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Dec. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

The closer it gets to my birthday tomorrow the more it causes me to reflect on certain things.

Namely - my wife wraps both my birthday and Christmas gifts in the same paper so that if I find them while searching for something in my home, (As one does because wives and elves move things.) I am never sure which it is. But they are all charmed to sound an alert if tampered with.

Which, yes, is loud and will alert your wife's entire tea group when they are over.

Warded to Bellatrix - heavily warded and unbreakable, unreadable by any other )

Warded to Narcissa )

Warded to the Head of St. Mungo's )

Warded Private )



Owl to the Marauders, Friends, and Family

Owl to the Marauders, Friends, and Family )

Dec. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello Harry. And others.

I'd like to help. And it would seem that what I was previously doing wasn't enough. Or isn't enough. If there's anything I can do to assist you, I'm up for it.



[No Subject]

Being back to work after an injury is something - strange. I have to admit there is something nice about going through paperwork in a comfortable bed rather than an uncomfortable stool.

What we do to earn the payroll that pays for the things.

Like Christmas presents. Also - I may need a lesson in wrapping gifts, it's a bit of a mess for me I have to admit. Also, the person that normally helps me is unavailable this that's a problem.

Warded to Graham )

Warded to IS )

Warded Private )



[No Subject]

So apparently as I am a single (and ready to mingle) bachelor that means that I drew the short straw when it came to being on duty Christmas Day.

Molls, even invoking your sprogs didn't seem to sway them. I'll be around for Boxing Day and will make sure Father Christmas is well-stocked for the morning.



[No Subject]

I think - other than the invitations we have already accepted - we will be staying close to home this holiday season.

I did finally get some family portraits by the tree in the main living room. If someone can please tell me a more suitable bribe to get one's husband and brother in law to not grumble when it's for the Christmas cards...

Honestly - you would think I was asking for the moon.

Warded to Evan )



Public Entry

Today marks one of my favorite days of the year. It also happens to be the shortest.

For many cultures around the world, the Winter Solstice is a very spiritual day full of sacred rituals that celebrate a powerful transition point between seasons. Since ancient times, civilizations, indigenous cultures, and various religions, all have their own rituals for taking advantage of this unique energy.

The Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness, regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. It is believed by those who follow the old gods, that on this day, the moon gave birth to the sun.

I don't know about you, but in the all the chaos leading up to Christmas, I look forward to this day annually. For my family, it is a time to celebrate with friends, feasting and drinking, singing, reading poems, appreciating nature, all while gathering around the hearth-fire. With the recent attacks throughout our communities and the Ministry's curfews curtailing gatherings this year, my mother and I plan to spend today in solitary reflection. The solstice is already tied to a personal awakening, so I plan to light a candle, embrace the darkness, and consider deeply: about myself, my past, and my hopes and offerings for our devastated communities.

Before I put down this journal, however, and retreat into meditation, I wish to gift to you the following song. This collaboration with my mother and several close friends more like family members, captures the essence of what I believe we owe to our fellow persons. And it is our gift at the holidays, to you.

Even in the darkness, there is light. For one cannot exist without the other.


Stubby Boardman

Dec. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Nymphadora has taken it upon herself to make holiday cards, because mine were, in her words, "boring". She has begun mass-producing them, and most are unfit for our muggle neighbors, as she finally began using the paint set that she got from Father Christmas last holiday and there's some magic in those. But there are more cards than we have friends at this point.

In short: who would like a holiday card from a seven-year-old? Warning: may contain glitter. She's made enough I can send multiples, if you need some cards for your own friends and family, also. Low expectations, please.

SIRIUS BLACK, AMELIA BONES, FRANK & ALICE LONGBOTTOM, anyone else who may be reasonably close with the tonkses
Yours are already prepared and ready to owl before Christmas Eve, alongside my "boring" cards and some baking I've done. I think my biscuits are coming out decent this year.



[No Subject]

Was Odette Selwyn alive during your time?
We need to talk.

Dec. 17th, 2020


[No Subject]

With the holidays right around the corner things aren't really feeling very festive. You'd think the Death Eaters could take a break for Christmas or something.

I told Rose not to babysit you. I hope that helps.
I need to get away from the shop. Retail life isn't for me. Let's go hunting.

Dec. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

Are the holidays over yet?

We are really going to need to do something because the next time I am ordered to show up at one of these stupid attacks I am pretty sure I am going to die. I'm sure you don't fucking care I'm not a shit dueler. I am actively not engaging. Anything I do send towards someone is poorly aimed. Because I can't look completely obvious that I am not actively involved. I narrowly avoided capture

This was never the life I wanted but it was the life my father expected so here we are.
Sorry I could not help you and Hector the other day. I was in no shape. I couldn't go to St. Mungo's and had to instruct Brendan what to do.

I don't know if I can fight them anymore. I feel like I am just going to land back being tortured by him again for my apparent incompetence. I am exhausted it is probably that getting me this way.
I don't like any of this. I don't feel in control of my own life.



[No Subject]

Going back to work after a long time gone is strangely comforting.

I don't know what to do anymore. Does your lord know who killed Odette
I'm ready to burn this shit down.



[No Subject]

I'm sure everyone knows by now that rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. It takes more than some half-rate Lestrange to take me down. We took down four Death Eaters, and there will be more.

Sorry. Didn't mean to make you all sentimental. I appreciated the message, though.

[No Subject]

It’s been a week since John Lennon was shot. It just doesn’t feel like Christmas at all.

    So. Sirius Black getting married. How do we think this might affect things?



[No Subject]

With all that has been going on, March seems so far away yet also just a blink of an eye. This is my first Christmas without my parents, but also my son's first. So mixed emotions. I should be celebrating, but it feels a little difficult when there won't be any mince pies from my mother and no one to delight more at the terrible jokes from the crackers.

But what about all the memories I will make with my son? I have that to look forward to.

So let's all raise a glass to those we lost this year and swear that they will live on in our memories and hearts. Because we cannot keep looking back to the past, but to the future. One that is better and brighter for future generations.

Dec. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

So it has been brought my attention that we haven't made a formal public announcement.

(If you all hear the howler from my mother today in my complex - I am SO sorry.)

Anyway, in this time of absolute chaos - when you find your person - you just KNOW and so we just went ahead and decided no time like the present - or the past now I guess? I don't know...and my person is sitting here laughing at me.

Or rather my husband is laughing at me. Yes, I am announcing that I have married Sirius Black. So I am now - Emmeline Black. Wow, I haven't written that out before like this. We eloped to an inn on the Irish coast and just... It was absolutely perfect.

We will be having a party at some point (so everyone heal up and stay safe because PARTY) and I am just absolutely ecstatic.

I am attaching pictures that were taken by our amazing inn keeper and the minister's wife.

(ooc: the following bit is an abbreviated wedding album. SO it is image heavy.)

The Elopement of Sirius and Emmeline Black )



[No Subject]

{Heavily Warded to Alec.}
I cannot keep doing this. He was hurt, again. And I cannot continue to let this happen.



[No Subject]

Cut for large image cause I am too lazy to resize it. )



Note and Gifts for Sebastian Halpern

(ooc: Contained in this owl are items of an adult nature - because Emmeline and Sirius really shouldn't be allowed to shop for gag gifts together - especially for strangers who really cannot know what is coming or what to expect. Their friends know better... but yes WARNING - NSFW IMAGERY - ADULT CONTENT INSIDE....)

Note and Get Well Gifts for Sebastian Halpern )