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Posts Tagged: 'zachary+evans'

May. 9th, 2014



To: All members of Camelot
From: Daniel Morgan
Subject: Urgent )

May. 8th, 2014




To: Zachary Evans
From: James Shepherd (not his official account)
Subject: You have (1) new message )

Apr. 21st, 2014




To: Zane Rosen
From: Zachary Evans

You have (1) new message )

Mar. 3rd, 2014



TO: group text 'family' (Daniel Morgan, Freddie Morgan, Scott Morgan, Zach Evans,...)
FROM: Jethro Evans

You have eight new messages )

Feb. 25th, 2014



encrypted email to department heads of Camelot (Daniel Morgan, Patrick Rey, Zachary Evans), Director of The Agency (Andrew Archer) )

And this time in English )

Feb. 11th, 2014



Camelot Press Conference

It's a press conference from Camelot, and while some people out there still thought that everyone in Camelot dressed like a knight in shining armor, or a princess in a pink dress, that is clearly not the case. Ever. That is never the case. Still, Zach looks pretty good up on the podium, dressed in a suit.

The press conference starts at 10 am.

"Good morning everybody, and please, take a seat.

As everyone knows, in the past few months there have been what can only be defined as terrorist attacks around the world. The lives of everyone around the world, not just those we call reincarnates, have been destroyed. And the ones who have done this are called 'The Resistance'.

Now, this group is, unfortunately made up of reincarnates. They are reincarnates that are in no way shape or form, a part of the rest of us; most especially those at Camelot. The Resistance is the consummate group that has only one thing in mind, and that is to destroy everyone.

Everyone. The Resistance does not care if you are a reincarnate or not. They want to hurt you, and ultimately destroy you, and it doesn't matter who you are or where you live. It's a terrible, cliched phrase, I know, but these really are the 'bad guys'. They will not hesitate to murder, bomb, or torture anyone they can get their hands on.

It is not my intention to horrify you with this information, but to make you fully aware of what this group will do.

But there are 'good guys', and Camelot is that group. We have sworn to fight the Resistance, and protect, not just ourselves, but everyone. We do not want anyone to get hurt, and it is truly unfortunate that the Resistance has brought the whole world into this fight, of which they have no right to do.

Which brings me to say this: the Resistance was the ones to initiate the sleeping problem everyone had for a week. They implanted a toxin into the air supply of different buildings, using the vents to distribute it to anyone who working or living there. While many Resistance members stay at large, Camelot has been successful in capturing the person responsible for making the toxin, and is now in our custody.

Camelot will not stop until all Resistance members have been brought to justice. All we ask of everyone is to remain vigilant. Camelot is doing everything to ensure the safety of everyone, not just other reincarnates.

I want to stress, again, that the reincarnate community is not the one at fault. A group of people who happen to be reincarnates is the problem, and Camelot intends to be the solution. We have been fighting them for a long time, and we will continue to fight them, until the Resistance is taken down."

Zach clears his throat, looking at the camera, before turning his attention back to the reporters.

"Now, I will be taking a few questions."

Immediately hands begin to raise, and Zach points out a woman in the corner.

Q: Is it true that...

The rest of the conference goes on, with Zach answering a few questions before letting everyone know that that is all they have time for today. The press conference ends.

Jan. 26th, 2014



Number One

Camelot )

Oct. 1st, 2013




Delivered to Zach Evans on his birthday )

Aug. 24th, 2013



World Wide Radio Broadcast

This broadcast is brought to you by all the reincarnate hackers still out in this crazy, messed up world. It comes on all channels, throughout the world, an hour after the executions have been shown on TV.

"At eleven AM this morning, the leaders of Camelot, Daniel and Scott Morgan, were executed in a public hanging. Many of the remaining Camelot leaders led an attempt to stop this atrocity from happening. Unfortunately, it failed, with many of the team dying in the attempt, as well as the leader of this resistance, Liam Walker. He was a good man who believed in doing the right thing, even to the end. The British government says that they have either killed, or captured the group that attempted to free the leaders of a group that has only ever sought for peace; government officials were also killed. Their deaths were unnecessary, and not intended, but since they insisted on murdering innocent people, they were caught in the crossfire.

My name is Zachary Evans. My brothers, Daniel and Scott Morgan, were killed today. Liam Walker, a friend, and a good man, was killed, trying to prevent their murders. Many fellow friends, and people, were killed, trying to prevent the same thing.

On Camelot's behalf, I would like to repeat the following message: "It's a dangerous world that we live in now. But, we're hopeful that we will restore peace and balance to the public, reincarnates and humanity alike. To reincarnates: Do not lose hope. For as long as there's one person who believes in us, then we will always survive. To the rest of the world: You may murder us. You may capture us. You may torture us.

But our spirits, our honor, our passions; they will never die. And in this instance, Camelot, itself, will always live on. We will do what we must to continue to survive. But there is no reason to fear us; for we too, are people, same as you.

This is Zachary Evans, leader of Camelot, signing off."

Aug. 19th, 2013



Stolen radio frequency locked to camelot resistance members.

To: All the people in Liam's Camelot resistance group with radios? (Lana Ross, Ryder Wilkinson, Zach Evans, and anyone else who wants to be in it! He's also including Emma Lockhart because wherever she is, he has to have some contact with her. ♥)
From: Liam Walker

Operation Save the Morgans )

Jul. 10th, 2013




Voicemail to Scott Morgan )

Voicemail to Daniel Morgan )