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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'robert+kingsley'

Aug. 22nd, 2014



Text Message(s)

To: Robert Kingsley
From: Jim Moore
Subject: You Have (4) New Messages )

Jul. 23rd, 2014



To Robert Kingsley
From Edith Lawrence-Scott
Re: You have (1) new message )

Apr. 24th, 2014


text message(s).

To: Robert Kingsley.
From: Seamus O'Carroll.

You have (1) new message! )

Apr. 11th, 2014



Package delivery

To: Robert Kingsley
From: Anonymous
Left in his office )

Jan. 13th, 2014



Text message(s)

To: Robert Kingsley
From: W. Thompson
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Nov. 17th, 2013



Early Sunday morning, London citizens will be met with a horrific shock. Two bodies can be seen hanging from the symbolic arches of King's Cross station, stiff and lifeless with identical looks of terror frozen permanently on their faces. The identities of the dead are Scott Sullivan and Gillian Forbes, two known members of Camelot in their early twenties, having been reported missing since Camelot's last attacks against the Resistance a few days ago, but the state of their bodies says nothing about their actual deaths. In truth they died of intense, psychological torture and a killing curse, their persons wracked with internal scars and negative magical energies, the cause of their deaths completely untraceable by any form of modern medicines. The identities of the killers are also unknown, there is only a note attached to the chest of Scott Sullivan reading this:

Camelot killed them.

They killed them when they sent children in to fight a grown up's war.

Jul. 13th, 2013



Encrypted e-mails

To: Rob Strange & Robert Kingsley
From: W. Thompson
Subject: Plans. )

To: Scout O'Connell
From: W. Thompson
Subject: Checking in. )

Jan. 22nd, 2013



A separate owl sent to each witch and wizard associated with Hogwarts--and even one sent to Mr. Daniel Morgan himself )

Nov. 9th, 2012



Note left for Prudence Warren )

Nov. 8th, 2012


Package for Robert Kingsley delivered to the address given )

Nov. 7th, 2012


To: Robert Kingsley
From: Prudence
Subject: Inquiry about a job position )

Aug. 15th, 2012



News Broadcast


Fox 5 News Exclusive )

Jun. 7th, 2012



Left in Julian's room )

Apr. 12th, 2012



Broadcast over hijacked airwaves

The camera is zoomed in on the face of one Robert Kingsley, a close-up shot that doesn't allow for the viewers to peer at the area surrounding him. It's a severe shot, one filled with dark shadows and highlights that emphasize the glint in Kingsley's eyes. He's wearing a smile, one less predatory than he usually wears. Intimidation isn't the tactic this time around.

"Good evening my fellow reincarnates."

Robert's voice is low and conversational, mimicking that of FDR's fireside chats. The camera begins to pan back, revealing legs draped over one another with his hands folded on his knees. The more the camera pulls back, the more is revealed--like the fact that Robert is perched comfortably on a purple beanbag.

"Tonight it is necessary to set a few misconceptions straight. The world of reincarnates is in peril. What our adversaries would have you believe in the Agency and through Camelot is that they have the situation under control, and that we are the evil ones. This, my friends, is not the case."

For a moment, Robert looks sad, even looking briefly away from the camera as he sighs. He's gotten better at acting.

"We at the Resistance are not your enemy. We've been forced into every act we've done by the scoundrels in your reincarnate government who allow self-professed vigilantes in Camelot to run the show for their own purposes. We've been painted to be the bad guys to further their control over your lives, and what has it brought you? The world is now aware of our existence and working to eliminate reincarnates. It's not safe for you in this world any more. Tonight, the Resistance offers you protection. Join us, and we promise those who wish to harm you in the non-reincarnate world will be unable to lay a finger on you or your family. Join us, and have a chance at survival. Don't buy into Camelot's hidden agenda with their allies in the Agency. Be free, my friends. Good night."

The picture fades to black.

Dec. 20th, 2011




To: Robert Dad.
From: Julian.

You have (1) unread message! )

Nov. 17th, 2011




TO: Willa
FROM: Robert
SUBJECT: An interesting discovery... )

Sep. 22nd, 2011



Package Delivery

For one Director of the Agency )

Aug. 11th, 2011



Playing over every mode of communication. )

Aug. 1st, 2011



Package delivery

To: Robert Kingsley
From: Violet Ward

We want to play a game )

Jul. 25th, 2011



Television Broadcast

Across the United States, every cable channel flickers with static before switching from what was originally on to the camera pan of what appears to be an arena. At first there are no words, the camera angle merely changes to zoom in on the interior of the arena, thick with foliage and the view panning around to take in the current occupants. Most of the people caught on camera are confused-looking teenagers, whispering amongst themselves words that cannot be caught by the camera. A moment later and an intense fire sweeps the area, encompassing the foliage and the people within so that nothing can be seen but the flames, and the sounds of screaming are overtaken by the fire's own roar. For some reason, the fire doesn't ever touch the edges of the arena or encompass the building itself, but kills only the occupants inside.

Then, a voice sounds over the footage, digitally distorted.


More static, and the broadcasts return to normal.