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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'jennifer+hill'

Sep. 28th, 2014



Text message(s)

To: All members of JL & X-Factor
From: Jen Hill
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

Sep. 9th, 2014




To: Jennifer Hill
From: Quinn McFarlane
(Also, backdated to Tuesday 2nd September...Sorry guys.)

You have (1) new message, to listen to your messages press 1 )

Jul. 1st, 2014



Spoken Over the Superhero Comms )

Jun. 16th, 2014



Who: Colin Ford & Owen Murphy (& other supers who want to snoop)
What: Being awkward idiots over some gossip

Open link on the Superhero Comms )

Apr. 21st, 2014



text message(s).

To: Supergirlfriend.
From: Bryce.
( sent during class )

You have (1) new message! )

Apr. 15th, 2014



Text message(s)

To: All JL members (group text)
From: Jen Hill
Subject: You Have (3) New Messages )

Apr. 12th, 2014



a delivery, of sorts.

TO: Jennifer Hill.
FROM: Anonymous.

not all stories come with happy endings. )

Jan. 27th, 2014



Mass Text

TO: All Supers (Avengers, JL 2.0, X-Men, SHIELD, etc.)
FROM: Alyssa Kenworthy

You have (3) unread messages! )



over the superhero comms )

Jan. 14th, 2014



Spoken over the Superhero Comms )

Aug. 30th, 2013



Superhero comms

The voice that comes through is dry. A lot more gravelly than usual.

"Guys." It cuts off for a good twenty seconds while Chris tries to figure out what to say to everyone.

"Is anyone near South Brooklyn? I found my brother."

Jun. 2nd, 2013



Phone Call (Early Monday morning)

To: Jennifer Hill
From: Virginia May

She woke up when she felt something digging into her side. An urgent sort of poking followed by the sound of a very subdued and somehow very worried voice.

"Dude. Dude...wake up."

"Jesus Christ she's alive and...naked!"

"Get her a towel!"

Virginia didn't want to open her eyes but she did, slowly and as she sat up she felt something gritty in her mouth. Spitting, she looked into the faces of her rescuers and groaned.

"Where the shit am I?"

"You're in Malibu uh, California. So, are you a mermaid?"

The surfers gave her some clothes and one offered the use of his cellphone. After some thought Virginia called the one person who might laugh about her predicament first and ask questions second.

-Ring Ring-

Nov. 10th, 2012



JL comms

Static breaks the silence over the comms followed by a fit of coughing. "Is anybody close to Brook-" She breaks off with a loud thump. Presumably Jen just fell to the ground, thanks to the kryptonite laced envelope. "Brooklyn? This is not- not a drill."

a letter.

To: Jennifer Hill.
From: Anonymous.

thinking of you, wherever you are. )

Jul. 29th, 2012



TO: Jen
FROM: Alyssa

You have (1) unread message! )

Jul. 16th, 2012



Spoken over JL/Avengers/X-Men comm )

Feb. 18th, 2012



JL/Avengers/X-Factor Comms

A rush of static and then Natalie's voice rings out over the comms, deadly calm despite the subject of her message. "Rise and shine, heroes. Did anyone catch the six o'clock news? Never mind, there's trouble in Boston. Big trouble. We're needed."

Dec. 28th, 2011



A series of texts

TO: Chris Holloway
FROM: Alyssa Kenworthy

You have (1) unread message! )

TO: JL/Avengers/X-Factor/X-Men
FROM: Alyssa

You have (6) unread messages! )

Dec. 5th, 2011



Spoken over the JL/X-Factor/Avengers comms )

Nov. 11th, 2011



Spoken over the JL/Avengers/X-Factor comms )