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Posts Tagged: 'andrew+archer'

Apr. 9th, 2014



Encrypted E-Mail

TO: Daniel Morgan
FROM: Andrew Archer
SUBJECT: Important Matters to Discuss )

Mar. 16th, 2014



E-Mail notice sent to all reincarnates on file

To those infected by the truth serum,

The Agency is now in possession of an antidote to our little problem, and after some checks by our R&D department, it has been replicated and deemed safe for public consumption. Attached you will find instructions for obtaining your dose; if you are well and able, you make come to the agency to pick it up in person, but if you are not able to we will send an agent to you once we receive your call. We wish to distribute these quickly to avoid any more chaos.

If problems were caused by this that have put you in danger, please call us. We're here to help.


Andrew Archer

Feb. 27th, 2014




TO: Colin Ford
CC: Jordan Ward
SUBJECT:Read more... )

Feb. 25th, 2014



encrypted email to department heads of Camelot (Daniel Morgan, Patrick Rey, Zachary Evans), Director of The Agency (Andrew Archer) )

And this time in English )

Feb. 18th, 2014




TO: All members of the reincarnate community

FROM: Andrew Archer


RE: Mysterious comas

It has been brought to my attention that during the course of the mysterious dreaming incident that plagued our community, the Agency was broken into while security was down. As this affects the community at large, it is information that is pressing and necessary to share with you. As of right now, we know:

-Somebody broke into the computer systems, stealing valuable information about reincarnate identities.

-Somebody, possibly the same somebody, stole several dangerous items from our Objects and Retrieval department.

We ask that the community be vigilant and report any sightings of dangerous objects around the community. If anything seems out of place, report it. These items may be sold on the black market and could pose a risk to the safety of the general public should they get into the wrong hands. Furthermore, if you suspect somebody is using the information from this break-in to cause you harm or steal your identity, please contact us so immediate action can be taken. We've set up a special number ([Number]) specifically for these cases.

Our head of security is working overtime to insure this doesn't happen again. We ask you all to not rush to conclusions; at this time, we have no proof of who's behind this action, and it's best for us to remain neutral in our perception of the investigations.

Any questions or comments, do not hesitate to call.

Andrew Archer

Sep. 4th, 2013




To: Andrew Archer, Agency Director
From: Quintin Quimby, Director of Research and Development

Re: Leave of absence )

Aug. 29th, 2013




To: Andrew Archer, Agency Director
From: Scarlett Jones, Director of Caretaking
Subject: Offer of resignation )

Nov. 7th, 2012



Agency Announcement

My fellow reincarnates,

As many of you are already aware, a series of incidents occurred last week at a Halloween party masquerading as an event held by the non-reincarnate population. As far as we are aware at this time, party-goers included both reincarnates and non-reincarnates alike.

While this party is still under investigation, there are some things we are very certain about: there were casualties for both our kind and the humans, and tensions at this time are incredibly escalated. We urge everybody to ban together during these tough times in light of the losses we have all felt and refrain from taking issues into your own hands. We at the Agency are working incredibly hard to get to the bottom of the actions against innocent people that took place.

With that being said, it is prudent for us to keep a level of trust and honesty with you as well, and because of that we feel it is important to disclose that we suspect Resistance involvement in this tragedy. Again, the investigation is still on-going, but the evidence we are gathering is pointing towards the terrorist group largely responsible for several instances of similar nature over the past year, and we will not stand by and allow terrorists to intimidate us and run our lives.

Our investigation team is working in conjunction with the human police to find the answers we seek. In the meantime, we ask for a moment of vigilance to remember those lost in this tragedy. Do not forget their lives in lieu of vengeful thoughts.

As always, my lines are open for phone calls. And those of you who prefer less conventional methods, I also accept Iris Messages.

-Andrew Archer
Agency Director of Media and Public Relations

Oct. 17th, 2012



Agency Announcement

We here at the Agency pride ourselves on keeping the general reincarnate public up-to-date on all reincarnate issues, positive or negative. An open line of communication is key to our unity, our safety, and our survival as a people. Fostering these relationships only makes us stronger.

It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to bring you bad news today, but I hope that we can all join hands and move through this complication together. We have recently become aware of an event that happened in the middle of the United States in which a gate to hell was opened by a reincarnate. The gate has since been closed due to a noble sacrifice by the Agency's own Michelle Kingston, but in the brief time that it was opened many demons escaped into the world. I'm sure I don't need to explain to you all that demons can be highly dangerous, and this particular breed has the power to possess humans--and reincarnates.

There are steps that can be used to protect yourselves. We've been informed that salt hurts them, as well as provides a barrier they cannot cross. Holy water and Latin will reveal a demon to you if they are hiding. We urge you all to refrain from engaging in any active conflict with a demon unless you find yourself with no other choice. However, if you discover a demon, please call the Agency so that we may act. The quicker we get this problem taken care of, the faster we can all be safe and sleep a little bit better at night.

The Agency is still investigating this incident. Those responsible for the opening of this gate will be brought to justice. Any other updates will be brought to the public as soon as we have them. Please do not panic, and remember that we are working hard to keep you and your loved ones safe.

If you have any questions at all, the Agency's lines are open. I will personally speak to as many of you as I can who are worried and need more answers.

-Andrew Archer
Agency Director of Media and Public Relations

Sep. 17th, 2012




TO: Rob Strange
FROM: Andrew Archer

You have (1) unread message! )

Jun. 21st, 2012



Official Agency Announcement

My fellow reincarnates,

In light of recent events, the Agency has concluded that the time to act is upon us. We can no longer maintain a stance of neutrality between the warring factions without compromising our duties and obligations in the protection of the reincarnate community as a whole. The Resistance has made it clear that their actions are going to continue to move past points of war and into acts of terrorism that they have declared upon our entire community, not just their enemies in Camelot.

Because of that, it is with a heavy heart that we announce that we are no longer remaining a neutral liaison between Camelot and the Resistance. For the immediate future and an undetermined time frame hereafter, we are officially backing Camelot's fight in the Reincarnate War.

We would like to take this opportunity to make it clear that our backing of Camelot will not put any of you in more danger. While our support firmly lies in a Camelot win, we will not support any decisions of theirs that we feel unduly place our residents in harms way. Our obligations, first and foremost, continue to be for your protection. Our employees are working overtime to ensure your safety.

If you notice anything suspicious, please contact us immediately. And as always, my line as well as others are available should you have any questions.

-Andrew Archer
Director of PR, God of the Sun

May. 21st, 2012



Official Agency Announcements

Dear reincarnates,

Yesterday morning our airwaves were hacked into by the Resistance for the sake of broadcasting a heinous attempt at ironic cruelty. Several reincarnates and what we can only assume are non-reincarnates as well have indeed been kidnapped by the terrorist group in order to perpetuate a replica of the battle originated in the popular literature known as The Hunger Games. It is a despicable act that is in no way condoned by the Agency.

I assure you that the Agency is working round the clock in order to put an end to this depravity, as well as investigate the breach in our security that allowed our airwaves to be hijacked. We ask that you do not panic or engage these mad men. Doing so will only increase the likelihood of casualties and escalate the situation. It will, in no uncertain terms, put your lives at risk. If you recognize somebody in the broadcast, we urge you to come to Agency HQ to speak with a representative.

I reiterate: do not attempt to play hero in this situation. We are working hard to bring these victims out of harms way. Do not jeopardize your own lives in a rescue attempt. We also ask that you do not panic; there have been no more reported kidnappings since the initial start of the games. You are not in danger of being snatched off the streets at this time to be thrown into the arena.

As always, any questions can be directed to the Agency. Our phone lines are currently open, and my private office line is [NUMBER].

Andrew Archer
Director of Agency PR

Apr. 15th, 2012



Agency Announcement

Dear Reincarnates,
Do not fret about the man.
He is a pinhead.

Now that I have all of you wonderful cats' attention, I'd like to have a heart-to-heart with you all about the goings-on in regards to the Resistance's recent slanderous message, the world we've found ourselves thrust in, and the future action of the Agency in the name of your protection.

Firstly, my name is Andrew Archer. For those of you who don't know me, I'm the Agency's number one media and PR guy, which means that I have direct access to the place the Resistance is trying to turn you against. On another note, I'm also the reincarnate of the god Apollo, which increases my insight by quite a bit. Gods have been around for millenia; this isn't the first war I've seen. I hope that helps give some credibility to what I'm about to tell you.

The Agency is in no way slacking or working against the safety of the reincarnate community. Our number one priority first and foremost is for the protection of all of those who are classified as reincarnates, and that includes protecting you from the backlash from global governments at the revelation of our existence. While it is a tough time going at the moment, we are working tirelessly to insure that every single one of you remains safe. If you do not feel safe for any specific reason, we encourage you to contact us so we may find a solution to your problems. Caretakers are available to every person who feels they need guidance or protection on an individual basis, and we have every department in our Agency working towards a solution for our greater problem as a whole. I assure you, none of what has been said is accurate in any way. The Agency remains a neutral party with our number on priority being you.

That being said, we will not lie to you. We have entered dark times, but we are currently investigating the breach in our security and have made excellent progress in that regards to prevent future leaks in any records we hold. This will not happen again, and the damage already inflicted is quickly being contained.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us. If you wish for a direct line, here's my [office number]. I assure you, we will answer your questions to the best of our ability.

Thank you for your time.

Andrew Archer
Agency Director of Media and Public Relations