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Posts Tagged: '%21plot+week'

Oct. 30th, 2015



Group Text

To: Hannah and David
From: Bren

You have (1) new message )

Oct. 27th, 2015




To: Theresa Philips
From: Zoë Katsaros

You have (1) new voicemail! )

Oct. 26th, 2015



A flyer

Posted in places near MTN hubs, where higher amounts of reincarnate traffic will see it )

Phone call

To: Rico
From: Ela

- ring ring -



Text message

To: Zach
From: Noah

You have (1) new message )




TO: Jess
FROM: Lana

You have (1) unread message! )



Text messages

[ Unsent ]
To: Corbin
From: Drei

No new messages )

To: Juno and Cadence
From: Drei

You have (1) new message )



To: Eddy Norbert
From: Etienne Norbert

You have one new message )

Oct. 25th, 2015



Party invitations

To: All reincarnates (sent via post office and e-mail)
From: Anonymous
Subject: You're invited! )

Oct. 30th, 2014



Spoken over the Avengers comms )

Oct. 27th, 2014



Text message(s)

To: Cory Guevera
From: Morgan Lang
Subject: You Have (1) New Message )

May. 29th, 2014



News broadcast

"... After nearly three weeks, it seems that this deadly reincarnate virus has finally been stamped out. Since it was first reported on May 8th, this mysterious sickness has claimed the lives of at least nineteen reincarnates and infected many others. We've been receiving reports since the beginning of the week that an alleged cure had been found and was being distributed through hospitals with a one hundred percent success rate. The worst seems to be over, though there are still pressing questions that remain. Is the virus really cured? Will it stay dormant with the last reincarnate to be given treatment? Will everyone else remain safe from this sickness, or is there still a chance that other people could catch it? What is the truth behind all this? We've all seen the controversial videos of the pirated broadcast gone viral, denouncing Senator Scott and his team for being responsible for the virus in the first place while trying to create a 'cure' for reincarnation itself. Most of Scott's team was found dead Tuesday morning, with no witnesses or evidence to point to, so people are left to wonder. Was it an act of retaliation by disgruntled reincarnates, looking for revenge? Will it stop there? Or will they start attacking people on the streets now that reincarnates are being discharged from hospitals? We have quotes from Senator Scott explicitly saying that he has no plans to finish what his team started, but that something must be done to honor the lives of those on his team who were brutally murdered three days ago. With the President's memorable Memorial Day speech just airing earlier that same day, one has to wonder how long it is before the other shoe drops."

May. 27th, 2014



News broadcast

"... Early this morning authorities in Washington D.C. were called to the scene at the offices of Senator Scott, after a frantic 911 call placed by an employee shortly after eight AM. Upon arriving it was discovered that at least six bodies were found dead inside, almost all of mysterious causes. The coroner reported that one of the victims had died from a severe injury to the neck, while the others gave no outward signs to a cause of death, only that they no longer had a heart beat. Inside sources say it was almost eery, the way the other bodies were displayed. All with eyes wide open, faces frozen in fear, almost as if they were literally scared to death. Authorities have no leads yet, security cameras were tampered with and the feed lost. We can tell you that the victims of this terrible murder were all members of Senator Scott's personal team. The Senator himself was not among the deceased, he was quoted to have left work early the day before. So soon after the President's unique Memorial Day address and news in the media bringing to light Senator Scott and his team's hand in the recent virus outbreaks, one has to wonder just who would have it in now for the Senator and the U.S. government at large. More on this at eleven."

May. 26th, 2014



News broadcast

"... And now, a message from the President." The regular broadcast switches over to a view of the Oval office, the President of the United States in full view to begin his usual Memorial Day address. "My fellow Americans. On this Memorial Day I, of course, want to first give my thanks to all the men and women who have given their lives for this country and the ones who are now actively defending it. I want to give my thanks to all the veterans lucky enough to come home to their families again, my utmost gratitude to all the families out there who have sacrificed for this country and lost a soldier. I grieve with you and share in your sorrow. But this day isn't just about remembering what we've lost, folks. It's about reminding ourselves of what we still have, thanks to these brave men and women of the armed forces. Thanks to them, we're still here. We're still here. And we'll never forget that." The President goes on to say other things about the country and being proud to call himself an American, until the end of his speech where he abruptly switches gears. "On behalf of the United States government, I want to extend my formal apologies to the American people. In recent days, we have strayed a little in our mission to protect and serve. But no more. We will no longer put our own needs or the needs of the few before the needs of the many. This outbreak, while I was not aware of its origin, was indeed our fault, and I will never be done apologizing to the American people for putting them in harms way. We got lucky. I promise, we will never have to again. Things are going to change. As your President, I promise you I will not let this reincarnate problem continue. Thank you."

May. 25th, 2014




To: Briar Wolfe
From: Abigail Wolfe

You have (1) new message )

May. 24th, 2014



Text message(s)

To: Scott Morgan
From: Liam Walker
Subject: You Have (3) New Messages )

May. 22nd, 2014



Agency broadcast

To Whom It May Concern:

This message is meant for the entire reincarnate community. We have undeniable proof that this alleged cure for what's become known as the Reincarnate Virus, works. It's been examined and tested, with a one hundred percent success rate in daily improvement, and we are completely confident now in its ability to heal any and all patients currently ailing from this sickness.

The Reincarnate Clinic and hospitals elsewhere caring for reincarnates have been given the green light to begin distribution of the cure. The process has already begun, so we don't want anyone to worry. We will have this rectified soon.

This does not, however, diminish the pain and loss this community has already suffered at the hands of this illness and those responsible for it. There has unfortunately been a number of deaths as a result of this deadly virus, and we will do everything in our power to see that these deaths are counted. The Agency is an organization built on the idea of neutrality, but that does not mean we intend to sit back and have our own be picked off as others see fit. We intend to address mundy government at large and see that someone answers to these horrific crimes against humanity.

In the meantime, we strongly encourage all who are sick to seek out and take this cure immediately. Those who are not currently being cared for in a hospital should see that they get themselves to one in order to receive it. Let no more reincarnates fall ill or die of this horrible affliction. Let's put an end to this now. As always, the Agency is here for the reincarnate community and always ready to help. Thank you.

- Chase Swift
Director of Public Relations

May. 21st, 2014



text message(s).

TO: James Fox.
From: Andrew.

You have (1) new message! )



News alert


17 deaths in total since last week's first reported death.

Reincarnate Virus still considered an ongoing threat, some hospitals across the United States have begun to close their doors to reincarnates for fear of contagion, forcing them to go elsewhere.

Senator Scott to issue a formal apology to the public this afternoon.

May. 20th, 2014



worldwide broadcast.

'And now, Cornelius with the weather—' The transmission — each transmission, every transmission — is cut short, narrow with its abruptness. His face fills screens both big and small. It is without menace, cruel intention; he smiles and it appears as earnest as it is not. "My name is Roman Dashner. I am, what this world calls, a reincarnate. To many, that word is entirely too frightening to be spoken aloud." He frowns, taking on the guise of one concerned for the cause he's to speak of. "Although we have come so far as a society, we still, regrettably, remain in fear of that which we don't understand." He folds his hands. He appears to be sitting, a plain backdrop of soft white radiates a tranquility behind his head. "And now, because of that fear, we, as a people, are suffering. Despite our differences we, the reincarnated, are as real as you who watch this now." Images of men and women, children, dying faces appear throughout a brief montage. His voice continues. "These are just a select few of us who have tasted the wrathful injustice of the United States' government. And to what end?" He returns, narrowed brow, strong jaw. The face of a future. "As most are aware, there exist, within our community, several factions. Camelot, Avengers, heroes who claim to exist for the betterment of mankind — I speak on behalf of the Resistance, a group only created to help our kind — lead our kind, and I speak now to each and every reincarnate before me: we have created a cure, which is being duplicated as I address you all. We will be distributing it accordingly, doing all we can to save our people. We do not ask for your allegiance, nor do we anticipate your praise. We are simply out to save our race, for a better tomorrow. For a better future." The transmission ends. Now, they wait.