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Aug. 19th, 2013




FROM: Colby [Severely encrypted]
Subject:(No Subject) )



Secure server.

To: Wheels.
From: Spoiler.
Subject:Get rid of your erectile dysfunction in three easy steps! )



Every tv program in the world is suddenly interrupted. A special news bulletin, courtesy of the United States government in conjunction with its allies of the world, is the cause of the break in programming. In light of the announcement from England that the Morgan's will be executed it seems the United States doesn't want to seem like a pussy in comparison to their mother country. Flanked by many guards, Wesley Roberts--in full Iron Patriot suit--steps up to the podium. He pulls the mask up so he can speak, but the lack of enthusiasm in his face and voice provokes a prod in the back from the people standing around him. The man smiles sarcastically before beginning the speech that was prepared for him.

"Ladies and gentlemen," He begins, metal hands gripping the podium. "I want to take this opportunity to urge my fellow reincarnates to turn themselves in. Let's end the bloodshed. Look at what we've become. If you fully cooperate, you will not be harmed. Those who resist leave us with no choice but to put the safety of our world's citizens above your own. We can have peace. Thank you."

Wesley nods and replaces his mask. As the tvs one by one turn back to their regular programming, the last shot seen is of the Iron Patriot suit taking flight--probably back to where Wesley is being kept on lockdown.



Stolen radio frequency locked to camelot resistance members.

To: All the people in Liam's Camelot resistance group with radios? (Lana Ross, Ryder Wilkinson, Zach Evans, and anyone else who wants to be in it! He's also including Emma Lockhart because wherever she is, he has to have some contact with her. ♥)
From: Liam Walker

Operation Save the Morgans )

Aug. 18th, 2013



British national broadcast.

'And now a special evening broadcast from the Prime Minister -'

"Good evening, citizens. Tonight, we only have one announcement to make, one that may come as no surprise to most as we have spent the larger portion of a week deliberating. The decision we came to today was not one we approached lightly, but we cannot ignore the realities of our situation. This is a time of war, not like any we've faced before. These... reincarnates are not like us, they're far from human, and therefore along with our brothers and sisters in arms in the United States we have to face the truth. We cannot treat these things as if they have any rights to our civilized, human laws. It's clear to us now this is the only choice to make in the interest of preserving the great state of Britain.

As such, the war criminals known as Daniel and Scott Morgan, who were caught by our government forces in London three weeks ago, have been found guilty of numerous accounts of illegal activity and acts of terrorism against the British government. The severity of their crimes, continued involvement and leadership in the reincarnate-affiliated terrorist group known as Camelot has forced our hand and now for the first time in nearly fifty years, the practice of capital punishment will be reinstated.

Daniel Morgan and Scott Morgan will be executed come the morning of Friday, the 23rd of August, 2013. For their crimes they will be hung by the neck until dead.

Thank you, and goodnight."

Oct. 8th, 2010



To CORE, from Betty and her Resistance with love.



((OOC: Hand-made flyers posted outside of every major Agency office by Betty's supporters around the globe. When Robin Hood and his outlaws make a point, they make it in the most infuriating way possible, this is fact.))

Oct. 5th, 2010


To: Kit
From: Matt

You have (1) new message. )

Oct. 4th, 2010



Text Message(s)

To: Tawny Strange
From: Jen Hill
You Have 1 New Message )

To: Remy Abrams
From: Jen Hill
You Have 1 New Message )

mass text

To: Thom, Amanda, Gavin, Matt & the lesbians.
From: Janica.
You have (1) unread message )




To: Laura M.
From: Nate R.
You have (1) new message )

--- Hacked Reincarnate Radio Broadcast ---


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Liberty reporting yet again from an undisclosed location. CORE forces and their allies retain control of the Agency, with no end of the siege in sight. Several reincarnates were killed yesterday as more locations were officially claimed by CORE forces. These people, officially reported as resistance guerrillas, were simply attempting to defend their homes. More people have been reporting missing as well, including Anthony Fox, a respected member of the New York Police Department. However, underground forces remain active. Recent attacks on strongholds of the current regime have been reported in the US, Britain, and France.

It is important that the world be made aware that the struggle within our ranks continues, despite the whitewashing done by our so called leaders. CORE has taken control without our consent, setting up a puppet regime in an illegal seizure of power. They were neither appointed or elected and all world governments should know that this is not the will of the reincarnate community. Many are resisting and will continue to, at great peril to their lives and the lives of everyone they know. We salute them, and our hearts and prayers go out to all those who have lost loved ones in the struggle.

Don't despair. There are more of us than them, their power is not unlimited. We will take back our community and restore the will of the people.

God bless you, and may god help us all.
