Your daily dose of HP news
- slow and unreliable

쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-08-31 20:24
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]millieweasley: Private - Arthur; NC-17
[info]dacro in [info]snarry_games: She Who Knows the Orphan - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]yura_slash in [info]snarry_games: Temperance is a Virtue - Severus/Harry; NC-17 *warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Black Obsessions, Black Hearts - Sirius/Andromeda, Sirius/Bellatrix, Sirius/Narcissa, Bellatrix/Narcissa; NC-17 *warnings*

[info]shadowycat: The Face in the Mirror - Severus; G
[info]alisanne: Messy Game - Severus/Harry; PG
[info]ellid: Double, Double Part One - Severus, Remus; NR
[info]drachenmina: Relict - Severus/Remus; G
[info]dandru: Alone at Grimmauld - Harry, Hermione; PG
[info]alisanne: No More Restraint - Neville/Blaise; PG
[info]lordhellebore: Weakness - Harry/Draco; PG-13 *warnings*

[info]stupid_drawings in [info]snarry_games: Going to War; Beginnings and Endings - Harry/Severus; PG
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: A Little Help - Bill/Tonks/Sirius; NC-17 *warnings*

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt and a mod announcement.
[info]hp_yule_balls: Signups open tonight
[info]hp_unfaithful: Signups for the All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge end tonight!
[info]slythindor100: Posted a new prompt
[info]snarry_swap: Signups are open!
[info]lupin_snape: Announced all 2009 Snupin Santa Assignments have been sent

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for August 31
[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue for August 30
[info]dailysnitch: Posted a new issue for August 30
[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue for August 29-30
[info]snupin_prophet: Posted a new issue for August 24-31

[info]lzgsk: Poison Prince (FanVid) - Severus Snape; PG
[info]geri_chan: August Challenge - Snape and His Men

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2009-08-30 12:12
Subject: Weekend Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:indescribable indescribable

One Shots:
[info]fancypantsdylan: Games People Play - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]unbroken_halo in [info]snarry_games: Wicked Game - Severus/Harry, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Kindred Spirits - (Hermione/Remus, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Baby Blue - (Dean/Seamus , NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Worse than Terrible - (Draco/Ginny, NC-17) *warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Voices from the Fog - (Harry/Draco, NC-17)

Works In Progress:
[info]countesszero in [info]lupin_snape: THE ADDICTION - Updated with 13/14 (Severus/Remus, NC-17)
[info]undunoops in [info]lupin_snape: Recovery Position - Completed with 12/12 (Severus/Remus, NC-17) *warnings*

[info]lordhellebore: Good - (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]alisanne: He Said, He Said - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]dandru: Severus has some Fun - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]dead_sexydexy: I'm Having a Vision - (Sirius/Remus, PG)
[info]red_day_dawning: A Game of Luck and Chance - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]sassy_cissa: The Nature of Love - (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: Dark Clouds - (Sirius/Remus, PG-13)

[info]mayflo in [info]snarry_games: In Everlasting Remembrance - Severus/Harry, PG-13)
[info]littleblackbow in [info]snarry_games: Death Shall Have No Dominion - (Severus/Harry, PG)

Community News:
[info]snarry_games: Posted a Recap for August 21st - 27th
[info]snarry_swap: Posted a reminder about sign-ups
[info]lupin100: Posted Prompt #259: Charms for Dummies
[info]harryron100: Posted a new promt--Ford Anglia
[info]snape100: Posted Challenge #297: "Snape and His Double"

[info]snapenews: Posted Issue #737: Thursday/Friday
[info]dailysnitch: Posted a Special Edition: Daphne Greengrass - Special Edition: Daphne Greengrass
[info]dailysnitch: Posted its Saturday, August 29 issue

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2009-08-28 01:31
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen
The Editors feels:grumpy grumpy
The Editor is listening to:My sweet ratties

One Shots:
[info]shadowess in [info]snarry_games: Seer Divine - Harry/Severus; NC-17 *Warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Induction - Rabastan/Pansy; NC-17 *Warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Anyone would Drown - Luna/Hermione; NC-17 *warnings*

Works In Progress:
[info]countesszero: The Addiction - updated with part 10/14 - Severus/Eileen, Severus/Remus, Severus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks; NC-17 *Warnings*
[info]countesszero: The Addiction - updated with part 11/14 - Severus/Eileen, Severus/Remus, Severus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks; NC-17 *Warnings*

[info]lordhellebore: Nighttime - Harry/Draco; PG-13
[info]lilyseyes: Stolen Breath - Harry/Severus; R *Warnings*
[info]alisanne: No Holiday - Harry/Draco, Rose; G
[info]celandineb: Difficult of Mastery - Hermione/Severus; general
[info]alisanne: More Practice - Severus/Harry; PG
[info]ellid: Secret Profession IV - Severus, Remus; G
[info]lijahlover: Gorgeous White Roses - Harry/Draco; G
[info]sweetmelodykiss: To Slay the Snake - Neville/Draco; R

[info]ghot: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Hermione/Ginny/Tonks; NC-17
[info]cnary_crem_dght in [info]snarry_games: The Diary of a Prince - Harry/Severus; PG

Community News:
[info]neville100: Posted prompt 84 - Temperance
[info]snarry_swap: Has pimpety stuff for you!
[info]snarry_holidays: Extended the sign-up period
[info]black100: Is a new prompt asylum for the Black brothers
[info]snarry100: Posted Challenge 177 - Games

[info]quibbler_report: Reported on Wednesday
[info]snapenews: Rounds up the goings-on Monday-Wednesday

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-08-27 01:07
Subject: Double Edition: Tuesday & Wednesday
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]blue_siofra: New Ventures or How Hog's Head Got It's Reputation - (Aberforth, R)
[info]blue_siofra: Lie Low at Lupin's - (Lupin, Sirius, PG)
[info]angela_snape: A Not Unwelcome Intrusion - (Severus/Bill, PG)
[info]fancypantsdylan: Portraits - (Severus/Harry, PG-13)
[info]fancypantsdylan: Sirius - (Harry/Sirius, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]stasia in [info]snarry_games: Submerged - (Severus/Harry, PG-13)
[info]psyfic in [info]snarry_games: Timely Actions - (Severus/Harry, NC-17, *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Mending Bridges Broken - (Harry/Cho, R)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: A Cure For Boredom - (Pansy/Charlie, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Long Time Coming - (Ron/Harry, Ron/Hermione, NC-17, *warnings*)

Works In Progress:
[info]son_of_darkness: The Comprehension Series - Updated with chapter 95/95 (Albus Severus/Scorpius, NC-17)
[info]jordangrant: Owned - Updated with chapter 101/? (Harry/Draco, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]countesszero: The Addiction - Updated with chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10/14 (Severus/Remus, Severus/Sirius, Severus/Eileen, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]ellid: The Black Robe of Flanders - Updated with chapter 2/? (Severus/Remus, PG-13, *warnings*)

[info]alisanne: Drabble: Next Time - (Harry/Ron, PG, *warnings*)
[info]celandineb: No Kidding - (Harry/Percy, G, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne: Above the Rules - (Harry/Draco, PG, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne: Owed - (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]fancypantsdylan: Renovations & Decorations - (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]ellid: Secret Profession II - (Severus/Remus, G)
[info]ellid: Secret Profession III - (Severus/Remus, G)
[info]sweetmelodykiss: To Slay the Snake - (Neville/Draco, R)

[info]lampblack in [info]snarry_games: I'll Come Running To Tie Your Shoe - (Severus/Harry, PG, *warnings*)
[info]pennswoods in [info]snarry_games: Poker Face - (Severus/Harry, PG, *warnings*, NWS)

Community News:
[info]snupin100: Challenge 223 - Want, Take, Have
[info]lupin_snape: Snupin Santa 2009 Participant list
[info]lupin_snape: Rec round-up
[info]hp_yule_balls: Sign-up guidelines
[info]fall_fantasia: Participant Introduction
[info]sirius_news: Looking for an Editor

[info]snupin_prophet: The Snupin Prophet - August 18-24, 2009
[info]dailysnitch: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
[info]sirius_news: August 26, 2009

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-08-24 16:58
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]montana_dan in [info]snarry_games: Tracking Changes - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]angela_snape: Bed, Bath & Beyond - Bill/Neville; PG
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Our Tree - Albus/Scorpius; NC-17
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Beginnings - Remus/Sirius; R

Works In Progress:
[info]countesszero: Updated with chapters 3 and 4/14 (Severus/Remus, Severus/Sirius; NC-17 *warnings*)

[info]alisanne: Great Hall - Remus/Severus; G
[info]ellid: Secret Profession I - Severus/Remus; NR
[info]psyfic: Three To A Customer - Severus; PG-13

[info]miyoung_boz in [info]snarry_games: Fantastic Voyage - Severus/Harry; G

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for Aug 24

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2009-08-23 22:10
Subject: Weekend Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:relaxed relaxed

One Shots:
[info]lexywrites: In His Particular Line of Work - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]lordhellebore: Bear Of My Dreams - (Harry/Draco, R)
[info]joanwilder: The Box - (Harry/Severus, PG-13)
[info]angela_snape: Moving Day - (Implied Charlie/Harry/Draco, PG)
[info]angela_snape: Bargaining Chips - (Severus/Harry, PG *warnings*)
[info]gin_tonic in [info]snarry_games: Sweet Surrender - (Severus/Harry, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]dracofiend in [info]snarry_games: Sine Qua Non - (Severus/Harry, PG-13)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: A Sense of Accomplishment - (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Between Ruin and Salvation - (Luna/Draco, NC-17 *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Part of his Charm - (James/Lily, R)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Soldiers - (Harry/Severus, NC-17)

Works In Progress:
[info]ellid: Marriage a la Mode - Completed with 5/5 (Severus/Remus, implied Harry/Draco, NR *warnings*)
[info]reikokatsura: Greenland Ranch 2/2 - (Harry/Draco, Albus S/Scorpius, PG-13)
[info]reikokatsura: Greenland Ranch 1/1 - (Harry/Draco, Albus S/Scorpius, PG-13)
[info]countesszero: The Addiction - Updated with 2/14 (Severus/Remus, Severus/Sirius, NC-17)
[info]skitty_kat: Red Serpent - Completed with 12/12 (Remus/Severus, R *warnings*)
[info]eriador117: Apprenticed to Love - Updated with 31/? (Severus/Harry, NC-17 *warnings*)

[info]alisanne: Personal Decision - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]psyfic: Snape Always Bags The Snitch - (Harry/Severus, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]angela_snape: Emergency - (Severus/Harry. PG)
[info]alisanne: Certain Courage - (Neville/Ginny, G)
[info]alisanne: Different Pursuits - (Severus/Harry, PG)

[info]tripperfunster: Sparkles - (Pansy/Cederic, R *warnings*)
[info]chaosraven in [info]snarry_games: The Life Debt - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]stellamoon in [info]snarry_games: Party Favours - (Severus/Harry, PG-13)
[info]littleblackbow: After Occulmency Lessons were Canceled... - (Severus, G)

Community News:
[info]snapelyholidays: Sign-Up Post
[info]harrylovesdraco: Mod Post
[info]snarry_games: Posted a recap for August 14th - 20th
[info]snape100: Posted Challenge #296: "Snape and...Muggle Stuff!"
[info]draco100: Posted Prompt 55: Morning Ablutions

[info]snapenews: Posted Issue #734: Thursday/Friday
[info]snapenews: Posted Issue # 735: Saturday/Sunday
[info]dailysnitch: Posted its Friday, August 21 issue
[info]dailysnitch: Posted its special Firenze issue
[info]dailysnitch: Posted its Saturday, August 22 issue

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2009-08-20 22:32
Subject: Thursday Issue
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:crappy crappy
The Editor is listening to:Das Leben der Anderen

One Shots:
[info]lilyseyes in [info]snarry_games: Decoy - Harry/Severus; NC-17 *warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: What Happens in Bulgaria... - Tonks/Percy; NC-17

Works In Progress:
[info]scribbulus_ink and [info]arionrhod: The Awakening: Blood Feud - updated with chapters 12-23 - Complete - Severus/RemusM R

[info]alisanne: Blinders - Harry/Draco, Ron, Hermione; G
[info]lordhellebore: Hope - Harry/Draco; PG-13 *warning*
[info]lilyseyes: Harry's Luck - Harry/Severus; NC-17 *warnings* *underage sexual content*
[info]alisanne: Lost Cause - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]red_day_dawning: Only on Paper - Severus/Remus; PG-13
[info]ellid: Great Amphitrite, IV - Remus, Severus; G
[info]fancypantsdylan: Harry Loves It - Harry/Draco; PG-13
[info]lexywrites: PS3 - Harry/Severus; PG
[info]bluestocking79: Only Cruel Immortality, Part II - Severus/Hermione; PG
[info]ellid: Great Amphritite, III - Remus, Severus; G
[info]tgp: Don't Look - Remus/Severus; R
[info]lilyseyes: Severus, God of Sex - Harry/Severus; NC-17

[info]snakeysnape in [info]snarry_games: Return of the Snape - Harry/Severus; PG-13 *warnings*

Community News:
[info]neville100: Posted prompt 83 - Courage
[info]lupin100: Posted prompt 258 - Potions for Dummies - and info on tags
[info]hp_yule_balls: Has an update on sign-ups

[info]dailysnitch: Posted a new issue - August 19
[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue - August 19
[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue - August 19

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-08-19 21:59
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]seleneheart: Four Portraits of Draco - (Harry/Draco, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]jadzialove in [info]snarry_games: If Only - (Severus/Harry, NC-17, *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Guilt Trip - (Harry/Percy, PG-13, *warnings*)

[info]alisanne: Dual Purpose - (Harry/Ron, PG, *warnings*)
[info]ravenna_c_tan: Fallen - (Severus/Draco, R)
[info]lilyseyes: Severus, God of Sex - (Severus/Harry, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort 20 - (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort 21 - (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]celandineb: A Smile on Her Face - (Ginny/Neville, Harry/Draco, G)
[info]alisanne: Wordless Plea - (Harry/Draco, PG, *warnings*)
[info]kelly_chambliss: Wine-Dark - (Severus/Minerva, PG)
[info]tgp: Don't Look - (Severus/Remus, R)
[info]ellid: Great Amphitrite, III - (Severus/Remus, G)
[info]bluestocking79: Only Cruel Immortality, Part II - (Severus/Hermione, PG)

[info]saito_enfadadiz: Wallpaper manip - (Harry/Snape)

Community News:
[info]snape_potter: Snarry Introductory Post/Friending Meme
[info]bigbangblackout: Mod Post - One week to go
[info]fall_fantasia: Round Three Introduction and Rules
[info]snarry_games: Mod Post - Public Service Announcement

[info]dailysnitch: Tuesday, August 18, 2009
[info]snapenews: Issue 733

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-08-17 17:48
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]sinick and [info]ac1d6urn in [info]snarry_games: The Snidget - Severus/Harry; NC-17 *warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Keeping Him in Line - Oliver/Dennis; NC-17 *warnings*

Works In Progress:
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - updated with chapter 10/? (Severus/Remus; PG)

[info]alisanne: True Appreciation - Severus/Harry; PG
[info]ellid: Great Amphitrite, I - Severus/Remus; NR

[info]majmunka in [info]snarry_games: Smorgasbord - Harry/Severus; R *NWS* *Warnings*

Community News:
[info]harry100: Posted a new prompt
[info]harryron100: Posted a new prompt
[info]snarry_holidays: Posted rules for their third round
[info]draco100: Posted weekly summaries for Prompts 50-53
[info]draco100: Posted a new prompt
[info]snapedom: Announced next month's theme
[info]fall_fantasia: Announced that round three is coming soon
[info]hp_unfaithful: Announced the All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge
[info]lupin_snape: Posted sign-ups for Snupin Santa 2009

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for August 17
[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue for August 15-16

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-08-16 18:20
Subject: Weekend Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]curia_regis in [info]snarry_games: Escape from the Tentacle Monster - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
[info]lee_west: The Power of Healing - (Viktor/Oliver/Percy, NC-17)
[info]kennahijja: Babysitting the Cub - (Teddy, G)
[info]dementordelta and [info]cruisedirector in [info]snarry_games: In Theory - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Seventh Year - (Neville/Lavender, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Complex Considerations - (Neville/Millicent, R_

Works In Progress:
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - was updated with part 18/? (Harry/Draco, PG13)
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - was updated with chapter 19/? (Harry/Draco, PG13)

[info]alisanne: Intimate Details - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]alisanne: Deserving Justice - (Neville/Draco, Severus/Harry, G)
[info]celandineb: Inducement - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
[info]lilyseyes: Exposing Love - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]alisanne: Hot Enough - (Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, G)
[info]alisanne: Difficult Mission - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]celandineb: Necessity Precludes Not Compassion - (Severus/Neville, G)
[info]bluestocking79: Only Cruel Immortality - (Severus/Hermione, PG)

[info]andreanna: Shifting - (Severus/Harry, PG13)

Community News:
[info]snape_potter: Posted an updated Resource List for Snarry fans
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge
[info]snarry_holidays: Has announced their third Round

[info]snapenews: Posted their latest issue
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Saturday Edition
[info]quibbler_report: Posted their latest issue
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Madam Rosmerta Special Edition

[info]iulia_linnea: Would like to gage interest in another Random Facts fest
[info]sirius_news: Is looking for an editor
[info]territesting: All Death Eaters Are Slytherin: Logic, Ovserver Effects, and Snape's Spying
[info]dead_sexydexy: I Hate My Life - a Sirius Black filk, R

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

2 Comments | Write the Editor | Add to Memories | Tell a Friend | Link

inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-08-12 17:32
Subject: Wednesday Editon
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne wrote Berry Delicious (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]floahart wrote Coming Around (Harry/Ginny,R, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne wrote Perfect Day (Neville/Bill, PG, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne wrote Berry Delicious (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]floahart wrote Coming Around (Harry/Ginny,R, *warnings*)
[info]alisanne wrote Perfect Day (Neville/Bill, PG, *warnings*
[info]iulia_linnea wrote More a Fairytale (Luna/CMC, PG-13)
[info]angela_snape wrote The Consequences of Early Dismissal (Bill/Neville, R)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut wrote Sunday in the Park with George, er, Harry (Harry/Ginny, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]armand_r in [info]snarry_games wrote D For Defender (Severus/Harry, NC-17, *warnings*)

Fics - WIP:
[info]kavalhra updated Imitations of Emotion with chapter 2/? (Severus/Harry, past Harry/Draco, R)

[info]lordhellebore wrote Comfort 15 (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]lordhellebore wrote Comfort 16 (Harry/Draco, PG-13)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Semper Ubi Sub Ubi (Severus/Remus, PG-13)
[info]torino10154 wrote Thrust and Parry (Draco/Neville, R)
[info]janus wrote Loss (Regulus, Narcissa, G)
[info]ellid wrote Taking a Chance, III (Snape/Lupin, G)

[info]chaeche in [info]snarry_games drew Heroes (Severus/Harry, G)

Community News
[info]snupin100 Challenge 221 - Candles
[info]lupin_snape Mid-week Rec Round-up

[info]blpaintchart Snupin Recs

[info]dailysnitch's Tuesday, August 11 ,2009

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-08-10 19:32
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]the_con_cept: A Summer Outing - Harry/Draco/Severus; NC-17
[info]eeyore9990: From the Desk of the Headmaster///School of Hard Knocks - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]meri_oddities in [info]snarry_games: The Bed You Made - Severus/Harry; PG-13
[info]angela_snape: Lucky - Harry/Draco/Severus; NC-17
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Not in Love, Not Yet - Lily/James; NC-17

Works In Progress:
[info]mrscake: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol - Updated with chapter 8/? (Remus/Severus; PG)

[info]drachenmina: After All - Draco/Harry; G
[info]drachenmina: Bastard - Draco/Harry; G
[info]lilyseyes: Prizes - Harry/Severus; NC-17 *warnings*
[info]alisanne: Seeing Clearly - Severus/Harry; PG
[info]ellid: Taking a Chance, I - Severus/Remus; NR

[info]jin_fenghuang in [info]snarry_games: Into the Light - Severus/Harry; PG-13 *warnings*

Community News:
[info]draco100: Posted a new prompt

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for Aug 10

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2009-08-09 18:36
Subject: Weekend Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]alisanne: Spy vs Spy - (Kingsley/Severus, PG)
[info]igtow in [info]snarry_games: Connecting the Dotty - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]coffee_n_cocoa: Growing Season - (George/Neville, PG13)
[info]florahart: Contributing to the Next Generation - (Charlie/Teddy, NC-17)
[info]angela_snape: Touched by Dragons - (Charlie/Draco, R)
[info]mimiheart in [info]snarry_games: Finding Peace - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]lee_west: The Cat and the Lizard - (kingsley/Charlie, R)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Fighting Off Lonely - (Percy/Oliver, NC-17)

Works In Progress:
[info]ofey: Rules of the Game - was updated with Chapter 4/? (Charlie/Oliver, NC-17)

[info]lijahlover: Plunged Into Darkness - (Harry/Draco, R)
[info]alisanne: The Talk - (Remus/Severus, PG)
[info]angela_snape: It's You - (Bill/Neville, PG)
[info]lordhellebore: Comfort - (Harry/Draco, PG13)
[info]alisanne: As Paris Twinkles On - (Severus/Harry, PG)
[info]lilyseyes: Sticky Kisses - (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning: Valkyries in the Chandeliers - (Narcissa, Bellatrix, G)
[info]angela_snape: Safe at Home - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]psyfic: The Flutter Of His Heart - (Severus/Minerva, PG)
[info]alisanne: Cloudy Philosophy - (Bill/Neville, Severus/Harry, G)
[info]prayer_at_night: Final Decision - (Remus/Severus, Harry, PG)
[info]prayer_at_night: Death in Silence - (Severus/Harry, PG)

Veridian Dair in [info]snarry_games: Buttercream - (Severus/Harry, R)
[info]bohemianspirit: Equine Pleasures - (Severus, G)
[info]ano_iro: Thoughts that you'll never read - (Severus/Harry, G)
[info]avialle: Quick & Dirty - (Severus/Draco, NC-17)

Community News:
[info]snapelyholidays: Will begin soon
[info]snape100: Posted their latest Challenge

[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Friday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Saturday Edition
[info]dailysnitch: Posted their Vernon Dursley Special Edition

[info]florida_minxie: Posted Bring Back the Porn banners

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2009-08-07 01:01
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:discontent discontent
The Editor is listening to:Band of Brothers

One Shots:
[info]alisanne: Taking His Time - Harry/Draco; PG
[info]ivylady in [info]snarry_games: The Gates of Dark Death Stand Wide - Harry/Severus; PG *warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: The Purebloods' Dilemma - Millicent/Adrian, Katie/Marcus; NC-17

Works In Progress:
[info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink: The Awakening: Blood Feud - updated with parts 4-8; Severus/Remus; R

[info]alisanne: What It's About - Severus/Harry, Albus Severus, James II; G
[info]alisanne: Worth the Wait - Harry/Draco; PG
[info]prayer_at_night: Result of a Sleepless Night - Harry/Severus; G
[info]drachenmina: Sometimes - Severus, Harry; PG *warning*
[info]fancypantsdylan: Watching & Waiting - Harry/Draco; PG
[info]torino10154: Watching, Waiting - Harry/Severus; PG
[info]angela_snape: Reverie and Revelation - Bill/Neville; G
[info]red_day_dawning: Do We Really Need To Speak? - Remus/Severus; NC-17

[info]avialle: Quick & Dirty - Severus/Draco; NC-17 *Warnings* 16-year-old sex
[info]didodikali: Triskelion - Dobby and friends; NC-17
[info]cluegirl in [info]snarry_games: The Hero's Return - Harry/Severus; PG-13

Community News:
[info]neville100: Posted Prompt 81 - Philosophy
[info]snapedome: Wants to know what you think about Snape's pet
[info]snarry1oo: Posted challenge 174 - Watching Severus
[info]slythindor100: Posted Challenge 112
[info]slytherin_100: Is on hiatus till October

[info]snapenews: Posted a new issue - August 4-5th
[info]quibbler_report: Posted a new issue - August 5th
[info]dailysnitch: Posted a new issue - August 5th
[info]quibbler_report: Posted a new issue - August 6th

[info]gaycrow: Posted a Resource List for Snarry fans

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2009-08-05 23:25
Subject: Wednesday Editio
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]rushlight: Darkness Falls - (Harry/Riddle, R)
[info]alisanne: A Valiant Effort - (Hermione/Sirius/Remus, Harry/Ron, NC-17, *warings*)
[info]joanwilder in [info]snarry_games: Sex, Lies, and Audiobooks - (Severus/Harry, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]queenjane: If You Can't Choose... - (Dean/Ginny/Seamus, NC-17, *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Draco's Choice - (Draco/Hermione, NC-17)

Works In Progress:
[info]son_of_darkness: The Comprehension Series - Updated with chapter 93/? (Albus Severus/Scorpius, PG)

[info]torino10154: Birthday Wish - (Draco/Neville, PG)
[info]ensnarryed: Procrastinating Horribly - (Severus/Harry, Unrated)
[info]red_day_dawning: A well-brewed Potion - (Severus/Remus, PG-13)
[info]red_day_dawning: We Need To Talk - (Severus/Remus, G)
[info]ellid: The Concert, III - (Severus/Remus, Unrated)

[info]jin_fenghuang: Chibi Dump - Draco
[info]jin_fenghuang: Chibi dump - Hermione
[info]__hibiscuc in [info]snarry_games: Eat - (Severus/Harry, PG)

Community News:
[info]daily_deviant: Monthly Wrap-Up - April 2009
daily_deviant Monthly Warp-Up - May 2009
[info]daily_deviant: Monthly Wrap-Up - June 2009
[info]daily_deviant: Monthly Wrap-Up - July 2009
[info]snupin100: Challenge 220 - We Need To Talk
[info]xnevillelovingx: 30 Days of Neville 2009 - Masterlist
[info]snapedom: July SNARC Winner
[info]lupin_snape: Mid-week round-up
[info]severusbigbang: Latecomer Sign ups start Friday

[info]dailysnitch: Tuesday, August 4, 2009
[info]sirius_news: August 5

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2009-08-03 22:18
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

One Shots:
[info]celandineb: Mr Box 334 - Draco, Severus, ?; NC-17 *warnings*
[info]queenjane: For Love of the Game - Seamus/Ginny; NC-17 *warnings*
[info]queenjane: A Turn of Mind - Herimione/Parvati; NC-17
[info]perfica in [info]snarry_games: The Shadowless Hereafter - Severus/Harry; PG-15 *warnings*
Anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Every Good Boy Dreams Fine - Pansy/Scorpius; NC-17 *warnings*

Works In Progress:
[info]lilyseyes: My Son - Updated with part 7/? (Severus, Harry; R *warnings*)

[info]angela_snape: Ace of Cakes - Bill/Neville; PG
[info]red_day_dawning: Severus Watched - Severus/Harry; R
[info]drachenmina: Soon - Severus/Harry, Harry/Ginny; PG
[info]torino10154: More Than Luck - Severus/Harry; G
[info]ellid: The Concert, I - Remus/Severus; NR
[info]sweetmelodykiss: Superstar - Severus/Harry; PG-13

[info]protowilson: Severus On Holiday - Severus; NR
[info]clayangel: Late Night Tutoring Session - Hermione, Neville, Ron; NC-17
[info]ariadneelda in [info]snarry_games: Vagaries of Perception - Severus/Harry; G
[info]jin_fenghuang: but who am I - Tonks; PG

Community News:
[info]draco100: Posted a new prompt

[info]longbottom_wkly: Posted a new issue for August 3
[info]sirius_news: Posted a new issue for August 3
[info]snapenews: Updated with a new issue for August 1-2

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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January 2012