Your daily dose of HP news - January 20th, 2012
- slow and unreliable

Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]potter_prophet (posted by [info]kabal42)
Date: 2012-01-20 19:52
Subject: The Potter Prophet bids goodbye
Security: Public
The Editors feels:sad sad

Dear Readers!

It is with a lot of sadness and regret that we're announcing the end of the Potter Prophet. The last edition will be published on the 31st January. We've been here since 17. August 2007, so it's been 4.5 years. A fair run, we feel, though we wish it would have been longer. The Prophet won't be deleted, so if you have links to any posts or the like, they won't be broken.
Truth be told, it's simply too much work for what our recent poll proved was a small readership. There are only four of us, and we haven't been able to get any more help, despite looking, so it has become less and less possible for us to keep this up.

We would like to say a deep and heartfelt thank you to everyone who has read, linked, followed, shared and, not the least, worked on the Potter Prophet over the years.

And to our colleagues on other newsletters: It was an honour to be listed next to you - good luck in the future.

We wish everyone here on InsaneJournal all the best - we will miss this and you all ♥ (I'll stop writing now before I get wibbly.)

All the best,
The Potter Prophet Team, [info]elfflame, [info]sdk, [info]winoniel and [info]kabal42

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January 2012