August 2015




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Jul. 28th, 2015


Text to Peter Parker:
>>How is your summer going, Peter?
>>Keeping up with your studies?

Tony Stark:
>> I am thinking of hosting a charity event for the refugees of Sokovia.
>> Would you be interested in joining me for this effort?


Who: Norman Osborn
Where: Oscorp Building
When: July 28th, 2015
What: Norman is working late while contemplating the future for his company and himself.
Warnings: n/a
Status: n/a

Another day at Oscorp )

Jul. 26th, 2015


The last week of the Columbia science summer camp classes starts tomorrow. I've been having so much fun aside from worrying about Peter. Next month will be prepping for the new school year. Fun - biochemistry, genetics.

Other than that - StarkTech Conference. I want to go.

Peter )

Private )

Jul. 22nd, 2015


Somebody on my Facebook newsfeed posted this really intense video on the Chattanooga shootings and was all like, positive about it. I didn't want to say anything, so I just unfriended her. But the tone was scary. 'Yesterdays's moderates are today's terrorists'. So much anger. I talked to my parents about it, and my father said that this was how it was like, after 9/11. All Muslims became the target of bias and hate crimes out of anger and fear over what happened. And now the mosque that we attend has asked everybody to be cautious. It's rants like this video that inspire more violence.

Jul. 21st, 2015


» I'm in your old neighborhood. You want a milkshake from Brooklyn's Old-Fashioned?
» Or one of those Gluten-Free Organic Wraps from the stand that used to be a news vendor where you earned a whole dime for selling papers?

Golden Corral?
I need you to pull all the transmissions that were intercepted that allowed for Dr. Banner's rescue. Everything that came from that part of the ocean, along that trajectory. I need satellite surveillance. I'll need them to follow a trail.

Jul. 20th, 2015


WHO. Foggy Nelson & Matt Murdock
WHEN. A couple of days after Matt got introduced to Elektra's nice, sharp sai.
WHAT. Matt can sit up without looking like garbage. There is stuff to be done.
WHERE. His place.
STATUS. In progress log.


I am incapable of tolerating my own heart. )


» I have a name for you.
» But I'm giving it to you in person, T.


Text Message to Tony Stark in the Middle of Another Frustrating Meeting )


Backhistory: Black Widow & Winter Soldier #2

WHO: James & Natalia.
WHEN: A few days after this, and some time after.
WHERE: All over.
WHAT: The end.
STATUS: Some nudity, but mostly it's just severe beatings and horrendous outcomes.

Two days later saw plans changing once more. )


Backhistory: Black Widow & Winter Soldier #1

WHO: The Winter Soldier, Black Widow
WHEN: Some time in 2003. The span of 5 months.
WHERE: All over the place.
WHAT: The Black Widow moves to the next level: training with the Winter Soldier. Things do not go as their handler's planned.
WARNINGS: I mean, they are a couple of assassins so talk of murder (in this case, of a child), fighting, bruising, and finally, a whole lot of smut.

''The girl interrupted. No survivors.'' )


WHIH Headlines for July 20, 2015

  • The Republic of South Korea $1.2 billion approved Seoul recovery package for damages from recent Avengers related incident.

  • Sokovia: 15,000 displaced.

  • Senator Willis: 'Avengers will be held accountable.'

  • Public Poll: 73% Show Concern About Super-Powered Beings.

  • Fisk still remains at large; manhunt still ongoing.

  • Feds to review Rikers footage of escape.

  • StarkTech Conference 2015 to kick off next week; promises of hotly anticipated new products to be announced.

  • Giorgio Armani: Latest line inspired by 'Steve Rogers Military Chic'

Follow us on:
Twitter: @WHIHOfficial

Jul. 19th, 2015


Bucky if you're out there
How are you all dealing with the heat?

We're training double-time. You all did well working together to rescue Bruce but it's important we work fluidity; anytime we're in public, we're a single entity. The barbecue in Central Park was good but the next time there is a level threat, we need to be seen as the team that gets things done with minimal loss of property and minimal loss of life. I'm counting on all of you to be on your A-game.

I probably shouldn't be doing this.

That chopper on the boat.


log: bobbi & skye

who. Skye & Bobbi
when. Now!
what. Girls don't want boys, girls want knuckle tape and girls who will spot for them.
rating. SFW.
status. Completed log.

Someone’s here to hit something. )


A lot of exciting announcements are coming down the pipeline here at SI. Stay tuned.

[Steve & Natasha]

Things are changing in Washington. Demands for more transparency are finally taking shape: they want the Avengers to answer to somebody now. A committee or council of some sort. I don't know who will be on it but I suspect it will be a mix of Congress, military, and whoever has enough money to throw around. Not so much WSC though, at least.

I don't yet know when it will be formalized. Definitely before the year's out, though.

Bruce's status needs to be kept a secret though. No one can know he's back on U.S. soil. They'll make him into a example.


I need your analysis on the chemicals HYDRA used to subdue Banner. Full work up. Our moonshot is finding a formula that can counteract a Hulk transformation after the fact, but we'll take prevention.

Jul. 18th, 2015


WHO: Tony Stark & various Congressional members
WHEN: Earlier today.
WHAT: Things in Washington are moving along at a swift clip for once. Unfortunately.
Status: Complete; narrative.


Apparently, mutual hatred of Tony Stark truly was a unifying force. )


Ramadan ended yesterday, and while I was glad to celebrate it, I'm just as happy to finally eat during the day again, OMG! This video totally sums it up. LOL! I totally did that thing, where I ate something and then remembered and spit it out. Me and my family went to the mosque for Eid al-Fitr and have been visiting relatives all day. I'm secretly updating on my phone.

A month of fasting made me kinda weak. A cousin of mine suggested I take some vitamins and supplements, so my Ammi bought me some. Fish oil capsules? Ew. I hope it doesn't taste fishy.

Jul. 17th, 2015


[Private to the Avengers + Tony]

I've been staring at this blank screen for hours, trying to think of how to begin. But I owe you all an explanation and an apology.

I left because I was overwhelmed. I didn't want to fight any more, I didn't want to release the Other Guy again. What happened in Johannesburg cinched it. Even though it wasn't technically my fault, my mind had been fucked up with, it was still me who caused all that destruction and the loss of lives. I could've killed Tony. And it could happen again.

So I ran. I admit, I'm a coward. It was a reflex reaction. Hey, it worked before, right? I managed to stay hidden for nine years. Or at least SHIELD let me think that way. It was a blissfully ignorant nine years, where all I had to worry about was myself and dealing with my anger issues, and helping other people as best I could. I hoped to return, or recapture, that simpler time.

The reason why I didn't didn't contact any of you - I've been asking myself that, because I know you'd be asking, too. The only answer I could come up with is that I was punishing myself. I'm a monster, I don't deserve kindness or friends or lovers. Anyways, I figured that since SHIELD knew where I was the first time I was hiding, it wouldn't be that difficult to locate me if I was needed.

Thing is, HYDRA found me first. And I always took it for granted that the Other Guy was strong enough to protect me, that he was invincible. But somehow they've come up with that drug to put the breaks on my transformation and knock me out. Now I'm even more scared, because I can imagine the damage they could cause if they could get a hold of my blood, sample my DNA, make clones or perform experiments to create other monsters, as bad as Emil Blonsky, or worse.

I'm sorry I ditched you guys. I really am. I don't know what else to say. I've learned my lesson that I can't run away from my problems, I'm here to face them. Or at least try to.

Whatever you guys decide to do with me, I'm fine with it. But this awkward silence is driving me up the wall.

Jul. 16th, 2015


who. Tony Stark & Steve Rogers
when. Backdated to approximately a month ago; or, rather, at least backdated prior to the rescue-Bruce operation.
what. Bros. Tony brought pressies.
rating. SFW.
status. Completed log.


Rocks fall, everybody dies. )


Who: Leo Fitz and OPEN
Where: SHIELD HQ; Specifically in the room containing the Monolith
When: July 10, 2015 (Backdated)
What: Fitz continues to ponder the Monolith while blocking out those around him.
Warnings: n/a
Status: TBD (Will be complete if left alone to become a narrative)

I hate this rock )


WHO: Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner
WHEN: Today.
WHERE: Bruce's room on the Avengers compound.
WHAT: Let the angsting begin.
STATUS: There's some rage going around. No Code Green though.

''Up for visitors?'' )

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