August 2015




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Feb. 5th, 2015


WHO: Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Fandral
WHAT: The boys play weapons (swords)!
WHEN: now!
WHERE: The workout room in the Tower
RATING: Macho (ie: weapons but no violence, tame language)

You know I’m not a superhero, right?...No magic powers, no healing abilities, nothing. If you cut something off, it absolutely will not grow back. )

Jan. 18th, 2015


WHO: Sif, Thor, Jane, Fandral, Volstagg, and a Dr Strange
WHEN: BACKDATED to after this exchange.
WHERE: Avengers Tower, Sif's quarters.
WHAT: The Lady Sif is not herself, and all who can come to aid the fight.
WARNINGS: Somewhat disturbing poisoning? Fantastical themes! Upholstery defiling.

The Lady Sif is not herself. )

Jan. 10th, 2015


Who: Jane, Thor, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg
Where: Jane Foster's Home For Wayward Asgardians apartment
What: IC/OOC Family Dinner (and a movie) at Jane's
When: Saturday night as invited
Warnings Most likely nothing; Aesir have good manners

Dinner at Jane's )

Jan. 6th, 2015


Thanks to everyone who sent me a kind message yesterday; sorry I can't respond to all of you. Those of you who were unkind can

This is Cecilia Payne )

[All the Aesir: Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg]
I need a break from work and I thought you all might want to get out of the Tower for a bit. Dinner and a movie at my place Saturday? Say 6:30?

Jan. 5th, 2015


Who: Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral - Thor is invited, Loki is invited, Sif is invited!
When: Backdated to a less complicated time
Where: Asgard
What: What Asgardians do best!
Rating: High-ish? Heavy drinking and likely violence, later - you know those Aesir!

'For Odin!' he loudly declared, dedicating his feat to the All-Father... )

Dec. 29th, 2014


Who: Volstagg - Jane and/or whomever would like to greet Volstagg
When: Backdated to around the time when Sif is beserking
Where: Central Park, NYC
What: Volstagg's arrival
Rating: Low

The driver had seen many strange sights, but this one took the cake... )

Dec. 27th, 2014


Who: Jane, Thor, and Fandral
Where: Jane's lab at the Tower
When: BACKDATED immediately following Thor's return from Amsterdam
What: Jane and Thor are reunited for about three minutes before Fandral arrives to brief Thor on their Aether problem
Rating: It's two Asgardians and Jane so... PG for kissing

''You did commit treason for me so...'' She shrugged. ''Are those sandwiches?'' )


You must provide me a full account of your adventures with the Lady Sif, sir. She has fallen extremely ill and I know not how or why, only that it began after your return.

Sif has taken ill. The Aether is our priority, as the All-Father has commanded, but Sif must be made whole. She will be instrumental in recovering it and she is our good friend and comrade.

Dec. 18th, 2014


Who: Natasha Romanoff & Fandral
What: Fandral has questions and Natasha has answers; also Natasha has questions and Fandral may have answers.
When: The day after Natasha's return from Amsterdam (BACKDATED)
Where: Avengers' Tower
Warnings: N/A

In these Nether lands, were there marauders to vanquish? )

Dec. 6th, 2014


Who: Fandral and Jane Foster, special appearance by NPC!Hawkeye
What: Intergalactic guest of honor
When: Thursday evening, 10:00ish after this.
Where: Midgard: Queens, Flushing Meadows park
Warnings: Nothing but manners

We’re not used to having advance notice before somebody shows up, everyone was nervous it might be someone else. Something else. )