August 2015




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Jul. 20th, 2015


» I have a name for you.
» But I'm giving it to you in person, T.

Jul. 14th, 2015


Who: The Avngers, HYDRA NPCs, Bruce Banner
Where: South Pacific Ocean
When: Tueday, July 14, not long after this announcement
What: The Avengers rescue Banner from HYDRA's clutches
Warnings: PG-13
Status: incomplete OOC / IC

Avengers Assemble... )

Jan. 15th, 2015


It was a good thing that the ammonia leak on the International Space Station turned out to be a false alarm. I'm still glad I got the chance to test the Iron Patriot armor's space capabilities. I'm not sorry we had a chance to drill everybody on the ground on the procedures that we'd need if we had to evacuate the ISS, or even just one section of it, on short notice.

Special thanks to Commander Chris Hadfield for talking me through my part from the ground. Couldn't have done it without you.

Jan. 5th, 2015


Who: Rhodey and OPEN (could be you) to anyone in the Tower Clint Barton
What: Overdue visit to Stark from its military liaison turns into an awkward encounter in the elevator
When: This afternoon
Where: Stark Tower NYC
Warnings: TBD, hopefully none

Inspecting Stark facilities in New York was one way of doing so that neither the brass nor civilian overseers on the Hill could complain about. )


State of the Company. )

I see that both you and Coulson made it out alive, Cap. Good talk?

Hi. Hoping the flowers are still sitting in a nice vase somewhere and not at the bottom of your garbage bin.

[Science Brother from Another Mother]
Hey -- could use your medical expertise. I've brushed up on my bio/chem/physio in the last 12 hours but I'd like to not take chances.

I never did ask, but...dark matter detector?

One more game. Eight-ball.

Dec. 21st, 2014


[Filtered to Tony]
We have a problem. We have several problems. One of them is named Fury, one of them is named Barton, and one of them is named "what in the name of the ever-loving Almighty are the two of them doing in a closed ex-SHIELD facility stealing things five minutes ahead of a HYDRA assault?". And one of them is named "what did they steal that they had to cut the guy's hand off?".

I've got dead soldiers, dead HYDRA, and no answers. I need some answers because if I have to give them Barton and no explanation, Blackwood is going to eat your heart for breakfast on the Senate floor, and Barton will end up in the sort of black ops jail that makes Gitmo look like the sort of minimum-security pen where Wall Street brokers take vacations between jobs.

What's going on? No bullshit, Tony. I need to know five minutes ago.


WHO: SHEEPs (May, Fury), Avengers (Barton, Romanoff), & HYDRA (& Rhodey!), oh my.
WHEN: Today.
WHERE: The oldest SHIELD storage facility in a classified location.
WHAT: They have the map, now it was time to procure the key. It never goes easy, does it?
WARNINGS: The usual action/violence that comes with HYDRA clashes. The Obelisk gets a little horrifying action too.

This is Colonel James Rhodes, US Air Force. My men have this building surrounded. You are under arrest for trespassing in a federal facility. Put your weapons down and your hands up. )

Dec. 17th, 2014


Sony, btw, does not use Stark Server Technology.

Dec. 16th, 2014


Who: Rhodey and Tony
What: Shooting the breeze and catching up on their many woes
When: This afternoon
Where: Tony's lab
Warnings: Language

He wanted to tell Rhodey about these things. Wanted to, but knew he couldn’t. There were a lot of things they could no longer talk to each other about and, huh, when had that happened? )

Dec. 7th, 2014


Who: Col. James Rhodes, USAF, and the Senate Intelligence Committee
What: Classified hearing about Stark Global Services and the Avengers project
When: Last week
Where: US Capitol, Washington DC
Warnings: Nefarious deeds afoot.

For instance, in the event of a war, could we rely on Iron Man? )

Aug. 7th, 2014


[SHIELD (current & former (non HYDRA only)), AVENGERS, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson, James Rhodes, Sharon Carter, ] (if you think you should be on this, let me know, it's SHIELD, avengers, etc)
Following up on Captain Rogers' assessment, I think it'd be useful for all of us to have a sit down to get a bit more organized. I think a lot of are missions overlap and in the interest of furthering collaboration among our groups and simplifying intel sharing. It seems almost everyone will be in attendance for the gala on August 20, so I suggest August 21 at 2pm at Stark Tower. Refreshments and hangover food will be provided.

Lola is not a cheap whore, Tony. Do I need to take back my agreement to let you work on her?

Aug. 4th, 2014


Who: Rhodey & Falcon
Where: The VA, Washington DC
When: August 3rd
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Jul. 26th, 2014


I have to say that working as a guard for the President isn't exactly what I expected. Now though, I have some leave and I attend to make the most of it.

Tony & Pepper
Hope there's room for one more person at the Tower.