August 2015




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Feb. 16th, 2015


I'd forgotten that I really love discount chocolate day. There's nothing like stocking up for practically nothing and eating it while you watch one of your favorite movies. Especially when it's so cold out.

How do y

Feb. 14th, 2015


[Avengers, Pepper]

If you guys didn't see it already, my Congress interview did not go well. I thought they wanted information but they want to shut down my research and are suspicious of Asgard and another attack. I refused to answer when they asked about my relationship with Thor. I'd really not like to have to do that again but they threatened to try again with a subpoena. It was so bad.

[Thor, Sif, Warriors Three]

Every year at this time, an organization called the Girl Scouts sell cookies and they're delicious. I got you guys each two boxes of Thin Mints (green box) and Samoas (purple box). They're in the lounge.


I have no idea if you can be called into Congress but it wouldn't surprise me if they tried. It almost sounds like they want to blame you for New Mexico and London at least, probably for New York too. I don't want you to be surprised if the government starts looking at you.

And they asked about you and me. We're linked together now and that means there's probably going to be attention on us now. Media attention. Publicly.

Jan. 19th, 2015


[Avengers, Pepper]

I've received something. It's not a subpoena but I've been asked by Congress to for my expert testimony regarding wormholes. Does this kind of thing happen a lot?

Jan. 2nd, 2015


WHO. Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & a Happy Hogan cameo
WHERE. Stark Industries
WHEN. After the New Year. Happy 2015.
WHAT. Pepper has a little 'blow up & catch fire' problem.
STATUS. Complete


Baby, you're scaring me. )

Dec. 17th, 2014


... so when you don't answer your phone, I go into panic mode. Because your phone is in your brain.

Nov. 19th, 2014


If you're in country, and not given to random explosive acts of violence
if you're not a liability
... explosiveness, why don't you consider joining us at the Covenant House, where we'll be serving Thanksgiving dinner. On Thanksgiving.
Think of the good press
So, there will be turkey too.

Nov. 17th, 2014


I'm Jessica.

I don't know how long I'll be here but I'll try to keep out of the way.

[Filtered to Carol]
Hey, going to be out of my apartment for a while. Taking care of somethings. if you need me, I'm still around.

Nov. 16th, 2014


First of all, I just want to say that our hearts and prayers go out to the lives lost in New Mexico. Rest assured, this attack will not go unanswered.

Stark Enterprises is happy to cooperate with all congressional inquiries. It is, after all, the people for whom we work, and we all know the U.S. Congress has only the people's best interests at heart.

Saw the news. I'm sorry. I'm doing everything I can to follow up, but for a bunch of weed-smoking, prostitution-loving bicyclers, Amsterdam police are amazingly hard to work with.

Don't worry about this government thing. It will blow over.

Not too late to make a run for the border. Just sayin'.

Added later...

The good news: I've put a thousand books on your tablet for free.

The bad news: You're stuck indoors. No more dog-walking.


Benching Ward. He cannot be seen in light of all the renewed scrutiny. It may be a good idea to turn those HYDRA prisoners over to the proper authorities now. It's not like we can keep them here indefinitely, Agent.


New York is never a dull newsday, it seems. Though reading about superheros and caped crusaders in the daily news still takes some getting used to.

If you find yourself in need of legal counsel in the wake of the congressional investigation, I am at your disposal.

Trial against the punks who robbed the Maria Stark Foundation soup kitchen starts Thursday. It'd be good for the case if Tony showed up to court.

Nov. 13th, 2014


Peru is a country that has carved out a place in my heart for being filled with beauty, warmth, and immense generosity. I was so moved by the wonder that is this country that I picked up a souvenir of my newest favorite R&R destination.

Ladies, Gents, and Other, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Avengers Family:

Steve Rogers. )

The resemblance is uncanny.

Steve'n'Steve. )

Nov. 5th, 2014


Stark Industries has no comment regarding the statement made by Major General Forrest, other than to suggest that the comments regarding our sister organization - Stark Global Securites - are baseless and categorically false. If Major General Forrest would like a tour of our facilities, it would be my own deep and abiding pleasure to personally host him.

A few notes for all of you who, despite some really weird predilections, are doing great. Just really great. Please keep up the greatness, and please keep these notes in mind. I just really want you to think about all the people you're living with.
  • Despite the fact that you all have a kitchen in your apartment areas, you seem to really like using the galley/meeting space. I'm really moved by the way you work together, and apparently eat together. But it's also important to note that you need to clean up after yourself. And in that vein: person who is leaving the bread uncovered, I know who you are. Some of us don't have super-sized immune systems and would prefer to not eat mold.

  • Try to refrain from seeing if you can stick refrigerator magnets on James Barnes' arm. That's really gauche and if it happens, I'm going to find you and we will have a very serious talk about your lack of respect for your fellow residents.

  • While I'm sure everybody likes Nikki Minaj, we don't like it at 3:00 AM booming through the intercom. I've asked JARVIS to root out the source of this music, and if you come to me first, it might actually end up saving time. Which? Nice.

    But I'm really, really glad that you're here. Not that I think it's a great idea to have Earth's Mightiest Heroes all under one roof because, really, if I were some sort of villain, maybe I'd target this building. No. I'm actually really glad you're here because I know you all have each other's backs. And I've got your back.

    So if you need anything, let me know.
  • Sep. 1st, 2014


    So, apparently I've been upgraded from books to actual communication. I don't really understand why but I'm not sure how much of an improvement it'll be, but we'll see.

    So. Is everyone...recovered?


    Aug. 20th, 2014


    August 20, 2014: The Maria Stark Foundation Annual Charity Night Fundraiser


    Welcome to New York City's historic Gotham Hall, a massive and beautiful event space located in the heart of Manhattan at 1356 Broadway. Gotham Hall is style meets sophistication, with brass filigree doors, marble inlaid floors, grand architecture, and a positively soaring gilded ceiling. This oval space boasts 9,980 square feet and holds a max capacity of 800 guests. Given that the MSF charity fundraiser is one of the hottest tickets in town, every one of those tickets has been bought, raffled off, stolen, or scalped.

    How does your character come to attend this event, and are there any other reasons for why they are doing so?

    Aug. 10th, 2014


    Audrey just texted me.

    Jul. 16th, 2014


    To: 'Virginia Potts' <>
    From: 'Me' <>
    Subject: Baby's first suit

    Message Body: )


    Coulson's Team
    So. We have an offer of space, funding and autonomy from Stark Global Securities. Anybody interested in trading the playground in for the Big Apple?

    You free for dinner Thursday night? I've got two tickets to the Shakespeare in the Park.