August 2015




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Feb. 14th, 2015


[Avengers, Pepper]

If you guys didn't see it already, my Congress interview did not go well. I thought they wanted information but they want to shut down my research and are suspicious of Asgard and another attack. I refused to answer when they asked about my relationship with Thor. I'd really not like to have to do that again but they threatened to try again with a subpoena. It was so bad.

[Thor, Sif, Warriors Three]

Every year at this time, an organization called the Girl Scouts sell cookies and they're delicious. I got you guys each two boxes of Thin Mints (green box) and Samoas (purple box). They're in the lounge.


I have no idea if you can be called into Congress but it wouldn't surprise me if they tried. It almost sounds like they want to blame you for New Mexico and London at least, probably for New York too. I don't want you to be surprised if the government starts looking at you.

And they asked about you and me. We're linked together now and that means there's probably going to be attention on us now. Media attention. Publicly.

Jan. 18th, 2015


WHO: Sif, Thor, Jane, Fandral, Volstagg, and a Dr Strange
WHEN: BACKDATED to after this exchange.
WHERE: Avengers Tower, Sif's quarters.
WHAT: The Lady Sif is not herself, and all who can come to aid the fight.
WARNINGS: Somewhat disturbing poisoning? Fantastical themes! Upholstery defiling.

The Lady Sif is not herself. )

Jan. 10th, 2015


Who: Jane, Thor, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg
Where: Jane Foster's Home For Wayward Asgardians apartment
What: IC/OOC Family Dinner (and a movie) at Jane's
When: Saturday night as invited
Warnings Most likely nothing; Aesir have good manners

Dinner at Jane's )

Jan. 6th, 2015


Thanks to everyone who sent me a kind message yesterday; sorry I can't respond to all of you. Those of you who were unkind can

This is Cecilia Payne )

[All the Aesir: Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg]
I need a break from work and I thought you all might want to get out of the Tower for a bit. Dinner and a movie at my place Saturday? Say 6:30?

Jan. 5th, 2015


Who: Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral - Thor is invited, Loki is invited, Sif is invited!
When: Backdated to a less complicated time
Where: Asgard
What: What Asgardians do best!
Rating: High-ish? Heavy drinking and likely violence, later - you know those Aesir!

'For Odin!' he loudly declared, dedicating his feat to the All-Father... )

Dec. 29th, 2014


Who: Volstagg - Jane and/or whomever would like to greet Volstagg
When: Backdated to around the time when Sif is beserking
Where: Central Park, NYC
What: Volstagg's arrival
Rating: Low

The driver had seen many strange sights, but this one took the cake... )