August 2015




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Oct. 29th, 2014


Who: Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym
What: Janet finds out Hank is back in town.
When: Today
Where: Hank's place
Warnings: Janet will get upset, and that's not good for anybody

Hank, are you here?... )

Oct. 9th, 2014


Who: Janet Van Dyne, those who got an invitation, basically, if you want your character to attend and can think of a good reason why they could be there, then go for it!
What: Halloween Party!
When: Saturday, October 18, evening
Where: Mandarin Oriental Hotel's Lotus Ballroom
Status: OPEN

It was a graveyard smash! )

Aug. 20th, 2014


August 20, 2014: The Maria Stark Foundation Annual Charity Night Fundraiser


Welcome to New York City's historic Gotham Hall, a massive and beautiful event space located in the heart of Manhattan at 1356 Broadway. Gotham Hall is style meets sophistication, with brass filigree doors, marble inlaid floors, grand architecture, and a positively soaring gilded ceiling. This oval space boasts 9,980 square feet and holds a max capacity of 800 guests. Given that the MSF charity fundraiser is one of the hottest tickets in town, every one of those tickets has been bought, raffled off, stolen, or scalped.

How does your character come to attend this event, and are there any other reasons for why they are doing so?

Aug. 16th, 2014


[Text to Tony]
✉ I need some advice.
✉ And possibly a dance instructor.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Who: Hank Pym & Janet Van Dyne
When: August 11th, 2014
Where: Hank's laboratory
What: Hank gets a call from a financial backer with his own ideas for Pym Particles. Hank refuses and Janet is likely to have a laugh or two at his expense.

A potential alternative use for Pym Particles. )