August 2015




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Aug. 10th, 2014


[Maria Hill]

I need access to the fastest jet in your fleet.


Trace Coulson's mobile and send the live coordinates to me.

Aug. 7th, 2014


[SHIELD (current & former (non HYDRA only)), AVENGERS, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson, James Rhodes, Sharon Carter, ] (if you think you should be on this, let me know, it's SHIELD, avengers, etc)
Following up on Captain Rogers' assessment, I think it'd be useful for all of us to have a sit down to get a bit more organized. I think a lot of are missions overlap and in the interest of furthering collaboration among our groups and simplifying intel sharing. It seems almost everyone will be in attendance for the gala on August 20, so I suggest August 21 at 2pm at Stark Tower. Refreshments and hangover food will be provided.

Lola is not a cheap whore, Tony. Do I need to take back my agreement to let you work on her?

Aug. 3rd, 2014


WHO: Grant Ward & Maria Hill (with a surprise guest appearance by Melinda May)
WHAT: Ward gets yet another visit from a curious old co-worker. This time, though, it's not one who warrants any fondness from him.
WHEN: August 3rd
WHERE: Avengers Tower, Floor 60; Ward's Cell

Even if he was only a small cog in a very large machine that had toppled everything, he had even sins to his name that none of them should have been willing to give him a second look. )

Jul. 26th, 2014


Who: Maria Hill & Phil Coulson
Where: Coulson's Room, Stark Tower
When: Not long after their conversation here BACKDATED
What: A talk between two old co-workers
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Jul. 21st, 2014


Tower Residents & SGS / SHIELD Staff
In case you missed the memo, yes, I'm alive. Yes, I really died. No, I'm not a LMD.

We clear on that?

Team Coulson
Back from Italy. What do you guys say to a night of pizza and sorting through intel?

I brought you a present. Well, two actually.

Steve Rogers
Brought a HYDRA agent back from Italy. In case you want to interrogate him. Or Ward.


Avengers Tower & Current + Former SHIELD Minions.

It's good to see more people survived than I first anticipated. It's really hard to do a headcount when you're scattered.

I know I'm not part of the main welcome wagon, but if there's anything I can do to help everyone get settled, let me know. I'm Bobbi Morse, for anyone that wouldn't already know. Which, I imagine, would just be a handful of you.

Oh, and Simmons? I think there's someone down in R&D who will be happy to see you're in one piece. Dr. Weaver has been rather concerned, considering your last position before the comms went down.

Jul. 17th, 2014


Coulson & May
I would like some time alone with Ward. I have things to discuss with him.

Jul. 16th, 2014


Private to Friends and Tower Residents )
Private to R & D Department )
Private to Tony )


I would greatly appreciate it if the criminal element could catch the honesty bug that the good guys have contracted.

I'm not asking them to retire from crime all together. I just want a little help. Just tell me where you are and I can get my money.  Less time on the run for you and less having to stay in shitty motels for me.

Jul. 15th, 2014


Okay, so just so you know, Everhart doesn't actually like me very much in fact she pretty much loathes me on a personal level, so these are words of very high praise. Just saying.

[Private to Bruce]

I could probably tell Cap how to turn off anon commenting, but where's the fun in that?


The longer I live, the more I understand that the world consistently renews itself. And as much as I am in awe of her ability to survive - and thrive - in the bleakest of circumstances, I think what strikes me most today is that the world is so much larger than we'd ever thought, or even hoped. There are worlds beyond our borders; worlds within worlds within our own little sphere and somehow, we're meant to all remain centered while we focus on the most basic elements of our own lives.

Ladies and gentlemen, sometimes that isn't possible. Sometimes, in order for the good people of earth to continue dwelling in peace someone must become a mediator -- a rock, against which all the waves of the worlds can buffet themselves against. I tell you right now - and with no lack of love - that as your Avengers, the same team that rebuffed the alien attacks in New York City, we are here for you. And we will continue to be here for you, whenever you need us.