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Feb. 16th, 2015


I'd forgotten that I really love discount chocolate day. There's nothing like stocking up for practically nothing and eating it while you watch one of your favorite movies. Especially when it's so cold out.

How do y

Dec. 11th, 2014


New York's always so pretty during the holidays.

What do we do now?

Is it always like this? What you guys do?
Hey. I'm sorry we How are you doing?


Charlie Brown, wow. (I'm burning through my DVR - all the Rankin Bass specials are next, so watch out.)

When you sit back and look at everything that one Christmas special gave to the world (and even though it's 50 in your mind, it's still pretty new to me) -- not only do you get a host of really good jazz, but we all get to sit on our laurels and be reminded that Christmas is actually about giving.

I remember
It's important, more than ever before, to remember each other. And it's important to put others first -- if we're all looking out for one another, I can guarantee that everybody's back is covered.

Let's circle the wagons. You've had a tough few weeks, (days, months, lifetimes ...) and I want to hear about what's happened. I also want to hear about our next steps. We've been batting clean up to HYDRA too much and I'd like to get one step ahead of them.

So, that means sharing key learnings and re-molding our strategy. And Stark, I know that sharing really isn't your strong suit but give her a whirl.

Hey, you.

Dec. 10th, 2014


Who: Natasha Romanoff, Julie Power, Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, and Eli Bradley
What: Where there's trouble, there are the Young Avengers.
When: A few days after the Avengers return from the Netherlands. (Now.)
Where: Midtown Manhattan, just south of Central Park
Warnings: (Superhero style) Violence, language. Kidnapping of a teenager. More Failvenging.

The girl was young, small. She'd be easy to take, as long as they could get her off the streets fast enough. )

Dec. 9th, 2014


Who: Jan, Tony, Natasha, Thor, Sif, and Julie. + some nefarious Nefaria criminals, etc.
When: Immediately following this.
Where: Building D, Roeterseiland & Nieuwe Achtergracht, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For the most part.
What: Janet goes to rescue her father, gets in a bit over her head. Fortunately the Avengers have her back.
Warnings: Violence, many many deaths. Failvengers.

Who says I’m not ready? )

Nov. 17th, 2014


I don't know who you are or why you took him, but I'll pay whatever you want to return my father.

Nov. 16th, 2014


First of all, I just want to say that our hearts and prayers go out to the lives lost in New Mexico. Rest assured, this attack will not go unanswered.

Stark Enterprises is happy to cooperate with all congressional inquiries. It is, after all, the people for whom we work, and we all know the U.S. Congress has only the people's best interests at heart.

Saw the news. I'm sorry. I'm doing everything I can to follow up, but for a bunch of weed-smoking, prostitution-loving bicyclers, Amsterdam police are amazingly hard to work with.

Don't worry about this government thing. It will blow over.

Not too late to make a run for the border. Just sayin'.

Added later...

The good news: I've put a thousand books on your tablet for free.

The bad news: You're stuck indoors. No more dog-walking.


Benching Ward. He cannot be seen in light of all the renewed scrutiny. It may be a good idea to turn those HYDRA prisoners over to the proper authorities now. It's not like we can keep them here indefinitely, Agent.


Avengers in the headlines, not a good thing.

[Avengers, SHIELD]

I'm back at the Tower.

Sorry for the mess, Tony. I can honestly say it wasn't all my fault. You've read the reports, I assume. One good thing, I guess, is the Abomination is back in custody.

The public reports deleted the fact that Nick Fury was there.

Nov. 13th, 2014


Peru is a country that has carved out a place in my heart for being filled with beauty, warmth, and immense generosity. I was so moved by the wonder that is this country that I picked up a souvenir of my newest favorite R&R destination.

Ladies, Gents, and Other, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Avengers Family:

Steve Rogers. )

The resemblance is uncanny.

Steve'n'Steve. )

Nov. 9th, 2014


When you see the good in someone, you don't give up on that someone. Even when they don't see it themselves.

This Tuesday is Remembrance Day. For every man or woman who has been beside me in a foxhole, and for every man or woman who gave of themselves to further the cause of personal freedom and collective independence, you have my respect. And whether your battlefield was on the sea, in the air or in the shadows -- it's your efforts, and your protection that keeps us safe.

Here are some facts about the veteran community you might not know:
  • Veterans between the ages of 18 and 30 are twice as likely as adults in the general population to be homeless, and the risk of homelessness increases significantly among young veterans who are poor.

  • Roughly 56% of all homeless veterans are African-American or Hispanic, despite only accounting for 12.8% and 15.4% of the U.S. population respectively.

  • About 53% of individual homeless veterans have disabilities, compared with 41% of homeless non-veteran individuals.

  • Half suffer from mental illness; two-thirds suffer from substance abuse problems; and many from dual diagnosis (which is defined as a person struggling with both mental illness and a substance abuse problem).

  • Homeless veterans tend to experience homelessness longer than their non-veteran peers: Veterans spend an average of nearly six years homeless, compared to four years reported among non-veterans.

  • Join me at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, 11/11 for a remembrance gathering in Battery Park. Join me to make lunch for our veterans in NYC. We'll have music, and we'll have opportunities to meet one another. There will also be employers and colleges looking to partner with veterans to give them a running start.

    I talked to Christine Everhart. She's an award winning investigative journalist, and she wants to hear your story.

    [Sam Sharon Peggy

    How many times have you re-invented yourself?

    Nov. 6th, 2014


    So! I'm curious.

    What is your favorite:
    1. Book/book series
    2. Movie
    3. TV show
    4. Album
    5. Fashion trend
    from the last five years?

    I might come up with other questions, but that's all I have so far.

    Nov. 5th, 2014


    Stark Industries has no comment regarding the statement made by Major General Forrest, other than to suggest that the comments regarding our sister organization - Stark Global Securites - are baseless and categorically false. If Major General Forrest would like a tour of our facilities, it would be my own deep and abiding pleasure to personally host him.

    A few notes for all of you who, despite some really weird predilections, are doing great. Just really great. Please keep up the greatness, and please keep these notes in mind. I just really want you to think about all the people you're living with.
  • Despite the fact that you all have a kitchen in your apartment areas, you seem to really like using the galley/meeting space. I'm really moved by the way you work together, and apparently eat together. But it's also important to note that you need to clean up after yourself. And in that vein: person who is leaving the bread uncovered, I know who you are. Some of us don't have super-sized immune systems and would prefer to not eat mold.

  • Try to refrain from seeing if you can stick refrigerator magnets on James Barnes' arm. That's really gauche and if it happens, I'm going to find you and we will have a very serious talk about your lack of respect for your fellow residents.

  • While I'm sure everybody likes Nikki Minaj, we don't like it at 3:00 AM booming through the intercom. I've asked JARVIS to root out the source of this music, and if you come to me first, it might actually end up saving time. Which? Nice.

    But I'm really, really glad that you're here. Not that I think it's a great idea to have Earth's Mightiest Heroes all under one roof because, really, if I were some sort of villain, maybe I'd target this building. No. I'm actually really glad you're here because I know you all have each other's backs. And I've got your back.

    So if you need anything, let me know.
  • Nov. 4th, 2014


    This year's Winter line of clothes has come out now, with a special photoshoot featuring the Avengers as models! Don't miss it!




    I've designed a new shoe for you. I hope you like it!

    Oct. 29th, 2014


    [Avengers + SHIELD]

    I've been asked by the team at Tony's New Mexico laboratory to come help consult on a project that they've been working on. I shouldn't be there long, and I'll keep in communication in case something happens.

    [Julie Powers]

    I'm going away for a little while. I'd invite you to come along, but you'd probably find it mind numbingly boring. I'm doing you a favor by having you stay here.

    Oct. 17th, 2014



    You're still angry at them for shooting out my arm. Don't be.

    People are anti-vaccinations in the 21st century.

    Oct. 12th, 2014


    This place is It's probably a bad idea to

    I always feel like people look at me funny when I say this, but if we could just skip over the fall pumpkin spice stuff and get right to peppermint everything, that'd be great.

    Oct. 7th, 2014




    I'd say I was sorry but I feel like I should save those up for something big.



    Hope the digs are cozier this time around, Martha.


    You wanted to talk. Talk.

    Oct. 5th, 2014


    Who: Bruce Banner, Julie Power
    Where: Somewhere near the Afghanistan border
    When: A few hours after seeing this message.
    What: Picking up Power
    Warnings: None that I foresee?
    Status: Ongoing

    Miles and miles of sand... )

    Oct. 3rd, 2014



    Hey. So I was told to get on here and say hello to everyone else who's staying at the tower, because this is easier than going door to door. There are a lot of those. And I'm probably not allowed in all of them.

    I'm Julie. Tony said I could stay here for right now, so... I'm going to be around. Is it really 2014

    Oct. 2nd, 2014


    Who: TONY STARK & JULIE POWER & some unimportant guards
    When: Um. Not too long after this.
    Where: A cave. :|
    What: Tony got himself into a bit of trouble and no one knows where he is. Oops. Then he makes a new friend, and helps her remember how to fight back.

    'What's it look like? I want to stay here because it's so cozy?' )

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