August 2015




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Feb. 3rd, 2015


Who: Karla Sofen and Sharon Carter
What: Attempted thievery from an attempting thief
When: During the HYDRA raid on the Bus
Where: Aboard the Bus.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence.

Karla took the case from Jemma, and by way of a final kindness, knocked Jemma unconscious. Then she disappeared through the wall the way she'd come. )


Who: Karla Sofen, Wade Wilson, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Skye, Grant Ward, Antoine Triplett, Lance Hunter (!!), Sharon Carter, Raina, and a few HYDRA mooks
What: HYDRA wants the Obelisk and they won't stop at much to get it
When: Now? Now!
Where: Classified airspace
Warnings: Superheroic violence, Wade's mouth.
Notes:: We have two adjacent logs in the works that run parallel to this that will be -- hopefully -- soon to follow, including Sharon Carter v. Karla and Wade v. May. Stay tuuuuuned! :D

The moment the alarms went off, Phil Coulson was in motion. )

Jan. 8th, 2015


WHO: Grant Ward & Karla Sofen
WHAT: Long overdue therapy session for the emotionally damaged traitor.
WHEN: backdated to before the holidays
WHERE: Karla's office
STATUS: In Progress

Ward wasn't particularly looking forward to this. )

Dec. 17th, 2014


Who: Karla Sofen and Bruce Banner
What: Therapy session
When: Today
Where: Karla's office on the Upper East Side
Warnings: Hulk-related angst; Karla is EVIL.

... I couldn’t admit it, not even to myself. )

Nov. 17th, 2014


Who: Karla Sofen and Jemma Simmons
What: Jemma's very bad horrible no-good therapy session.
When: 17 November, afternoon
Where: Karla's office on the Upper East Side
Warnings: Supervillain at work doing supervillainous things.

The proverbial sword is hovering over my head. )

Oct. 2nd, 2014


Who: Bruce Banner, Karla Sofen
When: Not too long after Bruce made contact with Dr Sofen in this journal entry.
Where: Dr Sofen's office
What: Bruce inquires about starting therapy, and Karla plots evil.
Status: Complete log

Bruce told the receptionist to let Dr Sofen that he was here for his appointment... )

Sep. 21st, 2014


The Sunday papers this week are full of so-called analyses of the child kidnappers who are plaguing the city over the last few weeks and months. The thing about these profiles is that they're based on incomplete information.

With all due respect to our police department, we're not even sure whether the information they have about the kidnappings is complete. Despite the fact that they've assembled enough of a trail to know that the Mayor's daughter isn't the first child to go missing, and that there are common factors, there's no guarantee they've connected all the cases they have--clues may have been hidden or simply overlooked and some disappearances may not have been connected to the case. And with the unfortunate number of street children that live in New York, the disappearance of some victims may never have been noticed.

On top of that, it's not as if NYPD is sharing everything they know with the public, for very good reasons, so it's not as if any so-called profilers have all the information they'd need to assemble a profile. The experts who work for NYPD and the other authorities they may have called in on the case are keeping quiet for a reason.

It wouldn't occur to me to speculate in more than passing on why someone might have kidnapped these children. There are ideas that seem terribly obvious, but without knowing much more than we do, the only likely outcomes are titillating the public and causing distress to the families. Rumor has it that the APA may promulgate an ethics rule forbidding professionals to speculate on television or in print about ongoing cases they're not involved in. I'd be glad to support that measure.

I hope all of the children are home with their families, safe and well, soon.